The Subtle Knife Essays

  • Book Review of The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman

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    Book Review of The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman This week I chose to read the novel 'The Subtle Knife' written by Phillip Pullman. Philip Pullman was born in Norwich on 19th October 1946. The early part of his life was spent travelling all over the world, because his father and then his step father were both in the Royal Air Force. He spent part of his childhood in Australia, where he first met the wonders of comics, and grew to love Superman and Batman in particular. From the age

  • Who Is Pullman's Use Of Place In The Golden Compass

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    There are five literary devices used to tell a story. One of which is place. Place is used within the story to describe a location or setting. Within the book, place sets tone and is used to set narrative. Pullman’s use of place in The Golden Compass allows him to establish epic scenery within the novel. Many people will ask “what is place?”. Place is a description of atmosphere, time period, location, social hierarchies, culture, perspectives, etc to help illustrate a setting. Place can be used

  • Essay On Serrated Knives

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    unpleasant fraying at the cut area. Sharpening a serrated knife does not follow the general process of sharpening other plain blade tools because it can create damage or cause misalignment of the serration. Aggressive sharpeners can remove the metal that would totally end the knife in waste. Most common examples of serrated knives are bread and butter knives, steak, rigging, some pocket, kitchen and table knives. Sharpening a serrated knife requires specialized equipment that could cater its delicate

  • Montgomery Burns Murder

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    The fact that Homer had already committed murder once suggested that he possessed the necessary ruthlessness to complete this task. Unknowing himself though, Homer utilized a knife with his initials on it, H.W. In the frenzied world of journalism, Peter Mansbridge and Martin Wallage are hungry for the next big story. When they stumbled upon the aftermath of the gruesome murders, they saw an opportunity to catapult their careers

  • Violence, The Order Created By Man, And The Chaos Of The Universe In The Dead Man

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    executions, knife-fights, political killings, or revenge, many of these tales are in the lean, machismo, cold-hearted tradition. A story that caught my attention in particular was that of “The Dead Man.” On the surface a simpler story; violent, fast-paced, and in a typical Borges fashion, a surprise ending where we realize the connection between the title and the protagonist’s fate is revealed. However, upon a second or third reading, it becomes evident that Borge’s famed puzzles and subtle commentary

  • Twelve Angry Men Plot

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    jury-room confrontation in which an "open and shut case" becomes strenuous as twelve strangers scuffle for answers. The trial involves a nineteen-year-old boy, who is suspect of killing his father in a late-night altercation with an extraordinary knife. His fate now lies in the hands of 12 jurors, each with his own determination to solve the case and reveal the truth. As the session takes its course, evidence becomes scrutinised, tempers rise, and the jury room erupts in a shouting brawl because

  • Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Argumentative Essay

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    the hair and was brandishing his knife. The chant rose ritually, as at the last moment of a dance or a hunt” (114). Following the unsuccessful boar hunt, the urge to complete the task is transferred onto a human being. They halt before Robert is playfully murdered but their potential of savagery remains boundless as time weakens their

  • Analysis of the Oil Painting Entitled "Fruit Bowl, Version 6" by Hans Hoffman

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    line created by wide brush strokes separates this area from the foreground and table top which is depicted as a large cadmium red trapezoid. The right hand background is comprised of white sections of thick white paint possibly applied with a pallet knife, leaving sections of the canvas visible to the viewer. The artist chose to use a muddy green color to outline much of the red table top and pulled this line into the background and repeats the same type of line to show the fruit bowl on the table.

  • Who Is Jem Finch Growing Up In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, protagonists Scout Finch and Jem Finch go through the process of growing up. The adventure takes place in a drowsy town known as Maycomb in Alabama, and is viewed through the eyes of Scout. Scout and Jem live a somewhat normal childhood, attending the local school. During the summer, they meet a boy from Mississippi named Charles Baker Harris, more commonly known as Dill. Scout, Jem, and Dill try to approach a mysterious figure known as “Boo Radley” and try

  • Edgar Allan Poe's 'Our Mistress Of Witches'

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    Our Mistress of Witches, she who holds the torch and knife and wanders the crooked paths of the Umbric, Celestial, Earthly & dreaming realms, is the Harlot and the Virgin. She is veiled in darkness and stars, whispers into the night the secrets of all things. Her name is spoken to those of the secret way and shall remain silent among those untouched by Her spirit. She guards over the twilight doors of dusk and dawn. Her knife cuts the throats of Kings and releases the child from and into the womb

