West Germany Essays

  • The Development of Media in West Germany

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    It could be argued that Germany is the "birthplace of European intellectual journalism"¹. However, media in Germany has had to endure frustration and trauma in achieving such high standing in the journalistic world; suffering the "fragmentation of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries"¹, restrictions born of censorship and political control of the "long period of stultifying authoritarianism and relative economic stagnation"¹ of that time. Moreover, the Bismarck period, despite the

  • The Cold War and West Germany 1960-1970

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    The Cold War and West Germany 1960-1970 During the formative years of the Cold War, Germany had become both the potential balancer and ideological battleground between the East and the West. After Stalin's death in 1953 tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union seemed to be improving. However, by the late 1950s when Khruschev took over power, hostility was on the rise due to his efforts to bully the United States into "détente through intimidation." Khruschev wished for, among

  • Black Power Influence in West Germany

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    the 1960’s-1970’s, violence increasingly became an important factor in the Student movement for liberation in West Germany. Different levels of oppression were applied to various countries around the world, including Vietnam which was oppressed by the U.S. Student activists shadowed the different movements, and slowly incorporated the various methods into their own movement in West Germany. Indeed, Student activists fought for their liberation through a combination of international methods, however

  • the berlin wall

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    celebrated, even the citizens in Berlin, Germany. Little did the Berliners know that their war was not over? Another war had started, a Cold War, from 1945 to 1989, tearing Berlin families and friends apart. A wall had been built up; they couldn’t travel where they wanted anymore and couldn’t speak their opinions. These were the rights taken away from East and West Berliners. It all started when World War II ended. Hitler killed himself and the Nazis surrendered, but Germany couldn’t celebrate the end of the

  • Cold war responsibility

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    come to choose between alternative ways of life – the communist way, or the democratic way. Stalin did not do this. President Truman worked with the British Prime Minister to introduce the Deutschmark into West Berlin. While it did eventually achieve his goal of creating an economically viable Germany, i...

  • Culture Arises from Human Nature

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    gives several examples from his life experience illustrating how two cultures can have very different behavior patterns. During a recent trip to West Germany, I encountered a similar difference. I quickly discovered that the most striking difference between the eating habits of Americans and German was the way in which the knife and fork were used. In Germany most people eat with their fork in their left hand and their knife in their right hand. In addition the fork is almost always used upside down

  • Woman at work

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    began to admit women members. In 1890, women constituted about 5 percent of the total doctors in the United States. During the 1980s the proportion was about 17 percent. At the same time the percentage of women doctors was about 19 percent in West Germany and 20 percent in France. In Israel, however, about 32 percent of the total number of doctors and dentists were women. Women also had not greatly improved their status in other professions. In 1930 about 2 percent of all American lawyers and

  • Collin Powell

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    success in the Army's Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). He graduated from the program in 1958 with the rank of cadet colonel, the highest awarded, and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He was then assigned to duty in West Germany. In 1962, while stationed at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, Powell met and married Alma Vivian Johnson. The couple had three children. Powell's next overseas assignment was in South Vietnam, where he was wounded in action. He then studied at the Command

  • Global Politics After World War II

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    Central to the entire discipline of global politics after the Second World War, is the concept of European Integration. In the aftermath of the Second World War, Europe found itself in a state of economic devastation and with various problems to solve. Besides, the continent was soon to be divided into two major spheres of influence by the beginning of the Cold War. The Cold War was a constant state of political and military tension amongst powers in the Western Bloc (the United States) and powers

  • NATO

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    The basic aim of this alliance was to protect European states from the possible aggression by USSR, which after the Second War looked determined to expand her frontiers. Later on the membership increased when Greece and Turkey joined in 1952, West Germany in 1955 and Spain in I982. France detached itself from the military command structure in 1966. The dismemberment of the USSR in December 1991 and the emergence of new independent republic in Europe changed the character and role of NAT0. The collapse

