Theory X and theory Y Essays

  • Theory X and Theory Y Leadership Model

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    further explained. The leadership model that is being chosen in this paper is the Theory X and Theory Y Leadership model and how to compare the two management style of each employee described in this paper. According to the Business Balls (n.d.), the Theory X manager is a person who is authoritarian and maintains a repressive style while showing characteristics of tight control and no development. They explain a Theory Y manager as a person who wants to have a high achievement, empower their employees

  • Significant Elements Of Theory: Theory X Theory Z And Theory Y

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    review of several significant elements of theory as it concerns theory X theory Z and theory Y. In addition, we identified the various components that help build the landscape and understanding of theory. In addition to a diverse set of views associated with theory and its relationships that guide managers as well as researchers in the development of theory and practical applications within a given area of study. However, research has unveiled a view of Theory X that workplace produces a negative effect

  • Theory X and Theory Y

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    Theory X and Theory Y, developed by Douglas McGregor, grew out of opposition towards classical management methods. Classical management theorists, such as Fredrick Taylor, focused on scientific training and efficiency and did not account for personal and behavioral issues, such as management styles or job satisfaction. McGregor saw these deficiencies in the classical school of management which lead him to develop a theory of management that would factor the importance of the individual worker. If

  • McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

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    McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Introduction Human beings have been studied systematically and objectively for many years to determine if they are resistant to work or self-governing. In addition, managers who tend to utilize McGregor’s Theory X generally receive poor results from their employees. This report essay will address McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y in contrasts to include how these theories benefit the criminal justice system. The sections that will be discussed are: Theory X, Theory Y, Behavioral

  • Management Theory: Contingency Theory, Theory X And Theory Y

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    explore many theories to help effectively manage the working environment. The implement of management theories help increase quality of service as well as increase the level of productivity within an organization (Hawthorne). “Not many managers use a singular theory or concept when implementing strategies in the workplace: They commonly use a combination of a number of theories, depending on the workplace, purpose and workforce” (Hawthorne). Contingency theory and Theory X and Theory Y are two of

  • McGregor’s Theory X and Y

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    prosperity. Therefore, the management theory is constantly developing. In 20th century, there were several management theories proposed such as scientific management, administrative management, behavioural management, etc. as increasingly aware of human are crucial element of the organisation and vital in influencing overall organisational performance, Douglas McGregor who studied about how workers’ behaviour effect the manager’s leadership, proposed Theory X and Y (Waddell et al. 2007). It is no doubt

  • Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

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    Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Biography of Douglas McGregor Douglas McGregor was born on 1906 in Detroit, America. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather, Thomas McGregor started his business and given its name as, McGregor Institute. The business provides assistance to Great Lakes sailors and other transient labour. The Institute provided shelter, warmth and food to approximately 100 men every year. When Thomas McGregor passed away, his son Murray McGregor (Douglas’s father)

  • Theory Y

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    Theory X and Theory Y are two theories developed by Douglas M. McGregor. They are often compared and contrasted however, for the purposes of this paper the primary focus will be on Theory Y. It is important to note the differences between the two theories to understand why Theory Y is thought to be superior. McGregor was intrigued by what motivated people to work hard and how leaders could foster their motivation (Bobic and Davis, 2003, p. 241). He also wanted to know why so many workerss were

  • Compare And Contrast Theory X And Y

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    Theory X & Y was officially expounded (and named) by Douglas McGregor, a social psychologist at MIT in the 1960s. His idea was that there are two fundamentally different styles of management. Theory X is an authoritarian concept where one assumes that individuals work reluctantly, without motivation. On the other hand, Theory Y is a libertarian concept where one assumes that people will perform beyond their duties if they are motivated and are dedicated to the overall goals set forth for them.

