Wanted Essays

  • The Story of an Hour and A Pair of Silk Stockings

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    troubles that one may encounter later in life. Realism is represented in Kate Chopin's short stories The Story of an Hour and A Pair of Silk Stockings. In both the short stories, the main characters get to face a dream/fantasy that they’ve always wanted to encounter; something rare that lasted only for a short amount of time. The freedom that each character got was some sort of new freedom that they never experienced before. For example in The Story of an Hour, the main character Louise Mallards

  • Morals or Goals?

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    have to put aside their morals and focus on the duties that they are given. Works Cited Lone Survivor. Dir. Peter Berg. Perf. Mark Wahlberg. Universal Pictures, 2013. Film. O'Connor, Frank. Guests of the Nation. New York: Macmillan, 1931. Print. Wanted. Dir. Timur Bekmambetov. Perf. Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, and Morgan Freeman. Universal Pictures, 2008. Film.

  • A Reflection on Mark My Words: Letters of a Businessman to his Son by G Kingsley Ward

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    A Reflection on Mark My Words: Letters of a Businessman to his Son by G Kingsley Ward Common sense is a disappearing art form not only from business but also from society. It used to be that students seeking a higher education would go to school to build around their common sense. Today students go to school in the hopes of attaining common sense. I'm afraid our society has become so emotionally driven that decisions are made on emotion rather than common sense. Certainly emotions are not bad

  • Dominican Masculinity

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    . ...rom the world. But all he wanted to do was try and fit in and fall in love. He thought that all Dominican males had this type of mojo that made them stand out among others; all Oscar wanted to do was be a masculine Dominican male and in his search for this type of masculinity his life was ended short. Dominican masculinity instead of representing a sense of power and masculinity, it represents a self-destructive personality that backfires. All Oscar wanted was to have this masculinity but

  • Remote Island

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    When she was 15, she fell in love with a boy, who spilled d a drink on her at a party. “I’m so sorry about that … my name’s Zand by the way,” he said. “Oh wow, it’s ok … and I’m Lola” she replied. “So nice to meet you, see you around” he said and we stared at each other for a while and then continued on. Lola had been a sophomore in high school, and she had already been through so much emotional trauma in the first two years then she thought she would ever have to deal with. She was less like Jay

  • My Childhood Essay

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    know that their behavior is a form of communication and it is up to me to decipher what they are really trying to say. It may be a cry for help in some way and far be it from me to ignore this by addressing only the surface behavior. As I child, I wanted to badly to tell someone what was going on inside the walls of my home, but no one asked or showed the caring compassion I would have needed to open up about my experiences. I truly believe this is what lead me to being a teacher and a leader.

  • Importance Of Jolie And Angelina Jolie

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    In other words ownership means sense of self responsibility. Even if the pioneer of the Confucianism, Confucius said “The objects that one owned in the past, currently owning, and wants to own show the sense of oneself” in his eminent work, “Analects,” simply owning something doesn’t show one’s characteristics but the sense of responsibility of owning something shows one self. This notion will be supported by two celebrities that have very different ways of treating their possessions and being responsible

  • Political Litany Meaning

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    Political litany ” was written by Philip Freneau in 1775.The reason why he wrote this poem because he want to support of the American cause, and encourage American people stand up against England. “ Common Sense “ was written in 1776 by Thomas Pain’. He wanted people to think about what was happening, and point out that people must fight against the unfair and unjust ways of England. In the “Political Litany “we can see that the author use the tone sarcastic, but we can feel the anger of author towards

  • Florence Joyner Research Paper

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    Florence Joyner was the American woman, who most female track runners wanted to be like. Many may know Joyner as “Flo Jo”. She was given that name because of her great speed. Joyner is considered to be the fastest woman of all time, based on the fact that she set the world record in 1988 in the 100m dash and 200m dash. Since her death, her records still stands in the 100m dash and 200m dash, running a 10.49 and 21.34. There are very fascinating and inspiring things about Joyner that some people may

  • Angelina Jolie Pitt Fact Sheet

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    "Angelina Jolie Pitt Fact Sheet." The UN Refugee Agency. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. . In this article published by the UNHCR, it describes Angelina Jolie as an incredible humanitarian. Jolie has been the recipient of many awards including the Citizen of the World Award, the Global Humanitarian Award and the Freedom Award. Her humanitarian efforts sparked while she in Cambodia filming an action movie in 2000. By 2001 Jolie was named a UNHCR Goodwill ambassador

