Suicidal ideation Essays

  • Depression in Older People

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    social activities are accompanied. To address the multidimensional effects of the depression in older people. Lily Smith is a 75 years old women living with her husband in her house. She was presented with eight weeks of worsening low mood, fleeting suicidal thoughts, somatic complaints such as tiredness, throat and chest tightness, diarrhea, decreased concentration and anxiety regarding physical health. The client also stated having fragmented sleep and poor appetite. Mrs Lily appeared anxious and teary

  • Suicidal Ideation Essay

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    Often times growing up is not that simple and can pose serious issues and health risks for adolescents. One of these issues is suicidal ideation in teenagers which is a prevalent problem in today’s society. This issue can be approached from the theoretical model of cognitive behavioral therapy. This model is useful in assessing, setting goals and treating suicidal ideation in adolescents. This model can be integrated within a Christian worldview framework in several ways: in the overall view of the

  • Suicidal Ideation is the Preoccupation with Suicidal Thoughts

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    Suicidal ideation is a medical term for thoughts about or an unusual preoccupation with suicide. The range of suicidal ideation varies greatly from fleeting to detailed planning, role playing, and unsuccessful attempts, which may be deliberately constructed to fail or be discovered, or may be fully intended to result in death. Although most people who undergo suicidal ideation do not go on to make suicide attempts, a significant proportion do.[1] Suicidal ideation is generally associated with depression;

  • Strength-Based Approach

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    explore or identify available support networks (Skinner 2013). Looking at Roberts (2005) seven stages in the process of crisis intervention I had to establish if Sally continues to have suicidal ideations, asked about her suicidal thoughts and feelings, evaluated Sally’s psychological intent, asked about her suicidal history and took into consideration any risk factors such as social isolation, loss or

  • Depression and the Paradox of Suicidal Ideation

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    Introduction Suicidal ideation is common in depression patients, but it often remains undetected (Gensichen, Teising, König, Gerlach, & Petersen, 2010; Keilp, et al., 2012), In addition Wang, et al.( 2009) mentioned that Major depression is a common psychiatric illness and its one of most serious symptoms is suicidal ideation. Moreover, Depression and suicidality have a paradoxical relationship (Keilp, et al., 2012). On the other hand Suicidal ideation is likely to represent

  • Irvin Yalom's Four Givens

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    fullest potential. If the client were to commit suicide, he might not be able to establish a source of meaning or purpose due to his lack of motivation to live (Yalom, 1980). While the client is probably not actively thinking about death because his suicidal thoughts have subsided, it is important for him to make this connection between meaning, lack of motivation, and

  • Suicidal Ideation Case Summary

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    Mr. Farley is a 52 year old veteran who presented to the ED with a BAC of .42 and requesting detox treatment. Mr. Farley denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis to ED staff. However, after initially denying suicidal ideation, upon discharge and sobering up from several hours in the ED and being given fluids, nursing staff informed patient he was up for discharge, at which point he asked for Ativan to help with his withdrawal symptoms. He was informed he would not be

  • Started Early - Took My Dog, by Emily Dickinson

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    cycles of life. The fact that the text recedes then elongates in rhythm make the reader think the speaker of the poem is not sure what steps to take in their life. The speaker might not have convinced him or herself about the suicide attempt. Many suicidal thoughts are stopped short of action and then thought about later. Dickinson writes in this style to show the opposing forces of every situation. Suicide would likely be the most contemplated decision the narrator has ever had to make. Through metaphors

  • Depression in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger

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    Depression, a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. This mental illness demonstrates to affect teens as much as it affects adults. Studies show that 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood. When you deal with depression, you often find it difficult to live an everyday normal life. The “Catcher in the Rye” written

  • Free Catcher in the Rye Essays: Manic-Depressive Holden

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    Manic-Depressive Behavior Exhibited in The Catcher in the Rye The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, portrays Holden Cawfield a New York City teenager in the 1950's as a manic-depressive. Holden's depression starts with the death of his brother, Allie . Holden is expelled from numerous schools due to his poor academics which are brought on by his depression.  Manic depression, compulsive lying, and immaturity throughout the novel characterize Holden. Events in Holden's life lead him to

