United States Department of Homeland Security Essays

  • The Changes that Came After 9/11

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    horrific day in history for United States of America. The events of this day changed the lives of those residing in America forever. United States was considered somewhat safe, in regards to terrorists’ attacks. However, this all came to a screeching halt when 19 militants known to be a part of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group hijacked four planes for the purpose of destroying targeted areas in the United States. As a result of the deadly attack on the United States, security measures drastically changed

  • The Department of Homeland Security and Border Security

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    Over the course of the history of the United States of America, the country has had struggles with its own borders and the protection of those borders. Illegal immigration is a big problem and the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and cash over our borders into our country has evolved into a bigger problem. The United States has over seven-thousand miles of border to cover each day. That is quite a bit of land, but the only problem with this is there is a lack of manpower to cover every single mile of

  • Foundational Laws Establishing the Department of Homeland Security

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    establish the Department of Homeland Security, however, there are three primary laws. These are the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-132). Each of these laws plays a key part in the Department of Homeland Security. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 established the Department of Homeland Security and set forth the primary mission of the Department. The Homeland Security Act of 2002

  • Homeland Security Research Paper

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    Department of Defense and Homeland Security on Jurisdiction Issues Jacob Brockett American Military University Department of Defense and Homeland Security on Jurisdiction Issues If we have an army, what do we need a security detail for? Preliminary Events The year was 1917, the United States had just entered World War I. Due to the industrial revolution, many countries entered the war with many new weapons. One in particular would pave a new way for assault, the air plane. Starting in 1914, European

  • Case Report: Department Of Homeland Security

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    Barack Obama, President of the United States. FROM: Ms. Vonda Griffith, Student at Columbia College. CC: Mr. Frederick Crawford. DATE: October 20, 2016. SUBJECT: Department of Homeland Security. This memorandum is to discuss the Department of Homeland Security, i.e., it?s existence, individual rights under the Constitution, structure, management and retention of the department. Existence/Structure September 11, 2001, began a journey for citizens in the United States. It awakened a fear of being

  • Our Security Umbrella: Department of Homeland Security

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    the United States do to the Al Qaeda 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the US Government found a need for a centralized department that umbrellas all other agencies when it comes to homeland security. The U.S. Government found this umbrella agency with the passage of the Homeland Security Act by Congress in November 2002, the Department of Homeland Security formally came into being as a stand-alone, Cabinet-level department to further coordinate and unify national homeland security

  • The Pros And Cons Of Homeland Security

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    Homeland Security is to ensure the homeland is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. The Intelligence Community is vital to homeland security and its efforts to execute its mission. The capabilities and limitations of intelligence depend on the task at hand and whether or not it is domestic or foreign. Law enforcement and federal agencies aid in the effort to protect the homeland security with fusion centers and information sharing among agencies. Various elements make

  • The Department of Homeland Security

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    going to discuss the plan that the Department of Homeland Security has set forth for the years of 2012-2016. This plan outlines the entire vision of the department to essentially accomplish their missions and goals. The plan consists of missions varying from border security to cyber security. We must not forget the men and women on the front line working hard to ultimately secure and provide safety for the United States of America. The Department of Homeland Security National Strategic Plan was created

  • Similarities Between Homeland Defense And Homeland Security

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    Homeland Security and Homeland Defense are two of the main lines of defense for the United States. Both are equally important and have their unique roles in the security of the United States. The missions, responsibilities, operations, tasks, and resources needed to make the missions work are important. The responsibilities and efforts both share are also vital. The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is “to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other

  • Department Of Homeland Security Essay

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    The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States changed our world forever. It heightened our nation’s security. This included increased awareness of both domestic and foreign acts of terrorism. As a result, congressional and public interest increased in federal spending for homeland security (CBO, 2005). According to the Congressional Budget Office, funding for the purpose of protecting our US borders and infrastructure is divided among multiple accounts within the federal budget