  • Friends Wanted Summary

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    The article Friends Wanted by Ana miller points out that the lack of friends could result in many health risks. It explains brief studies that have been taken and how a lack of a social life could possible lead to depression, bad habits such as smoking and drinking, and those factors could lead to other health risk. Whereas having friends or a better social life could also prevent these factors in peoples’ lives. This is a good example of independent and dependent variables. Millers’ purpose is to

  • The Girl Nobody Wanted Analysis

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    As we read we see that Jacob consummates his marriage with Leah, without the knowledge that she is Leah not Rachel. The sermon titled “The Girl Nobody Wanted” by Timothy Keller states, “Leah has a hollow in her heart every bit as the hollow in Jacob’s heart. Now she begins to do to Jacob what Jacob had done to Rachel and what Isaac had done to Esau.” Jacob asks Leah why she deceived him when he said Rachel

  • Warren Jeffs: A Wanted Man

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    secluded from society protected by walls and cameras to prevent government interference, in the hopes that others would not be able to detect what occurs within the walls of the cult. He gained recognition in 2006 by being included in the top Ten Most Wanted List for arranged marriages. By 2011, he was convicted after a FBI raid on his compound in Texas due to assault on underage girls from ages 12 and 15 years old. Through his beliefs on polygamy, Jeffs has created stringent rules, religion, and manipulation

  • I Have Always Wanted to be a Lawyer

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    I wanted to be a lawyer long before I ever understood anything else about my life. Long before I graduated elementary school, long before I recognized the life of a lawyer is not how the actors portray them on television reruns of Law & Order or JAG. I had this aspiration I could not explain, this yearning to serve people and it has always been absolutely instinctive. Every single thing that has ever happened in my short life happened in the framework of this profound, embedded understanding that

  • America's Most Wanted TV Show

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    I remember watching America’s Most Wanted for a large portion of my life, but especially through my teenage years. It was an astounding show and has been credited for more than 1,000 fugitive arrests in all different types of cases ranging from murder, rape, kidnapping, child molestation, armed robbery and even drug charges. I remember that the show was hosted by a man named John Walsh. John Walsh had a personal vendetta against criminals because his own son had been a homicide victim when he

  • Behind the Most Wanted: A Misinterpreted Journey

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    I am Jason Derek Brown, and the FBI has a $200,000 reward out for me. My face appears on the Top Ten Most Wanted in America list. I am wanted for murder and armed robbery that I committed back in November of 2004. Most people will come to many conclusions hearing this information, but they don’t tell you the whole story, the real story. This is the story of how this list has destroyed my life when all I was trying to do was fix it. I never had a problem with money until I had to file bankruptcy in

  • I Just Wanted to be a Barbie Girl

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    All I remember from my tenth birthday is how psyched I was about having received the very Barbie doll I’d wanted from my beautiful big sister Maggie. She’d just gone off to college, and anything we shared was automatically the most precious thing I owned. That Barbie doll with golden hair and tinsel adorned clothing became my obsession. For days I came home after school and locked myself in my room until Mother forced me to come and eat dinner with the family. Father always tried to occupy me

  • Every Child Should Be a Wanted Child

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    women were when Sanger and McCormick began their fight. In fact, Sanger and McCorkmick were adamant that contraception be entirely in the hands of women (May, 109). The whole purpose was to provide women with the ability to decide when and if they wanted to conceive, and that they should otherwise have a safe and effective means to prevent it. Women had come along so far in their right to be heard that what the pill had done to liberate them and give them control of their bodies was no longer enough

  • I've Always Wanted to Be an Electrical Engineering

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    Ever since my days in middle school in China, I have dreamed of being an electrical engineer. My father nurtured my copious ideas such as transformer and inductor. Even though I didn’t have too much idea about electrical engineering, I found abundant happiness though work activities that included practical and hand-on problems. During the past three years, I learned a lot concept including semiconductor, electromagnetic and signal at University of Illinois. I have explored ECE widely and eventually

  • Everything You Ever Wanted: Poem Analysis

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    The memoir I selected was Everything You Ever Wanted by Jillian Lauren. She describes her troubles as a college dropout, a drug addict, and a harem member; then she talks about how she turned everything around when she married a rock star and adopted an Ethiopian baby boy with special needs. Her tone gives off vibes of strength and courage. All throughout the memoir, she also expands upon her own experiences as an adopted child, and how adopting a child herself (after many failed pregnancy attempts)