The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Comparison Essay

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"A baby has brains, but it doesn 't know much. experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get." − L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This quote from the original book shows how the first of anything will not be very good as it was the first of its kind in this case the book turned stage musical turned film adaptation but as the years went by people improved different aspects in order to make the original more entertaining as well as interesting. That would be like how L. Frank Baum says above where the more you learn and see things the more things that you would learn and know. Although the general public is more familiar with the 1939 version it was in fact …show more content…

The original movie was a black and white silent film that only lasted thirteen minutes long and while the characters are still on a quest to find the wizard some of the scenes are moving at a faster tempo or are not included at all as the audience is filled in though text what is happening. In the new version it also starts out in black and white but it there is sound as well as better special effects. As the story progresses the movie gains colour and a whimsical, fantasy look to it making it look similar to Wonderland in `Alice in Wonderland`. The new film 's plot also differs for the original as it shows the audience what happened before Dorothy came to the land of Oz. While analyzing the films there were small aspects that appeared in both like the good witch, wicked witch and the emerald city. Also the newer version had an added concept of romance in the form of a love triangle that explained to the viewers the hatred that the wicked witch has against the good side. With every alternation of things added or removed it changes the story a bit and gives a new perspective into the story but there still remains the backbone of the story that Lyman Frank Baum had written all those years ago. Over time the plot didn 't change all that much but was tweaked to become more appealing as well as modernized with filmmaking

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