VX Essays

  • Chemical Defense Training Facility

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    Fort Leonard Wood is the home of the Chemical Corps, and it’s also the home of the Chemical Defense Training Facility (CDTF). The Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, DOD civilians and allied nation Soldiers come to train at Fort Leonard Wood’s CDTF. In the Army for a Soldier to complete his chemical Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) he needs to successfully finish the CDTF. As he becomes a Non-Commissioned Officer or Officer, he will have to come back to Advanced Leaders Course (ALC), Senior Leaders

  • Dugway Incident 1969 Essay

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    conducted at Dugway Proving Grounds, using the agent VX. What is VX you ask; VX is one of our persistent chemical agents that are also classified as an Organophosphate? This is the type of agent that will linger and not dissipate. It is considered a Nerve Agent. The first Nerve Agents were discovered prior to WWI. Tabun was created

  • Taking A Look At Chemical Warfare

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    Weapons”). Chemical warfare is the use of chemical weapons to kill enemies or civilians or to prevent the enemy from using resources, mainly agriculture (“Chemical Warfare”). The most common place chemical weapons prevalent around the world are sarin, VX, and mustard and tear gas (“Chemical Warfare”). These weapons are

  • Nerve Agents

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    The average person does not think about nerve agents, how it affects people and the environment they live in. To be quite honest, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that people choose not to think about this type of agent or any agent for that matter simply because they are fully aware of the fact that the consequences of encountering this substance are deadly and no matter which way you look at it the outcome will almost never be a positive one. There’s also a major concern about nerve agents especially

  • Chemical Weapons In Syria

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    Why do countries use chemical weapons on innocent people? I understand there might be a conflict between two sides, but why are the civilians he ones who get affected the most? There is an ongoing debate in Syria regarding who used chemical weapons and who is responsible for the attack. Although Syria’s president and the rebels blame each other for the chemical attack, there is evidence in the ongoing debate that both sides used chemical weapons and the question of who is responsible for the death

  • Weapons Of Mass Destruction Essay

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    general to be suitable for sporting purposes that have a bore of greater than 0.5” are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction under United States Law. It also refers to weapons that use chemicals to cause serious bodily harm or even death (i.e. sarin, VX, mustard gas), any weapon that use a living virus or bacteria to cause bodily harm or death (i.e. Anthrax), and finally nuclear weapons that emit and/or release radiation or radioactive levels dangerous to human life (“What Are Weapons of Mass Destruction”)

  • Incapacitating Agents Essay

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    Incapacitating Agents SFC. James R. Knight Jr CBRN SLC Class 003-14 Overview of Incapacitating Agents This paper will identify and discuss what an incapacitating agent is. It will identify a few moments in history where attempts to use Incapacitating methods succeeded and other moments when they failed. We will talk about the different “types” of incapacitating agents. Incapacitating agents are methods used to debilitate an enemy force without causing permanent harm. These should not

  • Syrian Chemical Weapons Controversy

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    Ever since the devastating results of the use of chemical weapons in World War One, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has set up a convention to prohibit chemical weapons. 100 out of the 106 countries on our planet have signed this convention. One of the six countries that has yet to sign this convention is Syria. Syria has been the recent target of chemical weapon controversy, after a sarin gas attack in Damascus on its own citizens on the morning of August 21st, 2013

  • Dugway Incident of 1969

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    reaffirmed the “no first use, retaliate in kind” which became a national policy for the employment of chemical weapons. (Mauroni, Al, p. 33) The incident involved the killing of 6,000 sheep according to The Salt Lake Tribune. A deadly nerve agent known as VX had drifted off the reservation contaminating the sheep feeding area. The Army conducted investigations to show that they had nothing to do with the death of those sheep. At the end of the investigation it showed that they were not responsible for the

  • Using Computers to Model the Physics of an Asteroid Crash

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    apoapsis, the closest distance and f... ... middle of paper ... ...%f",ax,vx,vy); x =x+vx*dt; y =y+vy*dt; j =j+dt; // printf(" j is: %f x=%lf y=%lf",j,x,y); fprintf(fileout," %lf %lf", x,y); if(x>earth[5]-5e8 && x { printf(" ending old: x=%f, y=%f ",x,y); break; } } //initialize the earth's New orbit while(j<9.234e7) { /*ax=-6.67e-11*m*x/pow(r,3); ay=-6.67e-11*m*y/pow(r,3); vx=vx+ax*dt; vy=vy+ay*dt; x =x+vx*dt; y =y+vy*dt; t=t+dt;*/ t[3]=-G*1.989e30*earth[5]/pow(r,3); t[4]=-G*1

