Stereotactic surgery Essays

  • The Gamma Knife: A Tool for Treating Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors

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    According to the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS), the incidence rate of all primary malignant and non-malignant brain and central nervous system tumors (CNS) for 2005 to 2009 was 20.6 cases per 100,00 (7.3 per 100,000 for malignant tumors and 13.3 per 100,000 for non-malignant tumors) (Fig. 1) [1]. Figure 1. Average annual incidence rates of primary brain and CNS tumors by age and type of tumor [1]. The incidence rate for children between 0 and 19 years old was 5.13

  • I Want to be a Neurosurgeon

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    What is Surgery? Surgery comes from Greek via Latin: meaning "hand work". Surgery is an ancient medical procedure that uses specific techniques on a patient to investigate and treat a small or severe condition such as disease or injury. Surgery can be used for different reasons; some might be to help improve body function or appearance, and some maybe for religious reasons. There are many types of surgeries (e.g. neuro, cardiac, plastic, oral, podiatric etc., etc.). Surgery originally started

  • Compensation for Living Human Organ Donation is Unethical

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    Compensation for Living Human Organ Donation is Unethical As technology continues to progress the feasibility of organ transplantation becomes a commonplace. It is very common for organs to be donated after one passes if it is the wishes of the deceased. As the supply of organs from the deceased is greatly outnumbered by the number of patients on waitlists living donors becomes an issue. Many times a relative or close friend is willing to give up an organ to help save a life. The question is:

  • Microsurgery: Sewing Blood Vessels and Nerves Back Together

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    Microsurgery: Sewing Blood Vessels and Nerves Back Together A man came into the emergency ward at one o'clock. His thumb came in an hour later. The surgeon's job: get them back together. The successful re-attaching of fingers to hand requires long hours of painstaking work in microsurgery. In the operating room , the surgeon doesn't stand, but sits in a chair that supports her body. Her arm is cradled by a pillow. Scalpels are present as are other standard surgical tools, but the suture

  • Devastating Knee Injury

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    Devastating Knee Injury I thought I was invincible. I tried to be the best on the team, I worked hard and everything fell into place, that is, until my junior year. The basketball season was going well. Christmas break was coming up and after it, we would start our league games. Our first league game was Paonia, our biggest rivals yet to step into Delta County. The game started off intense. One minute and 30 seconds into the game, Paonia fouled, so we lined up for the free throw. I

  • The Importance of Lister’s Experiments With Anti Septic in the Development of Safer Surgery

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    The Importance of Lister’s Experiments With Anti Septic in the Development of Safer Surgery As well as anaesthetics, antiseptics were the most important discovery of the 19th century in the medical profession. After May 16th 1867, when Lister published his results of using his treatments on eleven compound fracture cases, antiseptics were used much more and the amount of deaths from sepsis decreased dramatically. Lister’s results showed that eight out of the eleven patients he treated with

  • Shouldice Hospital Case

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    hernias. The Hospital uses its own technique, called the Shouldice Method and claims to provide relatively short post-operative recovery period. Shouldice Hospital focus on hernia repair surgery which is mostly performed on males. Shouldice operation strategy involves early ambulation following hernia repair surgery that was superior to others. Only external kind of abdominal hernias were repaired at Shouldice Hospital. Internal types, such as hiatus (or diaphragmatic) hernias were not treated. First

  • Shouldice Hospital Operations Management

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    of its available resources, like surgeons, nurses, medical infrastructure, administration and maintenance facilities. It also manages to keep operating costs low by keeping capital investment in rooms and equipments very low. 2. About 82% of all surgeries at the Hospital are primaries. The remaining 18% involve recurrence of hernias repaired elsewhere. These are more complex, 3. The Hospital has a capacity of 89 beds. There are 5 operating rooms where 33 to 36 operations are performed on an average

  • think big

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    From Slow Learner To Brilliant Brain Surgeon THINK BIG - YOU’VE GOT TO UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL Coming from a broken home in Detroit, Michigan, Ben Carson developed a terrible hot temper along with severe low self-esteem at a very young age. He was just another kid trying to survive. His possibility for a decent future didn’t look good. The deck was definitely stacked against him. Remember though, that in America, it doesn’t matter what cards you are dealt, it only matters how you play

  • Augmented Reality in the Aid of Surgery

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    reality (AR) is the virtual the object which is combination of 3D real environment in the real time. Computer aided surgery and medicine is one of the application areas in augmented reality (AR). In computer aided surgery and medicine visualization method is needed as a side of view from virtual world as a solution computer visualization in operation for example laparoscopic surgery. In this reviews, visualization include a display device based AR systems, head-mounted display (HMD) and stereoscopic

