Uric acid Essays

  • Lesch Nyhan Syndrome

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    This is the enzyme that recycles hypoxanthen and guanine, which are two of the genetic building blocks. When this enzyme is not present, the hypoxanthen and guanine are converted into excessive uric acid. Children around four to six months old are usually diagnosed with LND when orange, sand like uric acid crystals are observed in their diapers. These crystals cause painful urination, arthritis and kidney stones as they build up in various areas of the body. LNS had many symptoms. Affected people

  • Gout Essay

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    of acute arthritis triggered by crystallization of uric acid which forms insoluble deposits of monosodium urate within joints and cartilage. Gout is often associated with high serum levels of uric acid which is a partially soluble substance that is the major end product of purine metabolism. Unlike other mammals, human lack uricase enzyme which catalyzes oxidative metabolism of uric acid to produce a more soluble compound allantoin. Excess uric acid levels can be due to urate under excretion, over

  • Essay On Gout

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    reduce risk and frequency of acute gout attacks and lower serum uric acid levels but also to maintain ideal health. There are many misconceptions about diet and gout. It is commonly thought that foods such as citrus foods cause gout. However, there is no evidence that this could be true. What is known is that some foods appear to trigger attacks of gout. Such foods contain high levels of purines, a compound that can be converted into uric acid in the body. One-third of the purine the body handles comes

  • Increasing Prevalence and Risk Factors of Gout

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    it was often referred to as “disease of the kings” for this reason. In recent times it has been discovered which particular foods and lifestyles trigger gout. In most cases it is caused by too much uric acid in the blood,. An excess of uric acid is also known as hyperuricemia. This surplus of uric acid can lead to a build up of fluid surrounding the joints which form small crystals inside and around the joints. Gout typically results from genetic and environmental factors (Rheumatology (2009) 48 (suppl

  • Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

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    Kidney stones are a result from the chemicals found in the urine. These chemicals are uric acid, calcium, phosphorus and oxalic acid. Kidney stone are tiny and hard deposits found in the kidney. They allow the urine to become concentrated and make the minerals and chemicals to crystallize and stick together. The pain can be severe and basically starts on the side or below the ribs and may go lower towards the groin and abdomen. Symptoms of kidney stones The symptoms or signs may or may not develop

  • Analysis and Treatment of Urinary Disorders in Middle Aged Adults

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    levels may be elevated above 300mg/day if the parathyroid is analyzed for hyperactivity ruling it out. Urinary calculi are made up of calcium making them more detectable on a KUB depending on their size if it is less then 2 mm, but if the stone is uric acid it would make it undetectable in the KUB since it is radiolucent (Endocrine Diseases, 2017). It appears that an accurate evaluation determining urinary calculi is by means of a CT scan. It is able to be conducting quickly using the spiral or helical

  • Arthritis

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    Arthritis is a general term for approximately 100 diseases that produce either INFLAMMATION of connective tissues, particularly in joints, or noninflammatory degeneration of these tissues. The word means "joint inflammation," but because other structures are also affected, the diseases are often called connective tissue diseases. The terms rheumatism and rheumatic diseases are also used. Besides conditions so named, the diseases include gout, lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, degenerative

  • Vertebrate Adaptions for Terrestrial Life

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    Vertebrate Adaptions For Terrestrial Life AP-Biology Essay on vertebrate structural adaptations for terrestrial life. The problems of survival of animals on land are very different from those of survival of animals in aquatic environment. Describe four problems associated with animal survival in terrestrial environments but not in aquatic environments. For each problem, explain a physiological of structural solution. Four problems faced by animals on land are breathing (respiration),

  • Kidney Stones

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    kidney. There are many potential causes of a kidney stone. They are formed from any of the following, or even two of the following: ·     a family genetic predisposition to form stone ·     to local water or soil conditions ·     intake of excess uric acid, certain medications, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D ·     a diet of fruits and vegetables high in oxalate ·     long term dehydration and its resulting concentration of urine ·     urinary infection ·     living in an area where high temperatures cause

  • Research Paper About Mountain Dew

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    The Truth about Mountain Dew ‘The soda industry is a $75-billion market, an industry that reached its greatest heights in the US during the 1980s and 1990s’ (Mercola par 1). Mountain dew is a drink appreciated by millions of American teenagers. Found in almost every vending machine, at social events, and in the average American home, mountain dew is a prominent drink. Although its delectable flavor has apprehended the interest of teens, mountain dew is an injurious drink. Mountain dew should

