Hamlet Deception And Insanity

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Hamlet, by William Shakespeare is a story of trickery, spying, and insanity. Each character is wrapped up in a complex plot of trying to trick or spy on someone else. All the characters have an outward appearance that masks their true emotions. Hamlets tactic is to pretend madness and in this way achieving the ability to disguise himself in order to find out information about others. This is done in an effort to find out whether Claudius is innocent of guilty of the king’s death. The 2004 Mariner Webster dictionary definition of sane is: mentally sound and healthy: sensible, rational. Through analysis of Hamlet’s interactions, actions, and thoughts it can be proven that Hamlet’s insanity is only a guise.
Through Hamlets interactions with …show more content…

(QUOTE page 79, line 99)Hamlet approaches Ophelia with his clothes frazzled and seemingly upset on purpose so his actions will reach the king. Then, the king will think him mad, and he will be better disguised. It appears that Hamlet is love sick for Ophelia. He reaches for Ophelia’s hand and then slowly lets it drop. The reader knows that Hamlet is not concerned for Ophelia, he loves her, but at the present moment is more concerned about his fathers death. Therefore, he cannot be mad or love sick for Ophelia.
Hamlets next action is setting up the play to see if Claudius killed King Hamlet. (QUOTE) Hamlets decision to put on this play could not be done by a insane character. Hamlets method of discovering the truth is rational, he uses a systematic approach to find the cause of his fathers …show more content…

He decides that he will put on a play that mimics how Claudius killed King Hamlet and this will determine if the king is innocent: “More relative than this: the play 's the thing/
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king” (ACT SCENE). Hamlet logically decides that he will put on the play. An insane person could not rationally decide how to find out someones innocence.

My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!

Interaction: “though this be madness’ there be method in ‘t (2.2.223-24)

Doesnt killl king
And now I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven;
And so am I revenged. That would be scann'd:
A villain kills my father; and for that,
I, his sole son, do this same villain send
To heaven.
crazy for ophelia turns around when going to england kills polonous puts on play

Hamlet Paper

He is sane

His actions with Heratio he tells him he will act insane in meetings with him later he is sane and looking at situation

His soliloquies playwrites use soliloquies to express feelings hamlet expresses his feelings, shows that he is not insane.

order to madness all his puns and mad comments to specifically with polonesus he wants to seems mad to him so it will get to the

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