  • Moving Out: A Short Story

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    said these words I had been wanting to say for longer than I could even remember, I could see my dads change in expression, though subtle, terrifying. I could feel the rooms aura shift, the suspense was overwhelming, you could cut the tension with a knife. It felt as if hours had gone by, but then(something like this maybe you could cut the tension in the air with a knife?) my father suddenly broke the silence.“No”, as he said this I could feel the overwhelming disappointment lay over me, I wanted

  • Importance Of Dining Etiquette

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    INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT A CLOSER LOOK During the Middle Ages, dining etiquette was less subtle, making it much more digestible. Etiquette books from those times offered some rather direct guidelines, such as: “Refrain from falling upon the dish like a swine while eating, snorting disgustingly and smacking the lips,” or, “a number of people gnaw a bone and then put it back in the dish — this is a serious offense.” Those rules seem clear enough to follow. However, professional dining in today’s world

  • Evil In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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    what Jack has turned into. To add on, Roger who “picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry- threw it to miss” (Golding 66) in the beginning, had killed Piggy “with a sense of delirious abandonment” (Golding 205), using a rock in the end. This subtle irony, irrefutably exhibit the demonic behavior. The change in character over a due course of time proves Golding’s point, that all living beings surrender to the dark inside them when the civilized world is stripped off them. Golding subtly uses

  • Acrylic Painting Techniques

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    tabouret. Glazing In this technique, you allow the layer of paint to dry before painting over it. This is suited for transparent colors, or colors that have been watered down sufficiently for an opaque color to become transparent. This allows for subtle gradations of color or color changes. Impasto Acrylic is great for building up the thickness of paint, as it dries so quickly. Paint should be built up only approximately ¼-inch at a time to allow the paint layers to dry properly. A thickening agent

  • Franz Kafka's The Trial

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    specific productions, along with brief reflections on the theater and the production (Puchner, 177). We first see Kafka showin... ... middle of paper ... ...ass levels, interactions between characters and stronger meaning behind the plot. His subtle use of references to the performing arts allows the reader to leave interpretation to those scenes and what each character could possibly represent in that situation. Bibliography: Franz Kafka." 2014. The website. May 02 2014 http://www

  • Conformity In Quicksand

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    Helga’s time in Denmark and her ultimate flight from it mark a very important emphasis of the existence of more subtle forms of racism distinct from the often-overt racism of the United States. More importantly, Helga’s instinctual discontentment with those subtle forms of racism gives the message that just because the racism is subtle does not make it any more acceptable. The first example of Helga’s aversion to Danish society’s racism happens when she witnesses the stage

  • Tension in Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men

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    Tension in Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men Twelve Angry Men is set in summertime New York, 1957. Where a juvenile delinquent is put on trial for stabbing his violent father in the chest with a unique knife. A jury of twelve men is ordered by the judge to vote guilty if there is no reasonable doubt. In the ballot: eleven vote guilty, but one feels the need to discuss the boy's guilt and the ambiguity of the evidence given. In the play, the judge's speech, when read gives the impression

  • Retellings and History in Paradise Lost and His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman

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    series is an unfaithful retelling of Paradise Lost, itself an unfaithful version of The Bible, and that is what makes its retelling a fruitful endeavour. Published between 1995 and 2000, Pullman’s trilogy is comprised of The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. Set across a multiverse, the reader is first introduced to Lyra, a young girl living in an alternate universe Europe that is... ... middle of paper ... ...Eds. Laura Lunger and Gregory M. Colon Semenza. New York: Palgrave

  • Cultural and Racial Inequality in Hemingway's Indian Camp

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    Cultural and Racial Inequality in Hemingway's Indian Camp Hemingway's "Indian Camp" concerns Nick Adams' journey into the unknown to ultimately experience and witness the full cycle of birth and death. Although Nick's experience is a major theme in the story, cultural inequality also is an issue that adds to the the story's narrative range. Throughout this short story, there are many examples of racial domination between Nick's family and the Indians. Dr. Adams' and Uncle George's racist behavior

  • When We Talk About Love Analysis

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    When the topic about why they broke up comes up in conversation, Sylvia says, “You threw a kitchen knife at me, and an hour later you were telling me how much you loved me” (Birdman). Terri, when talking about the man that loved her so much he attempted to kill her, says, “He beat me up one night. He dragged me around the living room by my ankles. He