  • Baisl: The Tulsi Plant

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    Tulsi The tulsi plant also known as “ basil “is very common plant in Indian Households.It is the most sacred of all the herbs found in India.It has benn used in India from more then 5000 years and is well known for its healing properties on mind,body and soul.The tulsi plant is also known as Ocimum tenuiflorum.The plant is widely popular in south Asian countries. There are three variants of Tulsi; Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi and Vana Tulsi. Each of the variants has its own distinctive taste. The Generally

  • The Problems of Too Much Fat in a Body

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    The Problems of Too Much Fat in a Body [IMAGE][IMAGE]Fats are compounds called trigylcerides, formed by a condensation reaction between glycerol and usually 3 fatty acids (the bond is called as ester linkage). The molecule is quite large and has long hydrocarbon tails. If every carbon atom is joined by a single C-C bond then we say it is SATURATED, if there is a double carbon bond C=C then we say this is unsaturated. [IMAGE] A chain with many C=C bonds is polyunsaturated. Most animal

  • Hair Chemistry and Hair Growth

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    When approaching the topic of hair chemistry, one may think about the question, where does hair come from? Saclike holes called follicles are located all over the human body. At the bottom of these follicles are a cluster of papilla responsible for the growth of hair. As the papilla, otherwise known as hair bulbs reproduce to make new hair cells, the old ones are pushed up towards the surface of the skin causing the hair to grow longer. This may seem like a simple concept to grasp.
However, the process

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Effects

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    of soda, is sodium bicarbonate. (Baker Bettie, 2013) Sodium bicarbonate has a high pH, that when incorporated with another acid will react quickly. Although carbon dioxide, is created when baking soda is combined with an acid with low pH. Baking soda will make cookies rise during the baking process, once it reacts with an acid. There must be a common acid (examples of acids are: buttermilk, sour cream, citrus juice, vinegar, and cream of tartar) added to the recipe to produce CO2 if the baking soda

  • Essay On Baking Soda And Vinegar

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    As you may know, when you mix baking soda and vinegar there is a big reaction, but have you ever wondered how this reaction happens? Well in order to find out how it happens you will need to know the elements that make up baking soda and vinegar. You will also learn why these elements are where they are on the periodic table and what is released during the baking soda and vinegar reaction. Baking soda is made out of sodium, carbon, and 2 oxygens while vinegar is made up of 4 hydrogens, 3 carbons

  • The Environmental effects of Boat and Motorized Watercraft Wastes on Aquatic Ecosystems

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    Boats and motorized watercraft are great for a fun day on the lake, but how fun are they for the diverse ecosystems living just beneath the hull of your boat? Boat exhaust and small traces of gasoline and oil are emitted into the waters when motorized watercraft are running. Boats have been shown to affect water clarity and can be a source of algal growth in aquatic ecosystems. The toxins emitted from boats can add chemicals to the water. Certain amounts of the fuel that is in motors is discharged

  • Acidic Acid Experiment

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    products can be acidic, bases or neutral. It was very interesting to learn that many acids are not dangerous. Some are even found in the food that we eat. Any food that taste sour is acidic. Bases are also found in common household products. They can be very strong and dangerous or weak and safer for use around the house. 2. INVESTIGATIVE QUESTION To prove how much acidic levels are in our household products and foods ACID BASE NEUTRAL Coffee Ammonia Olive Oil Lemon Juice Baking Soda Melted Butter Soda

  • Acid And Base Research Paper

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    1. Definition of Acid and Bases: 1.1 Arrhenius definition of acid and base: Arrhenius Acid: The substance or a compound which gives H+ ions in aqueous solution Arrhenius base: Base is a substance or compound that produces OH- ions in aqueous solutions. Chemists have known for some time that the H+ ion doesn’t exist in aqueous solutions as an independent species. The modernized Arrhenius definition of acid is that they are substances that produce H3O+ ions in aqueous solutions. It did not take longer

  • Analysis Of Alka Seltzer Sebies

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    The bicarbonate then reacts with the hydrogen from the citric acid, and this reaction makes water and carbon dioxide. By mixing water with the Alka-Seltzer® tablet, the whole reaction process is started, and that process ultimately results in bubbles of carbon dioxide gas being given off. When the film canister is

  • Acidosis And Respiratory Alkalosis

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    an excess of acid or alkali. Typically, these imbalances can be caused by many underlying conditions and or diseases. Normal blood pH levels in blood must be maintained within a narrow range of 7.35-7.45 to ensure that metabolic process is functioning properly and is producing the correct amount of oxygen to the tissues (Healthline.com, 2012). For both Respiratory Alkalosis and Acidosis the kidneys play a part. Normal body functions and metabolism generate large quantities of acids that must be