W. W. Jacobs Essays

  • Blame In W. W Jacobs 'The Monkey's Paw'

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    Who’s to blame? W.W Jacobs The Monkey’s Paw, is a play about the White’s, a family of three. Everything is fine at the White’s place, until a friend, Sergeant Major Morris visits their house. After a few drinks, Mr.White brings up the monkey’s paw, which is a cursed object that is able to grant three wishes to three people. He mentions that everyone who makes a wish regrets it later on. Mr.White asks S.M.M if he would make a wish, he gets scared and throws it in the fire. Mr.White takes it out

  • Summary of Rule of Three by W.W. Jacobs

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    “Rule of Three” is a short story by the author W. W. Jacobs. The story contains a lengthy exposition that gradually introduces the setting and the main protagonist and the main antagonist. The setting is the White’s family home, in a small English town on a dark, story night to set the mood for the story’s suspense. By the end of Act 1, the exposition is over. When the exposition ends, the inciting incident begins. The inciting incident in “Rule of Three” occurs right after Sergeant Major Morris’


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    HOW ARE TENSION AND SUSPENSE BUILT UP AND MAINTAINED IN AT LEAST TWO GOTHIC HORROR STORIES? The original use of the term `Gothic Horror' was applied to a group of novels, including Mary Shelley's `Frankenstein', written before 1914. These novels usually included some or all of the following characteristics, which seem demonstrative of the original use of the term `Gothic': An emphasis on portraying the terrifying, a common insistence on archaic settings, a prominent use of the supernatural

  • The Use of Tension, Atmosphere and Conflict in The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

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    The Use of Tension, Atmosphere and Conflict in The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs The author begins the story by setting the scene and describing the area in which the White's live. He describes the night as cold and wet, while inside the house the blinds are drawn and the fire is burning brightly. This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely unpleasant and harsh weather

  • Life In The Monkey's Paw By W. Jacobs

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    Author W.W. Jacobs utilizes day-to-day life to generate a horrifying situation and showing how the average family would react to it in “The Monkey’s Paw”. In this short story, an ordinary, everyday family finds themselves tormented by a monkey’s paw that ends up killing and then resurrecting their son. While the plot is completely preposterous, the characters, setting, and character reactions are relatable to how the average person would react. W.W. Jacobs uses relatable characters, reactions, and

  • The Monkeys Paw Analysis

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    In the story “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs the story shows Mr. White only having two consequences even though he had three wishes. While in the film “The Monkey’s Paw” by Ricky Lewis Jr. made the film make Mr. White have all three consequences for three his wishes from the monkey’s paw. This example shows only two of the many similarities and differences in the film and story of “Monkey’s Paw.” In the film and story of “The Monkey’s Paw” there was always a consequence to having their wishes

  • Comparing The Third Wish And The Monkey's Paw

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    Title “I warn you of the consequences” - “The Monkey's Paw” (page 89) this essay will be comparing and contrasting Two stories “The Monkey's paw” by w.w. Jacobs and “The Third wish” by Joan Aiken. In “The Monkey's paw” and “The Third Wish” the mood and setting are almost completely different, If it wasn't for the theme this book wouldn't be so similar . The theme in both stories are the same it is be careful what you wish for. I know this because in the “Monkey's paw” even when the man says

  • A Sense of Foreboding in 'The Monkey's Paw'

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    How Does W.W. Jacobs Create a Sense of Foreboding in ‘The Monkey’s Paw’? From the outset, it is clear that ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ by W.W. Jacobs is driven by an increasing sense of foreboding. Firstly, the setting of the story takes place in a very isolated and lonely place, far away from civilisation in a deserted area. This makes it a bit scary and starts to introduce tension for the reader in the story. Right from the start of the story W.W., Jacobs creates a very foreboding scene. He starts the

  • Creation of Suspense in The Monkey's Paw and The Red Room

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    Creation of Suspense in The Monkey's Paw and The Red Room In The Monkey's Paw written by W.W. Jacobs and The Red Room written by H.G. Wells, there are many similarities and differences in the ways the stories are written and suspense created. For example, both stories belong to the horror genre where the supernatural appears due to human interferences, and both have a fast and frantic climax where the characters' lives are put in jeopardy. However they do differ in places, one of the key

  • How W.W. Jacobs, H.G. Wells and Charles Dickens Create Suspense in their Gothic Horror Stories

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    How W.W. Jacobs, H.G. Wells and Charles Dickens Create Suspense in their Gothic Horror Stories In these gothic horror stories the authors create suspense two main ways. The first is that they use element of gothic horror in their stories and the second is how they use words and phrases to create tension. The first of these would include features such as darkness or isolation to unnerve the reader and create suspense. The use of darkness shows through all three stories but in different

