The Twilight Zone Essays

  • Twilight Zone Ending

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    saying no to the club has deadly consequences. STORY COMMENTS This short script THE TWILIGHT ZONE pays homage to Rod Serling and to the classic Twilight Zone series. The script easily engages the audience and pulls them into the world of the protagonist Martin Slone. Like the Twilight Zone, the tone is ominous. There are many twists and turns with a classic ironic ending in the spirit of the Twilight Zone or even an Alfred Hitchcock traditional film. The story showcases a rather ordinary man

  • How The Twilight Zone Reflected American Society in the 1950s

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    How The Twilight Zone Reflected American Society in the 1950s Imagine, if you will, a time that seemed innocent... almost too innocent. Imagine a nation under whose seemingly conformist and conservative surface dramatic social changes were brewing, changes as obvious as integration and as subtle as fast food. And imagine, if you will, a radical television show that scrutinized, criticized, and most importantly, publicized these changes, making the social turmoil of a nation apparent to its post-world

  • Rod Sterling's Imagination: Clearly From theTwilight Zone

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    timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, science and superstition and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is a dimension of imagination. It is an area we call The Twilight Zone!” (The Twilight Zone, 4)Those are the words of Rod Serling, an American screenwriter that developed abstract visions and conveyed them to millions. Serling was one of the most influential and creative people of his time. He manipulated common fears, thoughts

  • Rodman Edward Serling

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    infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call... THE TWILIGHT ZONE," Serlings masterpiece would not come until later in his writing career. He began writing full-time in 1951, more than seventy of his television scripts were produced, garnering both critical and public acclaim. Full-scale success came early in

  • Rising Above Hatred

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    Night Essay Night, a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, and the Twilight Zone episode “He’s Alive” are both depictions of the Holocaust. Night describes Elie’s account of the concentration camps, and “He’s Alive” features a man named Pete who wanted to purify the United States by eliminating all foreigners, which is essentially an allusion to the genocide of European Jews during World War II. The message of “He’s Alive” is that humans are responsible for the creation of hatred but are also capable

  • Analysis Of The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street

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    The Monsters are Due on Maple Street “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” is an episode from the popular tv series The Twilight Zone. Twilight zone was created by Rod Serling, and first aired in 1959. The series is a dramatic fantasy and science-fiction anthology. The episode “The Monsters are Due on Maple street” is based around aliens. At least from the surface the episode seems to be about aliens. The average viewer would not see that the episode also has a deeper meaning, one that relates

  • The Iconic Rod Sterling Spoke Out Against Socialism

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    The iconic Rod Serling contributed to televisions “Golden Age”, the writer and director of the very accomplished series " The Twilight Zone” and “The Night Gallery”, has not only dazzled the world with his mind boggling work in the expansive sci-fi genre but has also successfully utilized his position in television and radio to speak out against socialism. During World War II, Serling fought Nazi forces in Europe. It was there that he realized the true "wrongs" in the world. Serling understood the

  • Lord Of The Flies Human Nature Essay

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    Human nature. What is human nature? By definition, human nature is the “general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.” This applies to everything humans do, and although each person is unique in the way they act in a given situation, everyone shares common characteristics of behavior, especially when put in life or death situations. We may see ourselves, humans, as sophisticated, civilized creatures who calculate our decisions

  • Don’t Believe the Hype

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    pressure can happen to you or a friend, just like it happened to Teddy in the story My Flamboyant Grandson by George Saunders, when his peer in school bullied him for not being normal, or like Janet Tyler in the episode “Eye of the Beholder” from The Twilight Zone where she is force to get plastic surgeries in order to comply with the social norms Both authors use emotions and symbolism to demonstrate how societal pressure isolates individuals. When we are stuck in a bad situation in our life we start to

  • Newspaper Report on a Town

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    Newspaper Report on a Town I am going to write a newspaper article about my town, it is called Luton. It is thirty miles north of London. And has a population of around 187000 people. Its main features are the airport, which is currently being extended and the Vauxhall factory. The area, which I live in, is called Wigmore. It is on the very edge of the town and backs onto the countryside. There are a number of small villages beyond Wigmore, Tea Green, which has a small golf course, and