  • Depression and anxiety among college students

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    students are depressed (Lindsey 2009). Depression can be a debilitating illness especially when many students attend college away from their close friends and family. This could result in students with more suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide. In fact, the number of students with suicidal thoughts has tripled over the past 13 years as the number of students seeking help for depression doubled in the same span (Lindsey 2009). Depression can effect these teens in other areas of their life as well

  • Silence And Violence In Beth Jarrett's Ordinary People

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    to help deal with his suicidal tendencies. Unlike Beth, Calvin Jarrett longs to connect with his son and give him the love that he needs. The Jarrett family could have avoided these problems if there had been stronger communication and conflict management skills. All the main characters deal with conflicts in one of two ways: silence or violence. Conrad Jarrett mostly uses silence when dealing with conflict. One example is when he did not tell his family about his suicidal thoughts. The suicide attempt

  • Edna Pontellier’s Fall from Grace in Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    Edna’s Fall from Grace in The Awakening In the novel The Awakening, Kate Chopin tells of Edna Pontellier's struggle with fate. Edna Pontellier awakens from a slumber only to find that her life is displeasing, but these displeasing thoughts are not new to Edna. The actions taken by Edna Pontellier in the novel The Awakening clearly determine that she is not stable. The neglect of her duties as a wife and mother and as a woman of society are all affected by her mental state. Her choices to have

  • Theme Of Depression In Catcher In The Rye

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    can be viewed as insane in the eyes of many readers because of his behavior and actions. Despite this common belief, Holden most likely suffered from depression. Some symptoms which convey Holden was depressed was his mood, lack of sleep, and his suicidal

  • Depression In The Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger

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    can be viewed as insane in the eyes of many readers because of his behavior and actions. Despite this common belief, Holden most likely suffered from depression. Some symptoms which convey Holden was depressed was his mood, lack of sleep, and his suicidal thoughts. In the article “Depression in Teens” it says “symptoms of depression may include [...] thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt.” Although Holden never tries to kill himself, he does have some thoughts. Wishing he was dead was one of Holden’s

  • The Psychological Factors Of Suicide And Suicidal Ideation

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    Suicide is the act of purposely killing of oneself and considered as a serious public health issue worldwide. Most often, suicidal individuals are trying to avoid emotional or physical pain that they cannot bear; sometimes, they are very angry and take their lives to last out others (Piotrowski, N. & Hartmann, P., 2016). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that in 2014, more than 42,000 Americans took their own lives and almost half a million Americans received medical care for

  • Understanding Suicidal Ideation: Prevention and Coping

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    Most suicidal people do not want death, they just want the pain to stop, so how can the pain they feel be resolved? The point of my paper is to find out the reasons that people become suicidal and how to prevent it from happening. Even people who have strong thoughts about suicide have wavering thoughts about doing it until the very last moment when they decide whether they want to live or die. Don't ignore even the small references to death or suicide. According to Merriam Webster, suicidal ideation

  • Nursing Case Study: Suicidal Ideation And Homicidal Ideation To Nursing

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    Mrs. Hylton is a 45 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC by her therapist, Melanie, from ADS. Per documentation Mrs. Hylton denies suicidal ideation and homicidal ideation to nursing staff and MCM before the evaluation. She also contracted for safety with MCM. Dr. Horton requested a mental health assessment on Mrs. Hylton. Before the assessment Ms. Melanie and her supervisor Melissa were contacted. Ms. Melissa reports Mrs. Hylton verbally contracted for safety, however left before

  • Personal Narrative: My Suffering Suicidal Ideation

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    The first time I experienced someone suffering suicidal ideation was when I was very young, with one of my boyfriends. He would start crying and began to mention that he wanted to kill himself, so he could be with his Mum, who was deceased. He had a number of risks factors, firstly, he had no living family and very limited friends. Also, he had been fired from his job and had drug and alcohol issues. On top of all of that, I suspect that he had a mental health disorder. It was really scary at the

  • Megadeth Is My Business

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    Megadeth, a band who has always known how to draw a crowd, only began after the lead singer Dave Mustaine, was kicked out of the band Metallica. Even though it was Dave's Destructiveness that caused his rejection from Metallica, he was still furious about how he was kicked out of the band. "Dude you're out of the band," sadly, these were the only words the rest of the members of Metallica said to Mustaine, and that was after they had woken him up just to tell him this terrible news. Dave said, "What