  • Reaching for the Stars: Planning for the Future

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    Planning your life out ahead of time is absolutely one of the best things you could ever do. As a child growing up, all I could ever think of was what I wanted to be when I had gotten older. Never was I a normal kid, I planned my whole life out at the age of seven. Only thing I was never sure about was the path I wanted to follow as far as a career. A police officer, nurse, dancer, doctor and singer were some of the career choices I decided when I was seven years of age. Did I know my final choice

  • I Want to Become an Anesthesiologist

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    Out of hundreds of thousands of different jobs available in the country, the attractiveness of Anesthesiology has caught my attention. Ever since discovering the career and its rigorous requirements, I have been trying my hardest to achieve it. To become an Anesthesiologist requires dedication, responsibility and passion and I believe I acquire those assets. It requires demanding education and many years of pure dedication to have this occupation. University of Central Florida provides this requirement

  • Short Story: Hotel Hospital

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    Waking up to the reek of antiseptic and hand sanitizer is not exactly how I planned to spend my Monday morning. I guess when doctors diagnose you with uterine cancer and say surgery is the only option, you jump into your car with your squeaky slippers and your Betty Bop pajamas and off you go. Having outpatient surgery is awesome and won’t require overnight stays, but being admitted and having your own paradise is disguise will leave you restless and moody. Don’t expect to have a menu with 3 course

  • parathyroidectomy

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    Outcome and prognosis In experienced hands parathyroidectomy, the success rate range between 95- 98%. Normalizes serum calcium and PTH, reduces the risk of fracture in those with symptomatic and asymptomatic disease, may provide minor improvements in neurocognitive dysfunction in those with mild PHPT, reduces the incidence of renal stones, and regress the septal hypertrophy. Postparathyroidectomy Management The immediate postoperative management of the postparathyroidectomy patient focuses particular

  • Evaluating the Procedure of Double-Gloving for Protection

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    of disease transmission and suggests incorporating this into PPE procedures for health care workers. Proper PPE use not only lowers transmission of disease, but can lower the risk of blood contact during surgery. A study has been performed to evaluate the use of double-gloving during surgery and its effect on dexterity and sensation (Fry, 2010). Fry defined sensitivity as “the ability to discriminate and interpret a stimulus applied to the fingertip” and manual dexterity as “the ability to move

  • Reflective Journal - A Nurse's Duty in the Surgical Ward

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    certain drugs that must be discontinued prior to a surgery as they increase surgical risk, including anticoagulants, tranquillisers, corticosteroids and diuretics (Laws, 2010b). In fact, these drugs can increase the risk of respiratory depression, infection, fluid and electrolyte imbalance and increased risk of bleeding (Hamlin, 2010). Open communication is important in obtaining a medication history, and in identifying the drugs taken prior to the surgery. If any of these medications has be... ... middle

  • Essay On Augmented Reality

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    reality application in computer aided surgery and medicine. In research article (Tobias Sielhorst, Marco Feuerstein & Nassir Navab, 2008) medical augmented reality takes it motivation from the need of visualizing medical data and the patient within the same physical space. The reason for chose this topic because it is because this application more advance and the technologies always bring new visualization and interaction using augmented reality in 3D in surgery performing requirements. So, discussing

  • Is Barbie A Good Idol for Young Girls?

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    Since when was it okay for young girls to stave themselves to have the non-realistic figure Barbie has? Barbie was first introduced to the world in 1959 by toy company Mattel.Inc. In the first year that Barbie was on the market 350,000 dolls were sold. Barbie in the recent years has been criticised for her unrealistic 'perfect' figure, her vast collection of clothes and accessories, and her ' dream home’. Young girls are surrounded by Barbie dolls at a very young age. Barbie media states that the

  • Equipment Inside an Operating Room

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    sometimes called the OR, is where surgery happens in a hospital. Having surgery can be called having an operation. One kind of surgery is having tubes put in the eardrums to prevent infection in your ears and improve hearing. Someone who gets tonsillitis might need a tonsillectomy. This is when the tonsils are taken out so that you don’t get a infection in your tonsils. This kind of surgery is scheduled ahead of time so you know when to go to the hospital. Surgery might need to be done as soon as

  • Preoperative Nursing Process In Nursing

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    perform surgery and continuing until the client reaches the operating area. Starts off whether the patient wants to perform the surgery then continues until the patient reaches the operating area. When a patient is admitted into ambulatory surgery or short before surgery the time for preoperative assessment, nursing diagnoses, and evaluation of the nursing management may be limited. It’s important to recognize the patient’s immediate preoperative needs. Although, the preparation for the surgery is still