The Negetive Aspects of American Education System

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The American Education System has been a core component to the development of generations since it became a public system in the 1870s. Since then more rules, higher expectations for some, and even lower expectations for others have been added to the original structure. In recent years, many debates have surfaced over whether the American education system is failing. Too few they believe the American Education System is on the right track. Most researchers however have shown statistics that it is in fact slowly declining as new acts and regimens are added. It has been on a downward spiral for years and citizens have been watching it happen, the lack of government funding, acts like the No Child Left behind Act, focus in the wrong places, and the curriculum set up is acting as a deterrent for success.
The American Education System is failing, it is benefiting everyone but the student. The Department of Education and NEA partner with psychologists, text book companies, and social workers to what they call fix the education programs provided. Records show that these places have benefitted from this alliance by being given enriched offers and even more political powers (Haugen 25-26). The country is ignoring the root of the problem, the corrupt program structure and the new reform of teaching students for menial jobs is taking over (Haugen 24-25). The factors causing this can be fixed, the question is it being pushed hard enough to be fixed?
The use of standardized tests has led to decreased motivation in students, a totally inaccurate way to assess a districts success, and a curriculum that is focused to strongly on only few subjects. By looking at research we can see that testing reduces children’s intrinsic motivation to learn (...

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Haugen, David M., and Susan Musser. Education. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2009. Print.
Hudson, David L. Educational Standards. New York: Chelsea, 2007. Print.
Mehta, Jal. "Why American Education Fails." Foreign Affairs 2013: 105-16. MasterFILE Main Edition. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. .
Neill, Monty. "Leaving Children Behind: How No Child Left Behind Will Fail Our Children." Phi Delta Kappan 2003, sec. 85.3: n. pag. MasterFILE Main Edition. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
Ryan, Julia. "American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math." The Atlantic Monthly Group, 23 Dec. 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. .

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