  • Colin Powell

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    Colin Powell is a strong individual that has over come hardships of his own and that of his country. He is a man that was never satisfied with average and still excels in everything he does. Colin Powell is a leader and a role model to African Americans and the rest of the world. On April 5, 1937 a true hero was born by the name Colin Luther Powell. He was born in Harlem, New York 12 years after his mother Maud and father Luther Theophilus Powell immigrated to New York from Jamaica. Colin grew up

  • The Euro: Currency Change in Europe

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    The Performance of the Euro “Leading nations in Europe wanted to increase their economic ties to promote growth and piece. In 1951 Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and The Netherlands signed the Paris Treaty, creating the European Coal and Steel Community. In 1957, the same six countries signed the Treaties of Rome, creating the European Economic Community.� (Olmstead&Graves, 2003) In 1979, the European Monetary System created a currency unit called the ecu to stabilize exchange

  • The Relationship of Photographs, History, and Memory

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    recollection of people and events and keeps them alive. Recently I came across a small family album--a generation after the end of the Second World War--that had been left by an aunt who had saved it through times of expulsion, flight, and resettlement in West Germany. It had been severely cut--pierced but not destroyed by the thrust of a bayonet in 1945--when the invading Soviet army overran refugees and ransacked their belongings. Its sudden appearance in my life is a reminder of the power of photographs,

  • Impact of the Lack of Female Representation in America’s Government

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    During my childhood, I listened to kids around me explain to parents and peers what they dreamed to be when they grew up; a policeman, a firefighter, or a ballerina were all popular answers. I, however, had a different dream; upon being asked, I would answer, “I am going to be the president of the United States.” This, unsurprisingly, often elicited a few chuckles from the inquirer. I was only a little kid, after all, decades away from even the possibility of running for such an office. What if,

  • Germany and United States Relations

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    Germany and United States Relations Starting in 1945 with the defeat of Germany in World War Two and ending with the reunification of Germany in 1990, America has played a large role in the lives of the Germans. America was said to be Germany’s "protector, patron, and partner". Because of this, Germany has had a special relationship with America, and their relationship has evolved throughout the years during periods of struggle in Germany. This partnership of countries has dealt with many issues

  • Problems with German Reunification

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    Problems with German Reunification Following the Second World War, Germany was rebuilt out of practically nothing into one of the richest countries of the world. This well-known transformation is known as the "Wirtschaftswunder" (wonder of economics). Yet in the recent reunification of West and East Germany, German leadership has ignored crucial lessons from this successful period of transformation. Three problems highlight this claim: 1. Reunification promised to quickly alleviate forty years

  • The Reasons of the German Reunification

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    The division of Germany into West Germany and East Germany emerged as a stopgap solution for the woeful state of the nation following its defeat in the Second World War. With the United States (US) ultimately gaining full control over West Germany, East Germany increasingly became alienated towards it, as it went under the influence of the Soviet Union (USSR). West Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), rapidly grew into one of the most politically and economically influential

  • Reunification of Germany

    1720 Words  | 4 Pages

    official end of communism within Germany, in reality problems were arising from the processes that were unexpected by the people of Germany. The reunification was implemented ineffectively by incompetent management amidst unfavourable economic and social circumstances which resulted in political, economic and social consequences as problems associated with the East far outweighed the advantages that could be provided by the West. Indeed, German citizens dreamed that the West could provide a degree of peace

  • germany

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Germany is a country located in Central Europe, which is officially named the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland). On October 3, 1990 Germany's East and West became one nation under unification, the capital city now being Berlin. Germany has the second largest population in Europe with eighty two million, next to that of the Soviet Union. Germany's land borders are with Denmark on the north, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemborg, and France on the west, Switzerland and Austria

  • Lost Space Race

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    ended, the USSR gained control of Eastern Germany. On the night of August 13, 1961, a wall was constructed that divided the already separate East and West Berlin. This wall would become what was known around the world as the Berlin Wall. It stood as a barrier to freedom from the East Berliners. The Berlin Wall in Germany caused the USSR to lose the Space Race to the United States in 1969 because the USSR was communist, they alone had control of East Germany, and the United States was tough competition