Social web Essays

  • Web 0.1, Web 0.2, Social Collaboration and Crowdsourcing

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    When comparing web 1.0 to web 2.0, we are faced with many differences in the way they both operate and how we, as users of the internet, operate it. As technology advances it is clear that the internet will advance with it, and thus, the World Wide Web has altered from web 1.0 to 2.0. Here we are shown two images. On the left is the World Book Encyclopedia (during its web 1.0 format) and on the right is Facebook (web 2.0). When comparing the two, the difference between them is clear. With World

  • Data Mining and the Social Web

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    ads more effective. This is a problematic practice because users are unaware that in most social media sites such as Facebook, this tool is used (Jessica Reyman “User Data on the Social Web: Authorship, Agency, and Appropriation”). Hidden deep into most terms of service is the right to sell and mine your information to third parties, because most people are unaware that this is the status quo of how social media and other sites make their money. It presents a potential privacy concern for users because

  • “Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So Social Web”

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    Introduction The "groundswell", which is the term now being used for online social technologies, such as blogs, social networking sites like MySpace, and user-generated sites like YouTube and numerous other online communities now common on the Web, is making a dramatic impact on the way many organizations are conducting their marketing strategies. These online social networking sites have enabled the power to shift from the companies to the customer, this shift in power is being termed "customercentric"

  • Social Media Essay

    898 Words  | 2 Pages

    WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? • Social media describes online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other.  Why does the social web matter to the contact center?  Your customers are talking about their experiences and opinions of you—to other customers and prospects. Social media sites like Face-book and Twitter have drawn a critical mass of consumers. Their comments about your products and services are easily shared and visible

  • The Birth of Social Media

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    Social media: (noun pl but singular or pl in constr) forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Social media has developed to allow for information to be shared instantaneously: image and video sharing, spontaneous group get-togethers, and worldwide, real time news announcements are sent through time and space with the click of a button

  • A Virtual Generation: Social Media´s Negative Impact on Our Generation

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    grasp of social media as it has been incorporated into our everyday lives. We almost instinctively pull out our cell phones in the middle of a dull conversation and glance at our Instagram feed without a second thought. Many of us are guilty of spending unreasonably large amounts of time without even acknowledging it is a problem. What if these small actions are leading to a misconception of what society should be. In the end, are the risks severe enough for the problems to stop? What if social media

  • The Layout Engine or Web Browser Engine

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Layout Engine is known by many names like a Rendering Engine or a Web Browser Engine. It is a software component that reads the marked up content along with its formatting information. Based on this, it displays the content (formatted) on the screen. The marked up content includes the HTML files, XML files, image files among others and the formatting information is given by the CSS files. So, it is safe to say that the web engine paints the content area that is to be displayed on a monitor or

  • Macy's Internet And Social Media Marketing Today

    1060 Words  | 3 Pages

    Macy’s Internet and Social Media Marketing Today Macy’s stores are just half of what Macy’s markets in todays society. Today, technology is running the world trying to make our lives more efficient and user friendly. Stores try to keep up in this constantly changing world to get customers to see all aspects of their advertising. Mostly, Macy’s is seen on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other up and coming sites. Each page is filled with replying and staying connected to customers, marketing upcoming

  • WEB DuBois's Influence on Literature and People

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    WEB DuBois's Influence on Literature and People In his work The Souls of Black Folk, WEB DuBois had described the life and problems that blacks in America was not easy. DuBois had a very different plan in the struggle for black equality and the struggle for the abolishment of racism than other people that wanted a "separate black nation" and others that just wanted the blacks to stay submissive. DuBois only wanted blacks to work hard to become active parts of American society. Through his

  • The Consumer Society: Advertising and Online Shopping

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    time. It began with the dawn of Web 1.0 as an instance to receive information or a “read-only” web with minimal user interaction and content contribution, according to Berners-Lee, a British inventor of the World Wide Web (Naik & Shivalingaiah, 2008). Based on the statement we can derive an understanding that Web 1.0 leaves no room for online business or user interaction to take place. This definitely leads us to peruse the changes that were brought by the concept of Web 2.0. The freshly introduced ability

