Exploratory Essay

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In the United States, school is mandatory for students to attend first through twelfth grade. This is 12 years of our lives, that we spend approximately six hours, five days per week, for about nine months, with the occasional holiday breaks. This is great amount of our youth spent at school. As we mature throughout the years, we grow into different types of students. We each have unique personalities, opinions, strengths, and weaknesses that influence who we are. As we develop into these scholars, we can reflect and analyze what impacted us to be who we are. There are many aspects of a student’s life that influences their academic life. Everyone has their own opinion on academics, some are deeply passionate about it while others despise it. For me, school has always been something I derive great pleasure from. Before I was old enough to go, I would watch my sister prepare and leave every day to this place called school. When she came home, she would tell me all about her day, and I became fascinated with this concept called school. Every morning, I would ask my mother about when I would be able to go as well …show more content…

Now, that I am in college, I still have the same feelings about school, except that I enjoy it more. College has everything that I always enjoyed about school and less of things I disliked. For instance, in college people are making the choice to go to school rather than required, so there is less of the students who wish they were elsewhere. In college, there is more people that I can relate to and less drama than in high school. I hope that from being in college, the education that I gain will be used to get a degree, and then applied to get a stable career. This career is what will be used in order to provide for myself, and keep me healthy and safe. Also I hope to gain valuable knowledge beyond the skills needed in the workforce, but real world

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