Professional Career Obstacles

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There are many possible obstacles that may come in between me and my professional career goals. These obstacles I may encounter are both internal and external. These obstacles can affect my career plans of obtaining my bachelors at MCNY and to obtain a career job as a health administrator and real estate. I don’t see these obstacles as being silly or something too serious that I can’t overcome. A list of these obstacles that might block my professional career goals would be living in a comfort zone, lack of focus, procrastination, trying to accomplish too much at one time, and financial issues. These obstacles may prevent or hinder the progress in achieving my professional career goals but I will find ways to work around them. Living in the comfort zone is an internal obstacle I would need to overcome. The comfort zone is a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress. This comfort zone puts a limitation on new experiences and in this zone nothing new ever happens. I go day-in and day-out going about the same task and not doing anything different. The career I want to pursue …show more content…

I believe that trying to accomplish too many things at once can cause me to lose focus, interest, and ultimately procrastinate. I find that when completing a task if I have too much on my plate I usually procrastinate. I push things to the side and wait till the due date approaches to complete the task. This practice could block me from getting my degree and real estate license as it will delay the steps needed to achieve my goals. When I procrastinate I put my vision, desires and goals on hold. I make excuses to postpone taking action and getting want I need to get done out of the way. To avoid failing at attempting to do too many tasks at once I will keep it simple and focus on one goal at it time. I will remain encouraged in working towards my goals and plan the steps needed to get

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