Sumter County, Georgia Essays

  • Andersonville Prison

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andersonville, officially named Camp Sumter, was the most infamous Confederate prison during the Civil War (Davis 350; Reeder 140). The camp first opened in February 1864 close to the village of Andersonville in Sumter County, Georgia. Due to a food shortage at the compound in Richmond, Virginia, caused by an overflow of war prisoners, the Confederate officials decided to build a new prison in southwest Georgia (Turner 161, 162). The first prisoners arrived to an open expansion of sixteen acres,

  • A Case Study in White Collar Crime: Kirk Wright

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    John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt was a Harvard graduate, Founder of a hedge fund, CEO and portfolio manager of International Management Associates LLC. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt swindles millions of dollars from his clients. IMA collapsed in 2006, when Jingleheimer Schmidt wrote bad checks to his client and investor NFL football players. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt was charged with security fraud and money laundering. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt was looking to served jail sentence of

  • Battle of Fort Pulaski

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    Florida Keys to Maine intended to defend the shores of the United States against hostile invaders (Our Georgia History). The parameter was built as a defensive response to the English attack on D.C. and Baltimore and Maryland at the time of the War of 1812. During 1861, Major Olmstead gained command of Fort Pulaski. His goal was to build two lines of defense on the outer coastal area of Georgia. Under his control, he established a series of batteries and forts along the parameter of the island

  • The Enjoyment of Atlanta

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    Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I have visited many places throughout the United States, however, none are as exciting as Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta, there are many places to go and sights to see. For example, Six Flags Over Georgia, Stone mountain Park, and the Atlanta Braves Stadium, are all in or near the city of Atlanta. Six Flags Over Georgia is a theme park containing anything from sweet treats to fun rides. Six Flags provides many activities for all ages. It is not at all uncommon

  • A Man with a Vision

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    four-cylinder roadster that sold for about $900. The first visit that Mr. Coffin made to the coast of Georgia was in 1910 to attend the Savannah Road Race. Early automobile manufacturers liked to watch their cars perform, but also they made it a vacation trip. While attending the races and enjoying their vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Coffin fell in love with the beauty and history of the Golden Isles of the Georgia coast. Since Mr. Coffin was well able to afford just about anything he wanted, he and his wife decided

  • Economic Development in Atlanta Georgia

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    Atlanta Georgia is a city filled with innovators, hustlers, and entrepreneur. Atlanta is a vibrant city full of economic opportunities. The city is home to many thriving fortune 500 companies like HD Supply Inc, UPS and Coca-Cola. Also, Atlanta is a hub for development projects like the Atlanta Streetcar project And Centennial Olympic Park….. These projects show a tiny glimpse of the many economic programs in Atlanta and all of them have a positive impact on the progress of the city. In Atlanta

  • The Kennesaw Gun Ordinance

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Kennesaw Gun Ordinance The 1982 Kennesaw gun ordinance is a law that is known around the world as the city that requires everyone to own a gun. The Kennesaw City Council passed a law ordering that each household within the city limits own a gun. Over decades, this law has become unenforceable but with the city’s reputation of this gun ordinance, it seems that crime rates are lower than any other city in the country. A councilman, J.O. Stephenson spoke of the ordinance after it was passed, “People

  • Senior Citizens In America

    1286 Words  | 3 Pages

    America is a country where everyone is free to live however they like, but it is possible for some people to live a happy life, if no one is around to take care of them. Nearly three hundred million people reside in the America, and out of those three hundred million populations, senior citizens make a 12 percent of the entire population. A senior citizen is commonly known as a person who is over the age of 65 and living on retirement, or known as social security benefits (Census Bureau). Ever since

  • The History of Richmond Hill, Georgia

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    Throughout the history of Richmond Hill, the city has experienced everything from failure to success and tragedies to victories. Today, Richmond Hill is a peaceful suburb located in southern Bryan County. Positioned within a 30-minute radius of Savannah, Richmond Hill offers a wonderful convenience to the nearby metropolitan city. This coastal town is home to more than 10,000 people. Richmond Hill’s community has an excellent reputation with great schools and education opportunities and a low crime

  • Corporate Identity

    1011 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many people view the role of a public relations professional within an organization as one that involves “making the company look good” among other image enhancing functions. Whether they are called PR professionals, PR people, media relations folks, they are the ones typically called on to inform the public of updates or improvements, they are called to help change the perception of the public, help with rebranding efforts and in the event of negative press or other crises, public relations professionals

