The Importance Of Trust On Leadership And Communication

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Introduction The definition of trust, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the secure belief in the character, capability, power, or certainty of someone or something being honest ("Trust | Definition of Trust by Merriam-Webster," 2017). Trust coincides with leadership and communication. A good leader is a person who has individuals listening to them and watching them even though they are not under their leadership. Many leaders use their communication skills to relay messages to employees to help creäte a work culture. By leaders trying to establish a culture within their business, they are trying to build trust amongst their co-workers and employees. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of trust and how it affects leadership and communication within the business environment. Trust will also be discussed on how it is affected by social media. With the …show more content…

Employees should be made to feel comfortable to contribute ideas and suggestions to the owners or managers within their company. By helping to make the employee comfortable they will be encouraged to participate in discussions to better improve projects. They may even offer some insight that the managers, other employees, or even owner may not have not even considered. A rising trend are employees that are starting to work from home. These employees still have to deal with issues of trust in the work place. These employees have to decide on how they define what they choose to trust when dealing with their co-workers, managers and owners of their company. Employees that work from home would like to have their managers to express their opinions when dealing with work topics and what the manager expects from them. This information helps employees to have clarity and to understand the direction that the employees need to go. e-Leaders, Trust and Technology-Mediated

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