Was Hamlet Faking His Insanity?

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In Hamlet, he seems to be mad, but there is a question that everyone asks when reading or watching this play “was it, or was it not true that Hamlet was faking his insanity, really suffering, or maybe even both.” First, this is what insanity is: insanity is acting crazy, but not knowing that they’re acting crazy. Also, it’s going through a lot of stress at the same time causing you to act stranger then a normal person. Hamlet was not totally insane. It doesn’t fit.

I’m not saying that Hamlet was faking the whole thing. I mean, having your dad die is bad, but to have your mom marry your uncle. Also to see the ghost of your dead dad. That might make you a bit crazy, but not as crazy as everyone thought Hamlet was. If it wasn’t for Hamlet’s insanity, the King would have known that something was wrong with Hamlet, and might have him killed. If Hamlet didn’t act to make the king believe that he was insane, then the King would have seen it and would figure that Hamlet knew the truth.

Think about it, in today's world, if someone thinks you’re crazy, you can say anything and get away...

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