  • Mood In W. Jacobs A Monkey's Pawing

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    Mood, one of the most important features to a story. In the short story, “A Monkey’s Paw” written by W. W. Jacobs, the mysterious mood is constantly represented while the story is being read. The details of the setting, constant imagery, and the narration method all help convey the mood. The technique that the author used to write this story, constantly create a detailed picture in the reader's mind. He made sure to include detailed descriptions and strong words to fulfill the importance of imagery

  • The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs and The Black Veil by Charles Dickens

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    The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs and The Black Veil by Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was one of the most popular writers in the history of literature. He is most famous for his enormous collection of short stories, which contains 'The Black Veil', this was a reflection of his childhood and his observations of the world around him. W.W. Jacobs is a lesser-known author; he had a fascination with sinister and horrific themes, like many filmmakers today. His most famous short story is 'The

  • The Signal-Man and The Monkey's Paw

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    How do the writers create a sense of suspense? Fictional text need to be interesting so that the reader likes it. Many writers use many different things to capture their reader’s interest. Both Charles Dickens and WW Jacobs, in the Signalman and the monkeys paw both use different ways to try and keep the interest of their reader. The Signalman and the Monkey paw, are very similar both are horror stories set in 0ne location with very few characters. Even though they seem similar, they are

  • Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

    2677 Words  | 6 Pages

    Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs In this essay I am going to explain the similarities and differences between 'The withered arm' and 'The monkeys paw'. Both of these texts were written before 1914 by two different people. Thomas Hardy wrote 'The withered arm' and W.W. Jacobs wrote 'A monkeys paw'. The withered arm is a short story about a milkmaid who had an affair with a high class farmer. When the farmer gets a new wife, the milkmaid

  • Major Morris: Catalyst of Sorrow in 'The Monkey's Paw'

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    A monkey's paw? Granting wishes? Who has ever heard of such a thing? Apparently W.W. Jacobs thought so with a classic story brought by him called "The Monkey's Paw." In this story, a man comes to show a family in the English countryside what he has brought back from India, and one of those things is a Monkey's paw. He told them it would grant only three wishes so they took it, wished their first wish, then got it, bit not in the way they expected it. The character, Major Morris, is the most responsible

  • Various Ways that W.W. Jacobs Creates Tension in Monkey's Paw

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    Various Ways that W.W. Jacobs Creates Tension in Monkey's Paw In this essay I am going to write about the various ways the author W.W Jacobs creates tension in the short story Monkey's Paw. For example I am going to write about how he has used the setting of the story, the manner of speech of the characters etc. to help him create tension. Firstly, the setting of the story takes place in a very isolated and lonely place, far away from civilization in a deserted area. This makes it a

  • The Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs, The Clubfooted Grocer by Sir Arthur

    4944 Words  | 10 Pages

    The Monkey’s Paw by W. W. Jacobs, The Clubfooted Grocer by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, The Red Room by H. G. Wells and The Signalman by Charles Dickens Analyse how the writers successfully use aspects of the supernatural to create dramatic tension in the short stories you have read. The nineteenth century was an era of general belief in ghosts and spirituality. This is what made gothic stories even more appealing and successful during this era – the fact that they would be seen as being realistic

  • Fearful Wishing "The Monkeys Paw"

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    this world that could grant anyone three wishes? However, there may be serious and dangerous consequences to every wish. The strange thing about the ability to get any three wishes that one wants is that it's true. "The Monkey's Paw," written by W.W. Jacobs, uses the well-known story of being granted three wishes but puts a twist on the story, creating a horror-type tale. In the small parlor of Lakesnam Villa, a visitor named Sergeant Major Morris comes to visit Mr. and Mrs. White and their son Herbert

  • A Comparison Of W. Jacobs The Monkey's Paw

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    Two stories may be very different, but very alike. “The Monkey's Paw” by W.W. Jacobs is relatively similar to another story named, “The Third Wish” by Joan Aiken. These stories are very different in tone but very similar in the main idea. In both stories a man acquires three wishes and must use more than one to fix previous wish mistakes. One is accidental death and another is a sad companion. Both stories tackle the, “be careful what you wish for” idea and both show that problems can be created

  • Fate In The Monkey's Paws By W. Jacobs

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    shows them the paw and proceeds to throw it into the fire, but Morris stops him just before and wants to keep the paw for himself. The old man warns him but then hands it over in great disappointment and wishes the two men good luck. The author W.W. Jacobs uses the old man's word choice and tone to portray suspense. He truly shows that the old man was trying to warn them but Morris just didn't listen. Morris decides to use one of his wishes and he wishes for 200 pounds. The sound of the wind whistling