Zombie Essays

  • A Zombie Nightmare

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    ran out of the bus and to her front door. I stood pounding on the door for several seconds waiting for her to answer. She never did. I opened the door slowly and carefully. “Justyce?” I whispered, “Are you in here?” About as soon as I said that a zombie tried to attack me. It was Justyce, a zombified Justyce. I slammed the door and ran as fast as I could back to the bus. I got on and yelled, “GO! GO! GO!” The bus started to move as I sat in my seat. We got about two blocks, trying to find a safe

  • Zombie Essay

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    I heard five muffled knocks at the door. “Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud.” My signal that the coast was clear. He would stay around all day until it was safe to go outside to get supplies. Bud would always be my lookout, might as well use a zombie you’ve befriended to your advantage. I knocked back three times to let him know I would be going soon. He hated waiting, but my parents refused to ever allow him to enter the house, or “Fortress” as my father would call it. Even though Bud has been my friend

  • The Zombie Craze

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    A notable seller in the past ten years has been zombie movies and related media. Among zombie movies, eight of the top ten best sellers have been in the last ten years. Why is it that a concept that came into the public eye in the thirties with the release of “White Zombie” only became popular in the last ten years? Zombies were born of Caribbean and bayou voodoo. They weren’t undead and flesh seeking, as society knows them today. They were people who were highly suggestible and didn’t think for

  • The Year of the Zombie

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    The Year of the Zombie Now a high-school senior, I still remember my freshman year with a shudder; it was the year my friends and I joked about as the "Year of the Zombie." It wasn't that I had contracted a rare medical disorder that transformed me into one of the walking dead.   I had done what many diligent students do: sacrifice most of my sleep time for the sake of academic success. Don't get me wrong; my parents never mandated that I take all the honors classes I could gain admission to

  • Zombie Apocalypse Dbq

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    Zombie Apocalypse In recent times, people have debated whether or not we would survive the zombie apocalypse. Though zombies do not actually exist in our world at this moment, people wonder if we would survive in case of such an event. As a matter of fact, here are many existing articles on the subject of zombies like “From CDC - Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” by Public Affairs, “These States Are Totally Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” by the Huffington Post, and “Pentagon document lays

  • Zombie Apocalyptic Environment

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    strive for survival, The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman displays a realistic vision of human survival within a zombie apocalyptic environment. I look to evaluate our current society in its normal habitat like our societal norms, our usual daily routines, and then values. Next, is the transition into a zombie apocalyptic environment where the originality of an individual is removed by the zombie-disease. Zombies are then regarded as empty vessels controlled by natural instincts. There is a common theme

  • Zombie

    683 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zombie Apocalypse 1014 What evidence would one look for if there was a zombie apocalypse one thousand years ago? The archeological record would be full of evidence needed to prove this event occurred. There are four important questions that should be asked to determine if in fact there was a zombie apocalypse. What evidence would be left by humans? What would settlement patterns would amongst the humans? What evidence would be found one bone? Finally, what would be evidence would be missing? To

  • zombie vs vampire

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    A zombie is actually a corpse that is being born again by black magic or drugs in the other hand vampire is a scary creature that like drinking human or animal blood and always do their activity at night. I think you are agreeing with me that they are creepy and powerful creatures. Vampires originally are from Slavic mythology. Vampires usually lived in the big castle and they must drink blood everyday to survive while zombies are a tradition of American culture. The origin of zombies was from an

  • American Zombie Narratives

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    Katherine Graves Katherine Wagner American Zombie Narratives 17 August 2014 Zombieland: A Comedy Horror That Uses Entertainment to Engross & Inform “I keep a little notebook of things that I can do to the zombies that might be silly and fun.”-George A Romero (Nemiroff) As the father of the creation of everything zombie, Romero clearly sees that his zombies are not one-dimensional and should not be put in only one genre. When people think of zombies, their minds automatically place them into

  • Zombie Informative Speech

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    virus can corrupt the human body to create a zombie. 1. Chris Matyszyk of CNet. Com in May 2014 says, “their pale faces stare at you, ready to infect you, so that they can affect you, who are these people? iZombie’s.” II. The second point I will address is how human connection is