  • Compromise Of 1850 Essay

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    sovereignty in the Mexican Cession. According to the map of U.S. territory 1830, there is territorial growth with territorial acquisition and organization as well. However, in 1870, there is more territorial growth in the states such as Texas, Arkansas, Georgia with less territories. The geography of rivers in North America show that there are a lot of rivers that helps with the expansion, growth, and wealth of the states. The rivers such as the Mississippi River and lands allow states to trade with other

  • Confederate States Of America

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    Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. President James Buchanan, in the last days of his administration, declared that the federal government would not forcibly prevent the secessions. In February 1861, the seceding states sent representatives to a convention in Montgomery, Alabama. The convention, presided over by Howell Cobb of Georgia, adopted a provisional constitution and chose Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as provisional president and Alexander Hamilton Stephens of Georgia as provisional

  • Essay On Jimmy Carter

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    Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia on October 1, 1924 (Millercenter). His parents use to own a peanut farm which was where he grew up. His father was a businessman and a farmer. His mother was a nurse in Georgia. She quit her career after she got married because she was pregnant. Jimmy was the first President to be born in a hospital. He was a smart kid. He made a lot of money by working at the farm. By the age of thirteen he bought six houses around Georgia which were used for other people

  • Jimmy Carter Research Paper

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jimmy Carter was a famous southern American politician and author. He was born October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia. Carter grew up with both of his parents back in Archery, Georgia which was only two miles away from his hometown. His father was a hard working farmer who had his own farm on their home land. His mother was a registered nurse in the 1920s. Carter was a very well educated young male who loved attending school and was always so eager to learn new things. He always avoided trouble when

  • A Brief Description Of Andersonville Prison

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    Andersonville prison is in Macon County in the southwestern part of Georgia. It was originally constructed as a prison camp for the Union soldiers, it was the equivalent of the concentration camps of World War Two, and it was a significant location in the Civil War, America’s bloodiest war. What took place there is gut wrenching. You will have to read on to find out just how appalling life was in the prison. Andersonville Prison has not always been know as Andersonville Prison. When it was being

  • The American Civil War

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    Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office. The Union rejected secession, regarding it as rebellion. Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a U.S. military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by calling for a large volunteer army, then four more Southern states declared their secession. In the war's first year, the Union assumed control of the border states and established a naval blockade as both sides

  • The Infamous Civil War Prison Andersonville

    3953 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Infamous Civil War Prison Andersonville The Confederacy established Andersonville, that most infamous of Civil War prisons, in late February, 1864. It built a stockade in west central Georgia to accommodate approximately 10,000 prisoners of war. As the fighting moved ever deeper into the South in the last year of the war, the expanded stockade at one point held nearly 33,000 Union soldiers. The termination by the North of the prisoner of war exchanges which had existed previously and the

  • The Confederate States of America

    2711 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Confederate States of America A culture is the beliefs and interests of a particular group of people. About 150 years ago, a proud and noble culture was created in the Southern portion of the United States. It was created by Southerners from all walks of life, ranging from the gentry to the "good ol' boys." They loved their culture so much that they created a country. It was a country of blue skies, green hills, beautiful meadows and forests, and old-fashioned Southern hospitality. There

  • Kentucky's Divided Loyalties During the Civil War

    4677 Words  | 10 Pages

    A border state, Kentucky attempted to remain neutral during the Civil War but was unsuccessful because of its strategic location and the divided loyalties of its citizens. Farmers who used the Ohio and Mississippi rivers for transporting their produce wanted access to both waterways and the international port of New Orleans. If the South separated itself from the North, this free access would be impeded. On the other hand, influential plantation owners and state rights advocates sided with the Confederacy

  • Military Strategy and Tactics of the Civil War

    1372 Words  | 3 Pages

    Army from each state. When the war came, the North had a total population of twenty-two million people of which 1.3 million were industrial workers. Whereas, the South only had nine million people with 110,000 industrial works. But many Southern counties had a majority of non-white persons, slaves, which were not drafted into the war effort other than looking after agricultural enterprises. Especially in South Carolina, white population was outnumbered by slaves by approximately 100,000. Before start