  • Department Of Homeland Security: Theory X And Theory Y

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    there are no two contrasting categories of employees who extremely fit theory X or theory Y and McGregor theory X and Theory Y has no empirical data that validated the theory. Moreover, since each human being is unique, which make us have our individual differences; there are numerous factors that can motivate employees. Using one or two factors as instruments of motivation may turn off some segment of employees. For example, Theory Y style managers’ may likely focus on measures of productivity rather

  • Gregor's Theory Y Play At Whole Foods Summary

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    What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain McGregor has written two theories about human nature. Theory X basically assumes that people will do the least amount of work required of them. That they will need to be monitored and workers will need a set of rules for every employee to follow . There is also no incentive for them to go above their current job duty. Theory Y basically believes that if you give the employee the opportunity to do well the employee will take

  • Mcgregor's Theory Y Summary

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    There are two motivational strategies that could be used her, each one different form the other. The first being McGregor’s Theory X & Y, specifically theory X, and the second being the idea of Dispersed Leadership. While both of these styles may complete the goal of implementation, one may be more beneficial to the overall process in the organization. McGregor’s Theory X views most employees as last and unwilling to work hard unles forced to. These employees only

  • Influence of McGregor's Theory X and Y on Time Management

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    Influence of McGregor's Theory X and Y on time management Role theories suggest people take on various roles within their organizations which shape the individuals behaviors to meet the organizations goals and expectations (Colorado State University-Global Campus, 2013). McGregor’s Theory X and Y managerial assumptions seek to explain the role of managers in organizations and how their managerial views influence key business decisions (McGregor, 1957/2000). McGregor (1957/2000) has found that depending

  • Douglas McGregor’s Human Side of Enterprise

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    management thought with his Theory X and Theory Y. Interestingly enough, the aforementioned book review was done on a book called Douglas McGregor, Revisited: Managing the Human Side of the Enterprise that was published in 2000, which highlights the fact that McGregor’s work is still relevant and worth revisiting and reviewing over forty years after it was published. In order to understand McGregor’s proposed theory to management that incorporates the social sciences, called Theory Y, it is imperative to

  • Theory Y, The Pygmalion Effect, And Self-Concept

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    Question # 2: Identify similarities and differences among Theory X and Theory Y, the Pygmalion effect, and self-concept. Oxford Dictionaries defines attitude as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior (Attitude, n.d.). There are numerous assumptions about attitude and human behavior regarding how leaders interact with followers which can forecast productivity and success levels of both in their roles. As indicated by

  • Theory Y, The Pygmalion Effect, And Self-Theory

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    Question # 2: Identify similarities and differences among Theory X and Theory Y, the Pygmalion effect, and self-concept. Oxford Dictionaries defines attitude as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior (Attitude, n.d.). There are numerous assumptions about attitude and human behavior in regards to how leaders interact with followers which can forecast productivity and success levels of both in their roles. As indicated

  • Human Behavior Case Study

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    1. Discuss the major human behavior theories and their communication implications for contemporary organizations. Today, most contemporary organizations utilize major human behavior theories to be competitive amongst other organizations. However, it is important to discuss not only the theories themselves, but it is imperative to understand the associated communication implications in regards to each theory. Altogether, human behavior theories focus on the how individuals are influenced, what

  • Sarah Richardson Sex Itself Analysis

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    illustrates the development of theories of sex determination. Theories of chromosomal determination of sex prominent at the time speculated about a system of sex determination that was nondeterminate and easily influenced by many variables, similar to the biocultural recognition of human variation in response to environment. Biocultural understandings of variation rely on epigenetic

  • Management Theory Case Study

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    method would work for this business will depend on management behavior and the results from a qualitative and quantitate research. According to Business Dictionary, 2016, Management Theory is defined as “A collection of ideas which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or organization. Management theory addresses how managers and supervisors relate to their organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the implementation of effective means to

  • The Human Side Of Enterprise By Mcgregor Summary

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    which are called Theory X (Shafritz & Hyde,2012). -Management is responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise which are material, money, and people interested in economic. -With the respect to people this is a process of directing their efforts, them controlling their actions , and modifying their behavior. - Without this activate intervention by management , people would be passive, even resistant to organizational needs. It is some benefits to the conventional theory which are the