Semiconductor Essays

  • History Of Semiconductors

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    best-known semiconductor. Boron, germanium zinc sulfide, Mercury selenide are some the few of hundreds of semiconductors. Semiconductors also could be found in nature like zinc selenide (ZnS), cuprite (CU2O) and galend (PbS). Semiconductors are classified in numerous ways. They exist as pure elements such as Si, B and compounds such as gallium arsenide. Semiconductors could also be categorized as Elemental, Binary and Ternary. • Elemental Semiconductors: These are single elemental semiconductors belong

  • Semiconductors Essay

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    hours to complete The discovery, research and evolution of semiconductors has made this technology possible. Semiconductors are one of the essential building blocks for computer chips and without them modern computing would not be possible. “Simply defined, semiconductors are generally certain elements (such as silicon) and chemical compounds (such as lead sulfide) that allow, but still resist the flow of electricity” [1]. Semiconductor properties allow the conductivity of the said material to be

  • The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry

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    The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry The specific industry that will be referred to will be the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This industry emerged after World War II, first in the Boston area and then moved westwards into California during the 1950s. Reasons for locating in such areas include flat land, temperature, stable economy, steady government scene, accessible to markets, available raw materials and high skilled labour. Because the industry is high tech it has meant that

  • Essay On Semiconductor Transistor

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    INTRODUCTION In 1906, L.D Forest invented the first vacuum tube which was used for rectifying, amplifying and switching electrical signals [1]. Vacuum tubes had played an important role in the development of electronics before the advent of semiconductor transistor. In 1947, J. Brattain and W. Bardeen invented the first point contact junction transistor [2,3] and in 1948 W. Schokley proposed bipolar junction transistor (BJT) [4]. In 1951, W. Shockley invented junction field-effect transistor (JFET)

  • Short Essay On Semiconductors

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    Semiconductors were being studied in laboratories as early as the 1830's. The materials were usually poor conductors if heated and often carried photoelectric properties. (Electrical production by shining light on the material.) Soon, this property of changing conductivity would become of vital importance to the world of electronics and communications. (Micron) Common semiconductors include silicon, zinc and germanium; however, silicon is by far the most widely implemented due to its abundance. Also

  • Semiconductors: The Silicon Chip

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    Semiconductors: The Silicon Chip Silicon is the raw material most often used in integrated circuit (IC) fabrication. It is the second most abundant substance on the earth. It is extracted from rocks and common beach sand and put through an exhaustive purification process. In this form, silicon is the purist industrial substance that man produces, with impurities comprising less than one part in a billion. That is the equivalent of one tennis ball in a string of golf balls stretching from the earth

  • Power Semiconductor Devices

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    Power Semiconductor Devices Introduction Today there are many power semiconductor devices used in different applications of power conversion. The diode is one of the oldest semiconductors devices and is still wildly used today in power electronics. Diodes are found in virtually all power converts in one form or another. For this reason our discussion will be focused on the application of power diodes. Power Diodes are two terminal electronic devices that permit current flow in predominantly

  • The Rise & Fall of the Japanese Semiconductor Industry, 1970 – 2000

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    & Fall of the Japanese Semiconductor Industry, 1970 – 2000 Summary: The semiconductor was the created with the innovation of transistor by Bell Corporation. The industry was driven by the of great US electronic giants such as general Electronic, Texas Instruments and others. These US giants conquered most of the world market sharers. However in the ever-changing world economy the market always moves here to there. Nothing was different in the case of semiconductor industry. With the span

  • Electronics: Semiconductor Industry

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    1. General description Semiconductor industry comprises of four main product categories. Namely, microprocessors, standard chips, memory and system on a chip. It is relatively young but very dynamic and fast-growing industry. With the invention of transistor (semiconductor) and integrated circuits, in the mid twentieth century, this industry was born. Since semiconductors started to be used in rapidly growing electronic industry, their production doubled almost every single year. From the USA, this

  • Solar Cell

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    and semiconductors there is an "energy gap", in which no electron orbits can exist, between the inner valence band and outer conduction band [Book 1]. Valence electrons help to bind together the atoms in a solid by orbiting 2 adjacent nucleii, while conduction electrons, being less closely bound to the nucleii, are free to move in response to an applied voltage or electric field. The fewer conduction electrons there are, the higher the electrical resistivity of the material. In semiconductors, the


