Thickness Essays

  • The Thickness of Nichrome Wire And Its Effect on Its Resistance

    1947 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Thickness of Nichrome Wire And Its Effect on Its Resistance Introduction A current is the flow of negative electrons around a circuit. Electrons get pushed out of the negative pole of the cell and drift slowly round the circuit, from atom to atom in the wire, to the positive pole of the cell. A current flowing in one direction like this is called direct current. (d.c.) A cell pushes these electrons around a circuit. It acts as an electric pump. Different cells provide electrons

  • An Investigation Into How the Thickness of Insulation Affects the Time a Drink Takes to Cool Down

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    An Investigation Into How the Thickness of Insulation Affects the Time a Drink Takes to Cool Down · Aim In this investigation I am trying to find out how the thickness of insulation around a drink in a cup affects the time a drink takes to cool down. I want to find out if insulation does affect the cooling time of a drink and if so how. I would like to produce an unbiased and fair set of results. I would like to produce results that match my prediction and the scientific theory behind

  • Beta Particles

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    properties of the shield will be; it can be malleable to form different shapes and can be punctured, can stop radiation at a small thickness. Equipment Strontium 90 beta source GM tube + counter Different thickness of different metals Clamps, bosses and clamp stand to hold the source and the material being tested. Method 1. Set-up equipment as in the diagram 2. Record the thickness and the material being used. 3. Record 5 readings of the radiation count, and record them in a table 4. Replace material being

  • Wire Resistance Investigation

    828 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wire Resistance Investigation Planning -------- Aim --- In this experiment the resistance change in a wire will be investigated. I will be investigating if the thickness or cross-sectional diameter of the wire affects the resistance. Variables --------- The input variable will be the thickness of the wire to the nearest millimetre. The output variable will be the readings on the ammeter and voltmeters. The controlled variables will be the length of wire and the current

  • Resistance of a Wire

    2329 Words  | 5 Pages

    Resistance of a Wire Aim Which factors affect the resistance of a wire? Prediction I believe the factors which affect the resistance of a wire are: 1. The length- the increase in length could increase the resistance. 2. The thickness of the core. 3. The material of which the wire is made up of- e.g. Copper, constantan and nichrone. 4. The number of strands within a wire: 5. The amount of current flowing through the wire. For this experiment, the factors which will be

  • GEOLOGY - Earths Interior

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    inside the Earth has improved immensely since Newton's time, but his estimate of the density remains essentially unchanged. So what is this new knowledge of the Earth’s interior? PRESENT KNOWLEDGE ‘A round sphere with many layers, all varying in thickness, each having it’s own colour and taste…’ this is a description of a gob-stopper and also bares a close resemblance to the internal structure of the Earth; a sphere divided into three layers, differing in density, composition, strength, and state

  • Resistance of a Wire

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    copper wire has more resistance than a thick copper wire of the same length. A very long copper wire has more resistance than a short one of the same thickness. Resistance is measured in Ohms. Variables There were three variables that our group was able to choose from; the length of the wire, the area of the wires cross section (thickness) or the type of wire (constantan or nichrome). All of these variables are able to change the resistance of the wire. Here are my thoughts and predictions

  • The Resistance of a Wire

    1567 Words  | 4 Pages

    this formula Where the resistance is R, the p.d is V and the current is C, from this you can work out the resistance of any circuit. Aim of the Preliminary The aim of this preliminary work involves making decisions about the length and thickness of the wire, which will be suitable for the main investigation The preliminary work will only involve one type of wire - constantan because there are available 5 different thicknesses of this wire and very few of other wires in the department

  • Skin Grafting

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    reconstruct noses that had been amputated as punishment. Over time, it evolved, and in this contemporary age we possess two major means by which to transplant skin: split-thickness skin grafting and full-thickness skin grafting. In split-thickness skin grafts, the skin graft includes only the epidermis and a portion of the dermis. The thickness of the slice can be broken down further into a thin layer (.008-.012 mm), a medium layer (.012-.018 mm), and a thick layer (.018-.030 mm). This type of skin grafting

  • Investigating how the Resistance of a Constantan Wire is Affected by Its Length

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    all of the other variables we will try to keep the same. The other variables included in this experiment are temperature, thickness of wire and density of wire. Resistance is a force, which opposes the flow of an electric current around a circuit so that energy is required to push the charged particles around the circuit Key factors: - Thickness of the wire: if the wire is thin, the electrons are forced to travel through a smaller area, therefore colliding more frequently

