Dramatic Monologue

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Prologue Heat makes its way across my skin, the UV rays cascading across my face. Small beads of sweat fall down my face, as the luminous sun beats down on me. Thoughts run through my brain and I can see the sun through my closed eyes. The faint sounds of “Mambo Italiano” fill my ears as my mamma sings away in the kitchen beside me. The light breeze hits me and I let out a small smile as my mother lets out a small “Shit” as she drops something on the floor. I feel the happiness radiate off of myself as I think of my new adventures that are before me. I lounge on the hammock outside my mammas house and drink in the sun and warmth of Italy, before I leave to the wet, cold land of Ireland. I hear the sound of a sliding door open beside me and I …show more content…

He stands up and walks over to a map on a wall. “Sweetie, no one goes there. We just don’t. And, I would suggest that you don’t either” He says. “Listen, I really need to get there. Can you please just show me how to get there?” I ask, desperation in my voice. He looks at me for a while and says, “You walk about three miles down the road to the left, take a right and then follow the dirt road.” He says, walking away. Page Four I sigh and give the cafe one more look around, looking for someone who could possibly drive me; I find nothing. The man looks over at me again and scratches the back of his head and lets out a long, wavered breath. “Listen, sweetheart. If you see a ragged scarlet old barn, don’t go near it. Don’t ask why, just walk clear away from it. You look like a nice little lady, wouldn’t want to see something bad happen to ya” He says, handing me a flashlight,. I look at him confused, my eyebrows furrowing and my eyes widening. I take the flashlight from him and turn around slowly. As I walk out, I see the scarlet neon light that read “Enjoy your time in Wilkshire!” It illuminated the little

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