Exploratory Essay

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Having said this, the media has recently played a critical role in demonstrating sanction for non-attenders. Government policy is now in place to prevent parents from removing children from school in term time. The Department for Education identified more was required to discourage holidays during term time. Specifically in primary schools, where the rate of absences was double that in secondary schools (Gove, 2012). Following Gove’s statement, in 2013, it was ruled that term time holidays would only be granted under exceptional circumstances. Fines were introduced as punishment/deterrent. After confusion over what was deemed regular attendance, the Supreme Court ruled in 2017, that ‘regular’ attendance (In accordance with SECTION 444(1) of the Education Act 1996, whereby the law states ‘fails to attend regularly’), was attendance that agreed with the schools attendance policy (Child Law Advice, n.d). Lady Hale of the Supreme Court identified, unauthorised absences have a disruptive effect, not only on the education of the individual child but also on the work of other pupils’ (2017). This story was heavily expressed over British media. Bruner believed children learn best through discovery learning (1957). Becoming submerged in a situation where children are able to discover things for themselves first hand is suggested to be an effective method of …show more content…

This includes the fact that education is compulsory for all children and many individuals have a duty of care to monitor this. This essay has further identified many stakeholders, of which may be affected by the attendance and non-attendance of children. It has become evident that absenteeism may influence a child’s social, emotional and academic development. Consequently, this can have direct impacts on local communities. However, can also have an indirect influence on the national economy and social

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