  • Factors that Affect the Current Needed to Melt a Wire

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    Needed to Melt a Wire Aim: Investigate one factor that affects the current needed to melt a wire. Plan: I am going to investigate what factors affect the current needed to melt a wire. In this investigation, I have decided to change the thickness of the wires that I use, and then while increasing the resistance, I will measure the current needed to melt the different wires. I will start with the variable resistor set to the maximum. I will slowly decrease resistance to increase current

  • Biology Lab Report

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    other; the smooth one had a brighter color and has a regular round shape. However, the wrinkled one was much darker and does not have a regular shape. This result might be caused by some mistakes, which were the amount of iodine solution and the thickness of cotyledon. We get very clear result in the second experiment. The section of smooth pea changed to dark-blue color when we added iodine solution and left it for 20 minutes, while the wrinkled pea did not change at all. In this experiment

  • Catalog of DIESEL String Functions

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    including the function name itself. If this limit is exceeded, you get a DIESEL error message. + (addition) Returns the sum of the numbers val1, val2, ..., val9. $(+, val1 [, val2, ..., val9] ) If the current thickness is set to 5, the following DIESEL string returns 15. $(+, $(getvar,thickness),10) - (subtraction) Returns the result of subtracting the numbers val2 through val9 from val1. $(-, val1 [, val2 , ..., val9] ) *(multiplication) Returns the result of multiplying the numbers val1, val2

  • The Time Machine

    2578 Words  | 6 Pages

    reasonable ground for it. You will soon admit as much as I need from you. You know of course that a mathematical line, a line of thickness nil, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.’ ‘That is all right,’ said the Psychologist. ‘Nor, having only length, breadth, and thickness, can a cube have a real existence.’ ‘There I object,’ said Filby. ‘Of course a solid body may exist. All real things---’ ‘So

  • Investigation Into How Insulation Can Affect Heat Loss

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    times, and then find the average heat loss for each set of times. To make the test more fair, we will use the same beaker each time, so that the size and thickness of the beaker stays the same each time. We will also use the same amount of water each time, and use the same type of paper towels, so that they are also all the same thickness. To make sure that the experiment is done safely, we will do all of the tests on a clean work surface so that nothing gets broken, and we will be careful

  • Is Life Taken For Granted?

    871 Words  | 2 Pages

    the back seat decided to light up. I myself was never around marijuana until that night. “Hey man, hurry up and pass it,” Danny anxiously said. He was the known addict of the group, even though I never witnessed him using until now. The thickness of the smoke filled the car, and 5 minutes later gave everyone a high, including myself. The windows were sealed shut, confining the smoke in the car. It was chaotic, with everyone singing while the radio was blasting, and the agonizing piercing

  • Atom

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Atoms Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Everything around us is made up of atoms. The atom is more than a million times smaller than the thickness of a human hair. The smallest speck that can be seen under an ordinary microscope contains more than 10 billion atoms. Even though atoms are incredibly tiny, they are made up of even more minute particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. These are called subatomic particles. Each element has a definite number of subatomic particles, which make

  • Bamboo

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    antennas, but at a constant diameter. The culm is the above ground stem, this is what is used for most all of the many applications. The culm is woody and either hollow or solid, however most species exhibit some degree of hollowness. The length and thickness of the culm varies greatly between species. Some species can get as tall as 130 feet and be more than a foot in diameter--these have been reported to grow at nearly two inches each hour (Hanke 291). Indeed this would be impressive to see, definitely

  • Free Essays - A Clockwork Orange

    1254 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess This novel is short–only being about 180 pages–but looks may deceive you, or in other words don’t judge a book buy its cover or its thickness. A Clockwork Orange is actually 360 pages because you have to read between the lines. You may think that the story’s theme is that the future will be filled with horrible decadent violence (that is what I first thought), but if you read between the lines you will understand that this book is written for one main purpose

  • Booty

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dictionary of American Slang, is "esp. black, the female body as a sex object; the sex act; ASS." Where I come from, booty is a word that is used to describe an extravagant behind. From what I have learned and seen, booty describes the size, the thickness, and the luster of one of my favorite body parts: the butt. The word booty is so descriptive that when someone uses it is understood quickly and usually without discussion. I usually do not hear people describe white women or any other type of women