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    Abhisek Gupta1 , Gavish1 1Dronachraya college of Engineering, Gurgaon, India Abstract---The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET) is a type of transistor used for amplifying or switching electronic signals .It is a four-terminal device with source (S), gate (G), drain (D), and body (B) terminals. The MOSFET generally uses silicon as semiconductor choice but lately chemical compound os silicone and germanium (SiGe) has started in MOSFET channels. These

  • Electronic Components: Integrated Circuits

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    electronic toys to robots the use of IC is spread all around. In a nutshell we can say that today every electronic device contains integrated circuits. 2. BIRTH OF IC Experimental discoveries led to know that semiconductor devices could work much better than vacuum tubes. So with the advancement of technology fabrications of semiconducting devices were done; large numbers of tiny transistors were incorporated in a small chip. This was the birth of IC. The first

  • Avalanche Diode: Symbol Of An Avalanche Diode

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    An avalanche diode is a special type of semiconductor device designed to operate in reverse breakdown region. Avalanche diodes are used as relief valves (a type of valve used to control the pressure in a system) to protect electrical systems from excess voltages. Construction of avalanche diode Avalanche diodes are generally made from silicon or other semiconductor materials. The construction of avalanche diode is similar to zener diode except the doping level in avalanche diode differs from zener

  • Spintronics Essay

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    the flow of spin polarized current in metals and semiconductors. Introducing spin degrees of freedom and charge into the present semiconductor electronics at nanoscale level is a very important issue for realizing novel devices. Research is being carried out for the development of magnetic random access memories and nonvolatile logic applications by extensively studying novel spin based semiconductor device structures and magnetic material semiconductor hybrid structures. We can create spin polarization

  • John Barden and The Transistors

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    they are one with us. However, until that day we have the transistor as king of all technologies here in America. Works Cited . "Bell Labs Licenses Transistor Technology." N.p., 2007. Web. 18 Feb 2014. . Ward, Jack. "Semiconductor museum." N.p., 2009. Web. 20 Feb 2014. . . "Transistorized." Pbs, 1999. Web. 20 Feb 2014. .

  • Photolithography Essay

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    (Ef). From the figure below we get a better idea of the barrier height which is given by ΦB(PhiB). Now the value of the Schottky barrier height is dependent on the contact resistances of the metal and semiconductor under consideration. The idea of a schottky contact is that when metal and semiconductor are brought into contact with eac... ... middle of paper ... ...stead of one gap? Answer: The advantages of using several gap to measure the transfer or contact resistance using the TLM (transmission

  • Jack Kilby: Inventor of the Microchip

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    the microchip, gave birth to a new technological field of modern microelectronics. His ingenious work at Texas Instruments over forty-five years ago, was a breakthrough that has led to the “sophisticated high-speed computers and large-capacity semiconductor memories of today’s information age.” Born on November 8, 1923 in Jefferson City, Missouri, Jack Kilby was a determined intellectual. After receiving a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Mr. Kilby decided to

  • The Microchip: History and Making

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    universe, and usually is contained in dirt, soil, sand, and it makes up of about 27.7% of the Earth’s mass (Abundances of the Elements in the Earth's Crust, , Hyperphysics, Georgia State Univ.). One of the special features of silicon is that it is a semiconductor. This means that under certain circumstances, silicon will conduct electricity. Scientists have harnessed this special characteristic of silicon and invented the microchip. The creation of the microchip dates back to the late 1950s, when two

  • What Is Photonic Semiconductor?

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    Photonic Semiconductor Abstract- Photonic semiconductor is deeply integrated in electronic circuit designs and widely used in many sorts of applications, they act as electrical to optical or optical to electrical transducers. This paper aims to discuss various optoelectronic devices; their structure, materials, theory of operation, merit properties and characteristics that recommends them for various applications. I. Introduction Optoelectronics is a branch of Photonics Science concerns with devices

  • Temperature And Resistance Lab Report

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    thermistor increases in temperature the lattice atoms move faster and are colliding with the electrical current and slowing down the flow of charge. In a normal wire this would make the resistance decrease but because a thermistor is a semiconductor there is a second stronger effect which out weighs this. This effect means that the outer electrons are not free at room temperature but when heated the get more energy and are freed. This means that there are more electrons available