Nursing As A Career

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My whole college education has been planned since high school partly because I was taking college classes but mainly because I prefer to be organized and have everything done. Every year I worked harder and harder to get to where I am at and it was not easy but I can say that it is not impossible. Whenever I felt down I would think about my parents and how far they have come and I gained strength to pick myself up. For them, me, and students out there trying to accomplish their goals in a world full of obstacles. Nursing has been my career goal for the longest time because it is a career I see myself fully invested in due to my father’s cancer. My father is my number one fan and when he was diagnosed a few years ago, it only fueled my strength to continue with my desired career. Today he is in remission and living a healthy life with us inspiring me to begin a new chapter in my life. Both he and my mom are very proud of where I am at in my live and I want to continue making them proud. Last year I …show more content…

This was a huge change with everyone in the family because we were all going to be impacted in some way. The first couple of months were confusing, hard, and frustrating because none of us realized the struggle it going to be owning a business. Through trial and error, we all managed to figure out a plan to work the business and so far, it is going great. I can say comfortably that we all responded well, our parents had asked us first and we had a family meeting where we weighed our pros and cons, together. I believe that the business has challenged us, but at the same time it has brought us closer together. It brought out our ideas, creative side, and increased communication within our little family. I learned that I am a quick learner, great with numbers, and an enthusiastic waitress at seven in the morning. I used these newfound skills to help as much as I could while going to

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