To Kill A Mockingbird Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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Compare and contrast To Kill A Mockingbird book and movie When the idea of making a novel into a movie pops up there can be many different opinions on it. After the movie is made people will compare the movie to the novel to decide if the producers did a good job in making the movie. When creating a movie some important scenes or details can be left out because of not enough budget or time. Some important things that were left out of the movie of To Kill A Mockingbird were Calpurnia’s importance of a role model in the kids life’s and there was a lack of display of how bad the town of Maycomb is when it comes to racism. But the movie can also do things well like the trial scene. In the novel of To Kill A Mockingbird Calpurnia is a major influence in the kids lives. She teaches them important life lessons such as how to treat guests as well as not bothering people that don’t want to be talked to. Calpurnia also teaches Scout cursive which is a great thing for her to learn because that is how people write. She punishes then when they get in trouble such as when Scout criticizes …show more content…

The trial scene was portrayed very well based off the novels version of the trial scene. When the trial is taking place they well portray the emotions of the characters compared to the book. Also when the jury is announcing their decision the emotions of the jurors can be seen such as some of the jurors were unhappy of the final decision which is that Tom Robinson is guilty. Atticus is very professional when he questions Bob and Mayella Ewell as well as Heck Tate first off by being polite to them and giving them the respect they deserve even though Bob and Mayella are not giving him any in return. When the jurors make their decision they show racism even though some jurors didn’t like the decision. This racism is shown because it wouldn’t be right if they took the side of the obliviously innocent Tom

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