Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Essays

  • The Ruthless Chancellor Palpatine

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    the most horrible events imaginable. One person who used power for evil was a character from the movie Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith created by George Lucas. The characters name was Chancellor Palpatine. In a span of about fifteen years, he was able to manipulate the political system of the Galactic Republic so that he would come to power. With various events such as the Clone Wars, he gained more and more power as Chancellor, so much so that the only thing that the Chancellor feared

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

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    Star Wars super fan, Max Mezrah, recently had the experience of a lifetime; he travelled to London for the premiere of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. He later went to Paris to watch the film again. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was one of the most highly anticipated releases of 2015. The 2 hour and 16 minute film released on December 18 made a whopping $248M on opening weekend. It has now grossed $1,766,587,937 worldwide. “Star Wars was, at the time, a cultural revolution

  • Chewbacca

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    Chewbacca (or Chewie) (c. 200 BBY - c. 25 ABY), a fictional character of the Star Wars universe, is 2.3 m (7.5 ft) tall Wookiee and co-pilot of Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca is the son of Attichitcuk, the husband of Mallatobuck, and the father of Lumpawarrump. Wise and sophisticated, he has a great deal of technological savvy. Chewbacca is known for his great strength and loyalty. While Chewie is perfectly able to understand the galactic-standard language Basic, he is unable

  • Revenge of the Sith

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    REVENGE OF THE SITH Star Wars, Episode III This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it. It is a story of love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage and sacrifice and the death of dreams. It is a story of the blurred line between our best and our worst. It is the story of the end of an age. A strange thing about stories— Though this all happened so long ago and so far away that words cannot describe the time

  • Copyright Laws Protect the Owner from Loss of Profit

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    or corporation most of the creative material becomes the property of whoever has the money to pay the most for it. Disney has purchased all the rights to the Star Wars franchise or copyright, which was legally owned by Lucas films. The original writers and production staff do not own any claim to the intellectual property of the Star Wars franchise and therefore the Disney company owns the rights to work they did not in fact have any hand in creating. Can someone explain to me how today’s copyright

  • Plot Summary for Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope

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    Plot Outline In galaxy far, far away, the Rebel Alliance had just stolen the plans for the Empire’s Death Star space station. The starship belonging to Princess Leia, a prominent leader of the Rebel Alliance, which is carrying the plans, is captured by an Imperial Star Destroyer. During the ensuing battle, Princess Leia slips away, where we see her giving the secret documents and a cry for help directed at Obi-Wan, a Jedi and old friend, to R2-D2, a maintenance droid. After R2-D2 and C-3PO (another

  • Star Wars: Where Science Fiction meets Fairy Tales

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    In 1977 a young director by the name of George Lucas completed his second major film project. The project was Star Wars and it debuted to considerable success. Despite being a stand-alone film Lucas went on to produce two sequels and three prequels. The entire series was a commercial success and spawned an expanded universe larger than any other franchise. However, the story of Star Wars: A New Hope, as it was called after the creation of The Empire Strikes Back, is not new. In fact, it follows many

  • Film Analysis Of The Movie 'Stranger Things'

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    ‘’Stranger Things’’- a love letter to the 80s ‘’Stranger Things’’ is a Netflix original sci-fi series that graced our screens in the summer of 2016. It is based off a time when classic science fiction tales enthralled audiences with such works such as ‘’Alien’’, ‘’Back to the Future’’, and ‘’E.T.’’, so the show is reminiscent of many classic 80’s movie elements, doused in nostalgia. It is clear the creators of ‘’Stranger Things’’, The Duffer Brothers, know the era, one could say, inside out and upside

  • Star Wars And The Odyssey: An Epic Analysis

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    that make an ordinary story an epic. These elements are portrayed in various forms in both Star Wars and The Odyssey. However, some are not so obvious or easily detected. This can help us decide which is a better example and which is a better choice to teach to students. Read on Having a vast setting that is often worldwide and perhaps even beyond, is one of the more basic elements of an epic. Star Wars and the Odyssey fit the criteria in that aspect pretty well. Odysseus travels all over the sea

  • Noncognitive Elements Of The Star Wars Rogue One

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    Star Wars Rogue One has many elements that contribute to why the movie is so famous today. People can connect with the movie in many ways but also fantasize what life would be like in the Star Wars galaxy. There are two elements that help the movie, such as the noncognitive elements that are very dominate and the cognitive elements that help people connect with the movie. I will break down each element into parts and how the elements contribute to how people perceive and understand the movie.

