Essay On Field Trip

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The field trip I attended to Queen’s Medical Center West Oahu was very meaningful to me and truly helped me a lot. During the field trip, I was able to see the working environment that a variety of health professionals work in everyday. When learning about the wide variety of health professions that are offered at the hospital, it helped me obtain a better understanding of what I want to become when I grow up. I got to experience a range of activities that helped me sort what I was interested in and what I was not. I got to visit departments such as surgery, therapy, lab, K-9, and pharmacy. The information I learned helped me to see what I disliked and liked in the medical field. For example, I was able to visit the surgical department and …show more content…

Before the field trip, I was completely lost with what I wanted to do in the future. But when I attended the field trip, I learned a lot about myself and the health professions. For example, when visiting the pharmacy department, I got to see the different types of medicines and how it is given to patients. I was very interested because it dealt with a lot of math and organic chemistry. I want to learn more about this department because I found it cool that pharmacist and technicians try to find out the medicines that each patient needs to get better. I’m interested in this health professions because I don’t need to deal with physical contact with the patients. I learned that I rather deal with finding a cure than doing surgical operations on a patient. This field trip has helped me to have a closer look of what I want to be when I grow up. I was able to eliminate jobs that I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing everyday in the future. I also got to make a connection where all of these departments work together to provide patients with a healthy environment while their stay at the hospital. With everyone specializing in different areas in the medical field, each individual are able to refer to other health professionals for further treatment to a

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