  • Twilight Zone Bomb Shelter

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    This episode of The Twilight Zone “The Shelter”, focuses on a neighborhood set into mass hysteria because there has been an announcement over the radio that an unidentified flying object has been spotted flying towards America. This is assumed to be a plane carrying an atomic bomb because of the tensions that were happening at this time between Russia and America during the Cold War. The tensions at the time of production for this episode were very high as the Berlin Crisis of 1961 had just taken

  • Oliver Sacks's The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat

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    Oliver Sacks's The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat As a child, I watched Alfred Hitchcock Theater, The Twilight Zone and other science fiction or horror shows. Often times the storyline was based on a victim's mental problems or their skewed perception of the world. Looking back, I remember the fascination I felt when watching one specific episode of the Twillight Zone. In this particular episode, a man turned into a zombie by some type of poison. Essentially he was still alive, but he was

  • Richard Matheson Essay

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    self-centered point of view shows that even though she is killing someone for the sake of money, it is not her problem because she is not committing the crime first hand. This quote also goes to show how fast people think of themselves only. In the Twilight Zone episode “Nick of Time” one of the main ideas is you can only control your own destiny. The Mystic Seer is a for... ... middle of paper ... .... Gheria drugged and killed Vares and tortured Alexis: “The pain and torturing horror she had undergone

  • The Twilight Zone: Tower Of Terror

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    The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror “You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension, beyond the deepest, darkest corner of the imagination, in the Tower of Terror.” The twilight zone’s: tower of terror was finished building July 22, 1994, and the queue lines have been booming ever since. With a ride this popular and constantly being run, there is bound to be malfunctions in the safety systems. Disney prevents such malfunctions from happening, fortunately. Even though there are low

  • Personal Narrative-The Twilight Zone: The Shelter

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    Twilight Zone: The Shelter Frank’s last words were, “Or you can stay in there and we’ll bust our way in.” I still remember the day, when this dreadful, and horrendous event occurred. It was the day when everything changed. The relationship of family was put to test, as well as the bond between friends. It was July 14, 1959, when the whole country was put to the test. I recall the night, when everything was perfect. The beautiful starry night sky which was glowing in the dark night sky, and the graceful

  • The Twilight Zone: Movie Vs Short Story

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    The Twilight Zone and the short stories are very different do to their qualities. In the movie and in the short stories there are different types of conflict that develops the characters. After Marsha had fainted, she woke up in the department store as the camera drew a shadow on her face. As she got up she looked around and did not see any people and no workers were there. She scurries around and tries to find a way out of the store. She tries each window and door and elevator and she cried for

  • Teleplay: Similarities Between The Twilight Zone And The Holocaust

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    Have you ever seen the Twilight Zone? Have you ever wondered what happened in the Holocaust? You will find out how the Twilight Zone and the Holocaust are similar. The teleplay is about a girl named Janet who is different from others. She has had 9 different surgeries and now she is done with her final surgery and now it is time to take the bandages off. When the doctor takes them off, he says there was no change at all. The doctors now put her in a place with her own kind. The Holocaust is about

  • Movie Analysis: Rod Serling Twilight Zone

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    murder of several people. STORY COMMENTS MR. FRANK is a chilling and compelling, psychological thriller that delivers an unnerving and lurid tale. There’s a sense of style that makes this plot feel like an Alfred Hitchcock film or Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode. MR. FRANK, undeniably, would make for a very captivating and terrifying film and is worth consideration. The plot easily engages the audience. The plot creates a solid and compelling mystery that quickly pulls the audience into the story

  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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    Brave New World, a novel written by Aldous Huxley, can be compared and contrasted with an episode of The Twilight Zone, a fantasy, science-fiction television series, called “Number 12 Looks Just Like You.” Brave New World is a highly regarded and renowned work of literature as The Twilight Zone is considered one of the greatest television series of all time. Brave New World and The Twilight Zone’s episode “Number 12 Looks Just Like You” can be compared and contrasted on the basis of science, youth

  • The Blue Planet: A Natural History Of The Ocean

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    documentary series, The Blue Planet: A Natural History of the Ocean, asserts the vastness and immensity of the oceans that take up over two-thirds of the surface of the planet we reside. In the episode, The Deep, the documentary explores the twilight zone and dark zone, a region that continues to be vastly unknown. In this, the narrator discusses the harsh conditions- in regards to darkness, coldness, and high pressure- and the few organisms that reside in the darkness. Over 60% of the ocean is covered