Thirty Tyrants Essays

  • Justice In Plato

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    devastating loss of humanity, as well as economic difficulties due to of the cost of the war. Furthermore, the political arena of Athens became controlled by the Thirty Tyrants, who “appointed a Council of 500 to serve the judicial functions formerly belonging to all the citizens” (Gill). Critias and Theramenes, the leaders of the Thirty Tyrants, eliminated the powers of a democracy and began to rule as an oligarchy, executing any who opposed their rule. Plato juxtaposes the oligarchic regime with the

  • The Secondhand Legacy of Socrates

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    Socrates was born around the year 469 B.C.E, and during his lifetime became one of the most well-known philosophers in the world. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, much of the information that is known about Socrates is secondhand; this is because he never wrote anything, unlike many of the other philosophers. The information known is most likely from the writings of his most famous student, Plato. The teachers of Socrates are unknown, although many believe he got his ideas from

  • Socrates: Misunderstood Civil Disobedience

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    had defied the orders before. The first time was for the trial of the generals. Socrates believed that have the generals on trial as a group was a violation of law, and therefore he voted against it. The second time was during the ruling of the thirty tyrants. This time, Socrates rejected the government as a whole and denied the power that the government had. It will seem like Socrates might be civil disobedient due to what he had been charged for, his arguments on court, and what he had done in the

  • How Did Socrates Be Socratified?

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    In 345 BCE Aechines stated Athens executed Socrates due to his association with the Thirty Tyrants, and believed his teachings influenced them and was therefore a threat to the democracy, despite there being evidence that Socrates opposed the Thirty Tyrants. Even though Socrates was tried for invalid reasons before a jury likely ready to convict him already, it is argued he could have persuaded the jury

  • Essay On Plato's Theory Of Forms

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    There isn’t much known about Plato’s early life accept that he was born 428 B.C., both sides of his parents were well off financially and politically, and that he studied under Socrates. Plato was a faithful follower of Socrates, but they did not agree on everything, for instance they had a different view on the education of women. Plato believed that women could be taught and Socrates did not share this view. In Plato’s early 20’s he was very interested in a political career, his Uncle Critas

  • Essay Questions For Plato's Apology

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    Fear is the biggest motivator. My girlfriend and I had a debate about hate a couple days ago just to talk about the world and things that we hear and see. We hate the unknown. We fear and out of fear manifest hate. We can see because of the Thirty Tyrants from the Spartan's anti-democratic model of government that these people were in complete fear of the change held within in their borders. They feared change. Socrates’s was about change to a degree.

  • Socrates: Much More Than A Legend

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    Around the fourth century BCE, philosophy in Ancient Greece arose rapidly. This early form was speculative, so it was based entirely off the reasoning process without any factuality involved. While the Hellenistic Era approached, philosophy was taken to a whole new level. During Greece’s Golden Age, Socrates emerged expanding on these basic beliefs by using his inquisitive mind. Although Socrates’ ideology set the basis for western thought, his dedication to his beliefs brought him about as a polarizing

  • The Role Of Socrates In The Clouds

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    eggs, but he taught so many other good eggs. One person that is an accuser of Socrates and how he corrupting the youth is Tethis. Tethis’s son, Critias, is one of those bad eggs that Socrates taught. What happened to Critias and how he led the 30 tyrants was Tethis’s reason why Socrates corrupted the youth. However, as Aristophanes says, “Socrates only taught students to question their own understanding of things.” This quote demonstrates that Socrates did not tell Critias to overthrow the government

  • Plato's Five Regime In The Movie Ida

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    detail about what is known as the five regimes. The five regimes can apply to both individuals and societies. The regimes go from orderliness to chaos in this order: aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. On an individual level, a tyrant is someone who essentially grants themselves complete freedom to chase pleasure in abundance, no matter what measures they take to achieve it. This could be a pursuit of money, sex, power, or any other earthly possession that may fill the hole in

  • Analysis Of Othello And Titus Andronicus By William Shakespeare

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    with violence, which is disturbing to the audience. Yet, the audience is entranced even more as they try to find out how Shakespeare creates his plays to be so tyrannical. Shakespeare is an effective playwright because of one simple fact: he is a tyrant. In plays like Othello and Titus Andronicus, by the control of all characters, Shakespeare uses racism and the treatment of women to entreat and entertain the audience through acts of tyranny until the hero and those with the purest of hearts are