  • Classification of Zombie Movies

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    I have determined that there are three different types of zombie movie. First, the movies that showcase the slow, but still startling zombies, like Night of the Living Dead. Night’s “zombies are slow, the humans just get themselves into trouble by reacting stupidly, or not paying enough attention to the problem.” (G.A. Romero) Next, films like Shaun of the Dead, which portray the sometimes amusing but still creepy zombies. And finally, movies like Day of the Dead (2008) which introduce the completely

  • Ways To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

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    If you want to know to survive the zombie apocalypse here is some useful tips. One, use a silent weapon, preferably a knife unless you have to use a gun. Two, adapt to your surroundings and use them against your enemies alive or dead. Three, buddy system the more the merrier. Four, no matter what, you are surely going to need canned food because the rest is probably going to be rotten. Five, repopulation even if it sounds nasty about 9/10 of the human population is going to be zombies, but be careful

  • The Zombie Apocalypse

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    Now a days you can ask anyone in America and they will tell you exactly what their plan is for "the" zombie apocalypse. Each one is just as elaborately genius as the last; some involve underground bunkers to tripped out mad max style cars and trucks, (if you can even call them that) or just running away screaming in panic. Well fortunately for you last guys, a zombie apocalypse is no where near scientifically possible. Not only just because it would take a biological miracle to pull it off, but because

  • Zombie Apocalypse Pros And Cons

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    but what if they weren’t really into zombies like we think they are. Some people believe that we are not obsessed with zombies. They believe that we are obsessed with the people who are living in the shows and what they happen to be surviving is a zombie apocalypse. These people have some logic behind their argument and it’s easy to understand it. Firstly, people love to see other people on television or in movies in distressing situations. They get to see the fear, not of zombies, but of surviving

  • Zombie Films Essay

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    (Drezner). Zombie films began around the 1920’s, and continue to fill modern day theatres. These films, although dramatized for entertainment, are something that truly could, and have, occurred. These films have been modernized, in order to fit the desires and demands of a modern-day audience, and therefore are tremendously different from their original zombie-film counterparts. In order to completely understand the transition of zombie films, it is crucial to recognize the origin of the zombie genre

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Zombie Outbreak

    1752 Words  | 4 Pages

    Analysis of a Self Made Project The Project; Zombie Outbreak: The End is near This essay intends to view the significance of rhetoric through analyzing an article to establish its effectiveness on relaying an intended massage to a target audience. The chosen message is a newspaper article in the New York Times that reported on the ever chilling and controversial concept of Zombie apocalypse. Zombie tales are phenomenal in many cultures and carry with them a chilling

  • The Zombie Apocalypse: Revealing the Monster

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    Grim Reaper takes on another form, a zombie? At first the idea seems comical, but can one be completely sure this ghoulish creature could not be created. Only the foolish would deny that a zombie apocalypse is more than plausible. To analyze this realization completely is crucial to not only the survival of the human race but the entire planet as well. This thesis focuses on zombie popularity in culture and media, how an outbreak could come about, human zombie preparedness, how nature would stack

  • Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    It has been reported that in various countries the zombie apocalypse has started. We, as the nation of China, must be prepared if people get infected by the virus that this zombies contain. This is going to explain our Disease Control Unit and how prepared we are if this harmful attack comes to our nation. The Chinese Center of Disease Control (CDC) which is lead by the U.S. helps the Chinese government and its people to be safe from diseases and the spread of diseases caused by zombies. The program

  • Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

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    was sick and they were on their way to the E.R. I had no idea what was going on but now we have discovered that it’s a zombie apocalypse. The virus is spread when a zombie bites a person. They are everywhere and everyone that’s still alive needs to know how to defend themselves. That was before I was prepared, now I know how to take care of myself . Now my sons dead, or a zombie, I don’t know. Anyways, I’m writing this guide to help the rest of my family survive. You are going to need good shelter

  • Zombie Apocalypse: Popular In Pop Culture

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    The concept of a zombie apocalypse has been popular in pop culture for a few decades now. The zombie apocalypse does however bring up a lot of ethical and social hierarchy issues on what is most important to survive in the event of an apocalypse. The three most important issues to consider in the event of a zombie apocalypse are individualism or communitarianism, when is a person considered dead, and how to fight back the advance of the zombies. Individualism or communitarianism the two complete