  • September 11: The Crash Of 9/11 In New York City

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    the creation of many acts, security systems and groups of anti-terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security was created just 11 short days after the events of 9/11. The Department of Homeland Securities was created to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. The foundation has three key concepts according to the website, those include; security, resilience and customs and exchange. The Homeland Security website also states that there are five core

  • Introduction To Homeland Security

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    Introduction to Homeland Security (CJUS254-1504A-02) Professor Stephen Smith Unit 3- Individual Project October 26, 2015 To: Chief of Staff for Homeland Security From: Special Agent Sam Freeman (ICE) Subject: Information Paper on Homeland Security Sir/Ma’am in recent discussions you advised me to conduct some research on Homeland Security agencies that possibly could overlap within the departments and determine which areas could be consolidated? Homeland Security missions is to prevent

  • Department of Homeland Security and Its Acronyms

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    of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). With every government program or agency comes an alphabet soup of acronyms and DHS is no different from the rest. To better understand the agency and concepts that comprise DHS, this paper will also examine acronyms associated with DHS. They are QHSR, HSE, NRF, NIMS, ICS, and UC. Each will get a description while highlighting and discussing core elements or requirements that each acronym calls for or offers. Department of Homeland Security September

  • Purpose Of The Homeland Security Act (HSA)

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    Homeland Security Act of 2002 After the September 11th attacks, the United States Senate and House of Representatives legislated the Homeland Security Act (HSA). This law was passed on November 25, 2002. The purpose of the Homeland Security Act is to allow federal law enforcement agencies power to prevent any future terrorist attacks in the United States. with the creation of this law, came the establishment of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Department of Homeland Security mission

  • Homeland Security Case Study

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    Question: Examine the role of risk management within the homeland security enterprise. To explain the role of risk management within the department of homeland security (DHS), the meaning of risk management and what it entails needs to be defined and briefly explained. For starters, risk management is the identification of risks by utilizing what is called risk assessments. These assessments are localized reports that are based on the three elements of risk, which are threat, vulnerability

  • Computers in Homeland Security

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    Computers in Homeland Security Ever since September 11th, 2001, our nation has been completely obsessed with our own security and prevention of another tragic incident. Through this experience leaders of our country have developed a system that would allow civilians of the status of our nation?s safety. It is called Homeland Security. Homeland Security was developed with several purposes. These include: increase overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events, Create better transportation

  • Analysis Of Homeland Defense And The National Guard

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    The general topic for this literature review will be an examination of the Department of Defense and the National Guard in terms of Homeland Security. The areas of Homeland Defense and Civil Support will be primary subsections of Homeland Security which will be reviewed. For purposes of defining a time period none of the literature reviewed will be prior to September 11, 2001. The reasoning for this being to examine Homeland Defense using literature pertaining to 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombing

  • Technological Changes After 9/11

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    forever changed after September 11th. There are many legacies that have lasted after the attack, one important one including homeland security. The way America dealt with the aftermath of the attacks still has a tremendous impact on the United States to this day. September 11th changed things that seem like normal things today. Air travel has changed, the department of homeland security was implemented, all due to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks affected people in

  • homeland security

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    were being lost. Now, almost a decade later, the attacks on 9/11 has left a long-term effect on the United States. The aftermath of 9/11 caused America to be vulnerable to terrorism. It affected every race across the U.S. causing some to be racially profiled because of the race that was “assumed” to be behind the attacks. In order to strengthen the U.S. from future attacks, the Homeland Security Act was passed in 2002. This Act was introduced after the 9/11 attacks and mailing of anthrax. It

  • The Department Of Homeland Security (DHS)

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    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is charged with the securing the United States from multiple threats that can come in various forms. With 22 departments that have different mission to undertake, every department was lobbying for their mission sets to be the highest priority for security of the homeland according to their own risk management assessment completed by them. When it came time for DHS to allocate money to each group, departments would use their own risk management assessment