  • Confidence In The Song 'Eye Of The Tiger'

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    dates back over 30 years. My uncle is no exception, as he said that the song “Eye of the Tiger” by American rock band Survivor was a critical part of his youth. The “Eye of the Tiger” was released in 1982 and was also the theme song for the film Rocky III. The song was written by Survivor guitarist Frankie Sullivan and keyboardist Jim Peterik at the request of Sylvester Stallone himself. The scene Stallone requested the song for was originally supposed to go with the song “Another one Bites the Dust”

  • Free Argumentative Essays: Star Wars Vs. Harry Potter

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    Star Wars vs. Harry Potter Many people debate whether the Star Wars or Harry Potter series is better. My friends, my family, and even I debate it. The two series are very different, but many people still love them both. Some people have negative opinions about one or the other. Star Wars is about an ongoing war between light and dark. While Harry Potter is about magic and fighting evil. They have their differences in the details of the series. They have similarities in the plots of each series. Harry

  • Plunkitt Of Tammany Hall Movie Vs Book

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    The book was better than the movie. Most of us have heard those words so many times that they’ve become a cliché. In the case of Starship Troopers, it would be more accurate to say that the book bears almost no resemblance to the movie. Citizens in the fictional society of Starship Troopers don’t take politics lightly, because they’ve earned the privilege to vote the hard way — through blood and personal sacrifice. The people of the Terran Federation are either "Citizens" or "Civilians". On the

  • How Does John Williams Use Leitmotifs

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    The famous Star Wars is a movie from the epic space film series directed by George Lucas premiered in 1977. Since there are multiple Star Wars movies in the series, this paper will be focusing on the first movie of the series called Star Wars: A New Hope. In this film, John Williams revived the technique of using leitmotif –a recurring musical theme or melody associated with a particular person, place, object, or idea that is “characterized by a single harmonic or rhythmic trait” (Brown 15). In

  • Star Wars Party Research Paper

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    How To Organize A Star Wars Themed Party Star Wars have garnered fans throughout the globe, regardless of generation and gender. ‘A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away’, Star Wars was born. Organizing and designing a Star Wars themed party – birthday, get-together or anniversary, can be a time-demanding venture. Getting the right Star Wars invitation cards, Trooper cupcakes and Star Wars balloons can be cumbersome. This guide will go through the steps of organizing a Star Wars party. 1. Party

  • Star War A New Hope Analysis

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    146-04 12/4/15 Star War A New Hope(1977) Trends in the 70’s The movie Star War A New Hope (1977) brought up Complex and thought provoking issues related to society back in the 1970s. The movie did not just focused on antagonist alone but totalitarian rule by political forces, racism, segregation and slavery, gender equality, etc. Star Wars allegory mentioned all. For example, the iconic greatest villain of all Darth Vador and his positions within the Empire and the Death Star they represented the

  • is it justified to have faith

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    something without absolute justification, therefore, it is permissible to do so. To illustrate Clifford’s and Long’s point of views, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars could be an example in deciding whether to believe the Force or not. Luke does not have any reliable evidence on the Force before choosing between it and the tracking computer to target the Death Star. Even we know the Force indeed exists in the movies, it is merely a faith for Luke at the moment. So is Luke morally justified to believe in the

  • The Free Ryloth Movement In Lords Of The Sith

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    In Lords of the Sith, Darth Vader and the Emperor are trying to take down resistance movements in this book more specifically the Free Ryloth movement. Ryloth is a planet that is being occupied by imperial forces, The free ryloth movement is acting as terrorists in Lord Vader and his master's eyes. They soon realize that the reason the movement is succeeding so well is because they are having help from someone on the inside. So to take care of this threat Vader and the Emperor head to Ryloth with

  • The Force In Star Wars

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    The force is calling, a power that has the ability to lure oneself to one side or the other. The two forces that make up the galaxy of Star Wars is the light and the dark side. The force is an energy field created by all living things in the galaxy. The force is connected through midi-chlorians which are organelles that live inside each individual. The higher the midi-chlorian count the more connected you are to the force, making you more valuable. The theory of evolution is that the midi-chlorians

  • An Analytical Analysis Of The Monomyth In Star Wars

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    Star Wars episode IV follows this monomyth pattern perfectly. As a big fan of Star Wars, after learning about what the monomyth is, it showed itself so clearly in the movie. The movie starts out with young man buying protocol droids with his uncle. But little did he know that the purchase of those two droids would change his life forever. While cleaning the little R2 unit that he bought, he discovered a hidden message of a young woman asking for help. That is what breaks Luke's normal routine and