  • What Is Projectile Motion In Basketball

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    Projectile motion: mathematics SL IA Dhruv Chavan Rationale: This idea was chosen due to my background in sports. I have played basketball for the past 6 years 2 of which have been in Raha. Basketball is a sport which involves many aspects of mathematics, the main one being trigonometry. I have found that many times during the game I am required to shoot the ball from distances that exceed the three-point line and therefore require more power in order for the ball to reach the rim. In most games

  • The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

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    Your Right-hand-man is in your Palm In the 1980s no one who was anyone, went anywhere, without his or her Filofax. The end of the 1990s had replaced it by its digital equivalent - the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). A PDA is effectively a handheld PC, capable of handling all the normal tasks of its leather-bound ancestor - address book, notepad, appointments diary and phone list. Most PDAs offer many more applications besides, such as spreadsheet, word processor, database, financial management

  • Physics of Football

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    Watching a weekend football game could be teaching you something other than who threw the most passes or gained the most yards. Football provides some great examples of the basic concepts of physics! Physics is present in the flight of the ball, the motion of the players, and the force of the tackles. This web page will show you how physics applies to these areas of football. What Exactly Is Physics and What Does It Have to Do with Football? When you throw a football across the yard to

  • How Does Team Rocket Blast Off Again

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    Andy Huang Professor Shaked Physics 6A Lecture 2 Dis C 15 April 2014 Team Rocket Blasts Off Again! Real World Application (To be honest, I think I spent far too long on this: over 3 hours.) Team Rocket is a group of bad guys who steal others' Pokémon in the Pokémon franchise. However, like many other bad guys, these ne'er-do-wells are hardly ever successful and their plots usually get foiled by a small, electric mouse we all know and love as Pikachu. After Team Rocket's plans get ruined, Pikachu

  • Catapult

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    The base was then nailed into the “steps”, and glued grass decorations and cardboard cows to the base. The ratapult was completed. Data & Observations: I found the initial velocity, or Vi, by finding the horizontal velocity, or Vx, and then using the equation Vx = Vi * cos(angle). The angle was 25 degrees, so I input that into the equation also. That made the equation look like 5.3 m/s = Vi * cos(25) I divided both sides by sin(25), then that gave me an initial velocity of 5.8 m/s. Then

  • Dim-Ethyl Fumarate Narrative Essay

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    “The Tri X-31-Pex-Alert- 170 Dim-ethyl Fumarate, and my exceptional blend of VX [a chemical nerve agent] showed great promise, and should have done the trick?” Lying on the floor, frustrated by the formula failure once again, Lawton looks at his paralyzed legs in total disappointment. “Maybe an extra dose of Tri X 31 plus THC or CBD,” he interjects, and within a matter of seconds a strange feeling rushing through his legs, and he makes a valiant attempt to stand. He is upright, painfully covering

  • Projectile Motion in Archery

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    Archery, a sport that dates back to centuries before today, has been modernized to become more efficient and high tech. The Egyptian made the first complex bow in 2800 BC. The bow was made from sheep intestines and the arrow was light and efficient enough to be shot from 400 yards away and still penetrate the armor used at that time. Archery was a skill set that was prized in the military, especially in Rome. However, in 16th century a new tide was turning in Europe, firearms were slowly replacing

  • Physics of Baseball

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    Finding and understanding the sweet spot on a wooden bat. When you strike a bat against a ball it sends vibrations, much like the vibrations acting on airplanes or bridges, which travel in waves through the bat. This motion is important to understand because every vibration the bat experiences takes energy away from the ball's speed as it leaves the bat. If you hit the ball at a bat's "nodes", the frequencies (each bat vibrates at several low and high frequencies at once, which is like the

  • Analysis Of The Tennis Ball

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    component of velocity is (Walding, Rapkins and Rossiter, 2004, pg. 62): v_x = v cos θ Figure 1: Experiment set up. Red indicates acting forces, green indicates velocity. As the ball bounces across the tabletop, the horizontal component of velocity (vx) will remain unchanged, assuming no kinetic energy is lost. The vertical component of the velocity (vy), force normal of the tabletop and the force of gravity

  • Pros And Cons Of Chemical Warfare

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    Ethics investigation task – RE Is chemical warfare necessary during warfare? SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER - 266933J See – What is the issue/situation? Chemical warfare involves using the toxicity of chemical substances as weapons, primarily in the form of a gas. Chemical warfare is very different from other weapons of mass destruction, or WMD’s. The other weapons under this label are nuclear warfare and biological warfare, which together make up NBC, the military term for nuclear, biological, and chemical