  • Of the Coming of John by W.E.B. Du Bois

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    in terms of education and civil rights. They had strong beliefs that education was important for the African American community and stressed that educating African Americans would lead them into obtaining government positions, possibly resulting in social change. Although Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois had similar goals to achieve racial equality in the United States, they had strongly opposing approaches in improving the lives of the black population. Washington was a conservative activist

  • Microblogging

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    stage we see that the success relied heavily on a more forceful web often refereed to as Web 1.5. Web 2.0 is not any new technological invention, rather revisions of websites which would give users interactive information. Web 2.0 is directed at interaction and basic social networks. It can deliver information and manipulate networks without a real web page. Web 2.0 is more of a portal than a normal website. Web 2.0 is seen as qualitatively distinct f... ... middle of paper ... .

  • How Effective is Online Education?

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    Abstract: Recently, there has been a rush to create web-based instructional courses. The approach that is being taken to create web-based courses is to create websites that will function as the central distributors of information and materials. Based on the format and content of the course, the student is to go through lesson by lesson to complete courses. In this paper, I address some of the problems inherent in this approach, especially with respect to 18-22 year-old undergraduate education

  • Building Loyalty With Web 2.0

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    Building loyalty with Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is changing the way audiences interact with travel brands. User generated content [UGC] and social network sites such as Flickr, Youtube, and Yahoo Trip Planner are reshaping audience expectations and experiences. The authority figure is no longer the travel agent or the media - it is now the audience. Welcome to Travel 2.0. In the Travel 2.0 era, the power is shifting. In a Travel 2.0 environment, travel brands now need to meet and match their online

  • Cooperative Learning and Technology Integration

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    of Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs, and podcasts. “Web 2.0 technologies introduce a new dimension to education, which becomes not just learner centered but learner centered as learners are the joint generators of content”, states Bose. In today’s society student use of technology is on the rise which makes harnessing this interest for educational purposes inevitable. Web 2.0 tools are ideal for educational purposes because they support spontaneous interaction, feedback, and social networks

  • Informative Essay: Social Media Takeover

    1234 Words  | 3 Pages

    Derissa Crawford Professor Kobeleva English 1101 2 October 2014 Social Media Takeover Social media has become one of America’s main lines of communication not only for teenagers, but also for adults. We as a community must acknowledge the fact that social media may be helping us in some areas; however, it is truly destroying us in other parts. While social media provides numerous advantages such as easy access and an efficient way of communicating, it forces people to waste incredible amounts of

  • Analysis of Netflix Social Commerce Strategy

    1491 Words  | 3 Pages

    The following essay will analyze Netflix Company’s social commerce strategy. It includes the definition of social commerce, company history, social commerce strategy that the company is engaging, the effect of social commerce for the company and measuring social commerce success of the company. Below, brief definition of social commerce and the company history. Social Commerce The increased interest of social media usage has led numbers of company and business to provide new experiences for their

  • Current Research on Media Rituals and Contemporary Technologies

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    APPLICATION AND CURRENT RESEARCH (in relation to contemporary media) The four contemporary articles which will be analysed, are reflective of the current research on media rituals and contemporary technologies. The research of these authors (Anderson, Bilic, Csaszi and Maj) has been focused on broadening the concept of media rituals and their applications, particularly in relation to digital and internet forms. By critically analysing the content of these authors’ essays, this will further explain

  • Effects of Technology on Social Relationships

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    to improve our society, and in many ways it has. The improvement of the technology over the last few years is astonishing. There are so many things the small device in your pocket can do for you. Do you want to connect to friends and family over social media, video chat, search where the nearest Italian Restaurant is? There are apps for all of those things and more. Focusing on the world around you is hard to do when your face is in a screen. The world just doesn’t seem as exciting as what’s going

  • Cyberspace Hate Propaganda and Internet Censorship

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    depreciating, and her solution vague but sensible. Despite these shortcomings, the idea to utilize free speech and public education to combat cyberhate is a powerful suggestion in comparison to the social impediments of censorship. Kim begins the article by stressing the growing number of hate groups and web sites on the Internet in the USA. This provides the reader with a reason f... ... middle of paper ... ...ew Patterns in Canadian Communication. Edited by Paul Attalah and Leslie Regan Shade