September 11th Essays

  • Economic Impact of September 11th

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    September 11, 2001 was a day that Americans and the world for that matter will not soon forget. When two planes went into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and two others went into the Pentagon and a small town in Pennsylvania, the world was rocked. Everyone in the United States felt very vulnerable and unsafe from attacks that might follow. As a result, confidence in the CIA, FBI, and the airlines were shaken. People were scared to fly after what had happened. The events that unfolded on

  • The September 11th Terroritst Attacks

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    First shock, then terror, followed by sorrow and lastly rage were my emotions on September 11th, 2001 when a hijacked airliner crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Tunh! Tunh! Tunh! All circuits are busy; please try again at a later time. This message kept repeating as I tried to call my cousin in New York, who was working in the South Tower. At the time the American Airlines flight 11 just moments earlier crashed into the North Tower. I sat in my house in shock and terror. Then at 9:05

  • September 11th Attack on America

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    For most American’s their Tuesday morning on September 11, 2001 started off like any other week day. Families were doing their normal routine taking their children to school and heading off to work within hours may people would be participating in un- thought of duties. No one had any idea that by the end of the day what seemed like a normal Tuesday would forever be remembered in American history. Within minutes of 8:46 AM all Americans would know that this was not a normal Tuesday. This day would

  • September 11th: The Day Our Lives Crumbled

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    How can we forget September 11th? That fateful day when our lives and the towers crumbled. It was a bright Tuesday morning in Manhattan and flights AA11 and UA175 were cruising out of Manhattan and on to their destinations. It had just gone 8:40am, then out of nowhere flight 11 appeared to be heading in a direct line with the north tower of the World Trade Centre, suddenly it plunged into the top of the tower leaving a gaping hole. The passenger plane exploded into flames. Panic erupted

  • Martyrdom and September 11th

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    On September the 11th 2001, the international crisis of terrorism exploded in America. The dark cloud that loomed over lower Manhattan eventually cleared but the reality of the American entrance into the battlefield of terror didn’t dissipate. When President Bush addressed his stunned and grieving nation, he declared a crusade on terrorists and all who harbored them, and “when [his] remarks were translated into Arabic for broadcast throughout the Middle East, the word crusade was rendered as

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The 11th Day Of September, 2001

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    The 11th day of September, 2001 was not just any ordinary day. It was an annihilating day for both me and my country. That day symbolized the burial of my grandfather, who died the week prior. My grandfather, played a fundamental role in my life. He encouraged me both spiritually and educationally. This is also the day that the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda decided to attack the United States. They achieved the attack, though the hijacking of four planes; this caused the complete destruction

  • Air Travel Industry Since September 11th, 2001

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    Ever since the attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001, America has never been the same. After this horrific event America has made many numerous changes to make sure that this would never happen again like making changes to air travel security to border protection changes and many government and leadership changes. One of the first things America has tried to change since then is air travel and travel security. One change that caused many controversies was adding

  • The Longest and Trafic Day in American History: September 11th, 2001

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    September 11th, 2001 marks the longest and most tragic day in American history. It started off as a normal morning, kids waking up to go to school, people getting to work, and others just taking a morning run, As if nothing was going to happen. Then all of a sudden at 8:46 Flight 11 hits the north tower of the World Trade Center in Ney York City. There were 767 on board and 20,000 gallons of jet fuel. It hit on the 80th floor out of 110 stories. Imagine hearing a big sound of an explosion while at

  • newspaper reader ship

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    world on that autumn morning in September 11th. “The mighty have fallen,” was heard elsewhere as this great nation of America felt it’s first real attack since December 7, 1945 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. As all of the nations of the world sat slacked jawed and paralyzed, the American media worked at a feverish pace to inform all what had just happened. The media did a wonderful job portraying the events that took place during and after September 11th. Especially the newspapers, with

  • superman for president

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    to come down. The second of my client’s endless amount of outstanding qualities is his ability to make quick and precise decisions. We need a president that will not crack under the pressure of making an important choice for this country. The September 11th incident would be the perfect example. There is a better way to handle this than just bombing everywhere. If Superman were president the planes would have been stopped in their tracks and placed safely on the ground. The economy is another area