  • Essay on the Tyrant in Richard III and Macbeth

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    The Tyrant in Richard III and Macbeth In Richard III and Macbeth Shakespeare used the title characters to reveal the typical characteristics of the tyrant such as limited foresight, mental instability, paranoia, the alienation of allies, and a clearly defined persona of evilness. Both Richard III and Macbeth are noblemen that usurp the crown through treachery, deceitfulness, and murder. Their rule is short-lived, though, because the reign with fear and terror. This clearly sets them up as

  • Lincoln the Tyrant

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    Lincoln the Tyrant There is no doubt that Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the great American presidents. The general public, when asked about Lincoln, will often tell the tale of a great man. Holding their head high, they will embark on the journey of a benevolent leader, praising the man who envisioned a new America: a great country of racial equality, and the pillar of human liberty. There are some, however, who have quite the opposite view. In his work, The Real Lincoln,

  • Macbeth - Noble Soldier to Bloody Tyrant

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    Macbeth - Noble Soldier to Bloody Tyrant The purpose of tragedy is to arouse in the audience emotions of fear or pity, and to produce a catharsis-a relieving cleansing-of these emotions. Macbeth is the most horrific of Shakespeare's tragedies because the protagonist commits such bloodthirsty acts. Apart from on the battlefield, however, this brutality is not evident when we first meet the hero.  General Macbeth is a man of military and political importance, the heroic Thane of Glamis and

  • Evil In Oedipus The King

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    throne. But the same greek word, with a different definition, tyrant, or tyrannos, is the negative connotation of the same phrase. It is someone who came into power any other way: murder, treason, wrongdoings, etc. Oedipus- who clearly has a slew of traits that are suited for both denotations of the singular meaning, is harder to classify. With him

  • Antigone

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    because I don't believe in or worship the same gods Antigone did. Continuing on I started to glean more of Creon's personality. I learned that he was not the humble and merciful person I thought he was but rather he was a prideful and maybe even a tyrant king. I say this because why else would you leave someone that has already been defeated and is dead, left unburied and then threaten death to anyone who tries to bury him? To mean this personifies cruelty and yet I can see that maybe he had a hidden

  • Plato’s Republic: Justice and Injustice in Thrasymachus' Account

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    ruled or those exploited individuals who are just and obey the laws of the society; (b) the tyrant or ruler who sets down laws in the society in order to exploit the many for personal advantage; (c) the "stronger" individual (kreittoon) or member of the society who is detached from the many and aspires to become the tyrant. Second, I argue that if Thrasymachus’s account of the perfectly unjust life of the tyrant is to be more than a theoretical ideal, then the stronger individual who aspires to the tyrant’s

  • Plato's Idea of the Emergence of Tyranny from Democracy

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    What are tyrants, one might ask. In the current sense of the word a tyrant is pejorative term, applied to an individual in power who is selfish and self preserving. A tyrant is an immoral being, ruling over those around him through force, a tax on the freedom of those he subjugates. Yet the question that one should be asking is where do tyrants come from? Plato proposed that tyrants are a product of democracy, that the liberty inherent to a democracy allows the self interested to manipulate the

  • Summary Of Shooting An Elephant Imperialism

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    citizen's physiological needs and safety are met. But, at times the government acts out with petty impulses in response to pressure, just as human beings do at times, caused by all of the responsibility they have. Which causes the government to rule as tyrant which resulted from the petty impulses. Burma was a free kingdom until the British came and imperialized

  • The Role And Development Of Peisistratus

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    Peisistratus, the son of Hippocrates, was an ancient Greek ruler ruling the Athens in the ancient times. His period is said to be the long 30 years from 527 BC to 561 BC. He rose to power as a result of victories in small battles and was the first of the ancient Greek rulers who was popular among the people of Athens. He was the first example of populism, a method of governance where the leaders and the rulers become popular with the common people (Herodotus, 2013). There are several anecdotes reported

  • Macbeth:Concious Villain To Unrepentant Tyrant

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    Macbeth: Conscious Villain to Unrepentant Tyrant Thesis: To trace the degradation of Macbeth from a hero to a conscious villain to an unrepentant tyrant. I. Macbeth as a Hero. A. Admired warrior B. Duncan's Admiration II.     Macbeth as a Conscious Villain A. First tidings of villainy B. Murder of Duncan C. Guilt-Ridden Soliquoy III. Macbeth as a non-repentant Tyrant A. Murder of Macduff's family B. Selfish thoughts of sleep C. Feelings of Invincibility Macbeth