My Purpose in Life

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Many people have a stage in their life when they stop for a moment and think “what am I here to do?”. For me that stage in life had arrived a long time ago. I was about fourteen years old, I felt alone, I felt scared, but most of all I felt useless I didn't know in what direction my life was going. I kept asking the Lord to show me, to lead me to what he wants me do to and to shape me into who he wants me to be. When I say purpose most people think about the career I want to have, while having a career is important to me. I feel like that still doesn't complete my purpose. I want to do more for us, for humanity, for our future. I believe my ultimate purpose in life is to help people in need of attention and affection. I think that the Lord has put me through difficult obstacles in life so that I could help the people that went through or are going through the same things that I have left in my past. My motivation for doing this is first of all is knowing that this is what God wants me to do, and knowing that he is blessing me. And then of course is helping the people, seeing their smiles and telling them that they are not alone and that I understand them. And will help them with whatever I can. What I do to achieve my purpose is that I go to many centers, and meet people, mostly children that have been through any kind of abuse. As a child I was bullied at school by my classmates and for this reason I dreaded going to school. At a very young age I made myself believe that I was ugly and overweight, I would hear it so much in school that soon enough that is what I would tell myself. I was a very depressed child, with parents that could not understand what was happening. Therefore I kept it to myself. Until one day I ... ... middle of paper ... ... to express themselves and explain their feeling makes me very happy with myself because, I wish I had that growing up. I often think to myself “ what more can I do to help?”. I never feel like what I do is enough. And I think I know why, when I approach people most of them never reject my help. But every so often I encounter someone who dose. And most of the time I don't want to bother them so I let them be. But when I think about it I was once in their place. I would think that asking for help is a sign of weakness, but in reality asking for help is the bravest thing a person can do. Admitting that you need help and you cant do it on your own helps you grow as a person. And from now on when I encounter those people that tend to say “no I do not need your help” I will try my best to help them anyway, even if they don't want it, I know they need it.

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