  • I Love My Gay Friends

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Gay Friends I've grown up around gays and lesbians, and some of my best friends are gay, so I support them. One day I was on my way downtown after school and saw a crowd. I figured it was another peace march since it was only a week after September 11th, but it wasn't. My friend and I were sitting on the wall in front of Jimmy Johns and talking when our friend, Mary, ran up to us. "You guys should come and help us out. They're protesting against gay people and saying God doesn't love us

  • Thomas Cook Essay

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    tour Operations, like it’s competitors experienced high profit losses as a result of falling passenger numbers, added security costs, falls in their share prices and increased insurance premiums in which occurred I the aftermath. Prior to September 11th the travel industry experienced a dynamic growth between 1995 to 2001. During 2001 20.6 million package holidays were sold to the British Consumer, 1 growth of 2.6%. However the deterioration of the industry’s success came immediately after

  • The History of Religious Conflicts in America

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    United States has been immune to its share of conflict explicitly rooted in religion. This paper explores the various manifestations of religious conflict throughout the history of the United States, from the Revolutionary War to the attacks of September 11th and their fallout. A distinction is drawn between religious intolerance, which is not the focus of this paper, and outright religious persecution or violence. Similarly, the paper reflects efforts made to de-conflate religious conflict from

  • The United States Contribution to the Rise of Pinochet

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    The United States Contribution to the Rise of Pinochet The date September 11th is not only a date of terror for the United States, but for the country Chile it also marks the anniversary of a new error of fear. On September 11th, 1973 General Augusto Pinochet overthrew President Salvador Allende, a democratically elected socialist. For seventeen years after this Pinochet dictated over Chile and caused for the murder of over three thousand Chileans, the disappearance of over a thousand, and the

  • Times May Not Be A’Changin’

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    embrace the new instead of remembering our past. But to effectively make changes and plan for the future, it is essential that we turn to our history. One of the greatest issues in the world today is that of patriotism. In the immediate wake of September 11th, nearly all residents of this country proudly proclaimed themselves “Americans,” putting aside personal bias, differences in religion, and family roots to support the rebuilding of a nation. Lately, however (since our involvement in the Iraq War)

  • Safety vs Freedom of Speech

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    infringe on our fundamental liberties as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Since the September 11th terrorist attacks those who have made comments contrary to popular beliefs have prompted much debate about free speech. When America experiences some great trauma, our freedom of speech often faces its own trauma. Across the country, people are expressing opinions unpopular with American culture post September 11th. In Colorado, school officials demonstrate the new rush to suppress any un- American

  • Terrorism and Technology

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    Technology It wasn’t until the morning of September 11th that America began to question just how safe we really are. As the world watched the devastation on the news, everyone was looking for comfort. However, often times when something as horrific as this happens, the ones you look to for comfort are looking back at you for comfort. Many people found what piece of mind they could, through technology during this horrible time. The September 11th terrorist attacks have had both positive and

  • Modern Day Prophets: Islam versus Christianity

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    world of chaos and war, many people are turning to religion. People look to organized religion not only for solace but on the contrary, they also look to attribute cause for the world’s woes. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th has many people looking to the religion of Islam for a culprit, as the men who flew the planes were Israeli suicide missionaries. These men thought themselves to be on a mission from God (Allah). This implies that they were acting on the words

  • Media Coverage

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    media brought into our homes was the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City. Mass media has grown so much in such a short period of time and society is having trouble dealing with it. Some question if the public needs to see such terrible things on television. Some wonder if the media truthfully portray the events. Media today is so large and it conceivably could be damaging to our society. If we take a look at past events, and the recent September 11th tragedy, we can critique the media's

  • Media Propaganda and Stereotypes

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    propaganda tactic to persuade people's thoughts, opinions and beliefs in order to benefit their cause. The media was used for disseminating stereotypes the effect violent music has on teenager's behaviours such as in the shootings at Columbine. After the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government used the media as an outlet to emphasize Muslim stereotypes to influence people to support the invasion of Iraq. Stereotypes and other propaganda techniques such as "name-calling, manicheanism, and censorship" are