Rush hour Essays

  • The Exceptional Friendship in the Movie, Rush Hour

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    during Rush Hour 3 to describe his friendship with Detective James Carter (Chris Tucker). The dynamic duo in the Rush Hour saga have been together since 1998 and their fictional friendship has become one to be rivaled with. The exceptional friendship that Lee and Carter share stems from their random arrangement with each other in the first Rush Hour movie, and their ability to take their experiences of risking their lives for others to form a close bond. The settings within the Rush Hour trilogy

  • Decreasing the Wait Time for Cafeteria Food at Howard University

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    In my proposal plan I recommend that the average wait time at each food station in the café be decreased, especially during high rush hour time for example during the lunch and dinner rushes. We can help reduce the time by having servers make up pre portioned plates that way students can grab and go instead of wait in a line for upwards of thirty minutes for cold food. We can also have different food options added that serve different options because as of now the food lines operate on a schedule

  • Persuasive Speech: The Board Of Brisbane City Council

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    adds on average an extra 30+ minutes a day to and from destinations during peak hours? Congestion levels in Brisbane are escalating. There is no denying it. Something has to change. I am proposing to you, the leaders of our great city, to encourage less vehicles on the roads during peak hours. This is essential for the growth of our community by implementing new tactics to combat this monstrous situation. Charging peak hour tolls, encouraging new driving habits and enforcing a revolutionary change in

  • Solving Perennial Traffic Congestion in Ho Chi Minh City

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    which occurred about 40 minutes to 8 hours in Ho Chi Minh City (qdt. in Quochung). The traffic situation would be more complex in the later months, Mr. Tran, the president of Ho Chi Minh City department of transportation, declared at the meeting of searching methods to manage traffic jam in urban areas (qdt. in Quochung). This number did not mention the under 30-minute traffic jams which happen every day in the most crowded city in Vietnam, even in the off-peak hours. Thus, the traffic congestion is

  • Traffic Congestion In Los Angeles

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    congestion level of 39%, which is much higher than the average congestion level of 30%, in the ten worst traffic-congested cities in the country. This congestion level in Los Angeles is so detrimental that it causes motorists to waste an average extra 92 hours a year sitting in traffic. Considering the value of not only wasted time but fuel too, the Texas Transportation Institute estimates the annual cost of traffic congestion in greater Los Angeles is close to $10 Billion. Thus, traffic congestion not

  • Toronto Traffic Chaos

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    me enough time from school building to union station. If some day I stayed at school a little longer, the bus before night would be 2:50, which made my schedule not flexible. Because of the traffic on QEW start from 2:30, it would take more than one hour to Mississauga if I took 2:50

  • Smart Transportation Essay

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    problem become worst day by day not just to transfer people from one place to another place but the goods also. As per the news publish in The Atlanta an average American spend 38 hours in a year just in traffic and that cost $818 [1]. If you consider the total population of United States, total hours would be 3.78 billion hours and that cost $121 billion annually. This is only for USA. The numbers for other country would be more surprising. This problem is not only about the cost but also about the environment

  • Transportation in Urban Communities: Traffic Problems

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    affects the urban experience in many different ways. Road congestion is becoming so common that people take 1 hour to reach at a place where they can be reached in about 20 mins. The traffic problems is a picture of what we witness on an everyday basis in our lives. But there are no signs of it being less than what it was yesterday. This is a scene that happen not only in the rush hours but also many times during the day. So what is the problem exactly?. Urbanization is defined as the study of

  • Traffic Control: The Need For Change

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    the increase of women in the work force and the expansion of businesses to the suburbs, traffic jams have increased dramatically over the past few years (Koepp 55). As a consequence of traffic jams, the American population was delayed 722 million hours in 1985 (55), costing the average citizen approximately $800 (Doan 64). In 1984, drivers, while waiting in their cars during traffic jams, used three billion gallons of gasoline (Koepp 55). This figure represents four percent of the total amount

  • Rush Hour Film Analysis

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    common stereotype talked about in the film, The Slanted Screen. The Slanted Screen discussed other stereotypes such as uncultured Asians that speak with foreign accents, restaurant workers and gangsters. These stereotypes were prevalent in the film, Rush Hour. Sang and the Juntao’s men are the perfect example of Asian gangsters in the film. Some of the subservient positions, especially for Asian women in the film featured restaurant workers, Lydia Look as the waitress at Foo Chow and Ai Wan as the hostess

  • The Traffic Congestion In The Tampa Bay Area

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    Tampa has a large population group and has a steady congestion growth. The FDOTs 2011 Urban mobility report statistics say that Tampa and St. Petersburg area has about 33 hours delay per commute per year and ranks 3rd in Florida and 27th in the country for travel delay, furthermore about 18 gallons of fuel is wasted per year per commute and ranks 1st in the Florida and 16th in the country for fuel wastage. Thus we need to

  • Pros And Cons Of Road Pricing

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    positives: -When roads are congested drivers are forced to drive slowly, this reduces the amount of accidents that are likely to occur. -Most users usually re-time their trips so as to avoid the peak hours of when some roads are congested. This is positive as the road is now used for an increased amount of hours per day

  • Traffic Congestion Essay

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    Small et al. (1997) provide a summary of theoretical on the review of congestion measures demonstrated at the outset of this project that a number of different approaches are used to quantify the level of congestion for an urban area. Although there are a number of different congestion measures, travel time measures offer the best means for estimating the economic impacts of the congestion. There are several reasons for this: 1. Travel time corresponds directly to the traveler’s experience of congestion

  • Traffic Congestion Essay

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    b. Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. The most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles. When traffic demand is great enough, that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, this results in some congestion.(Wikipedia). As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road), extreme traffic

  • Traffic Congestion In Canada Essay

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    incredibly concerning, because this could affect the way Canadians travel from point A to point B on Canadian roads. According to a new CAA study, bottlenecks, also known as the point of blockage, congestion, and gridlock, are costing drivers over 11.5 hours and 22 million litres of fuel annually. To add on, a portion of Hwy.401, which runs through central Toronto, has been deemed the ninth-most clogged artery in Canada and the United States according to the CAA. Congestion has gotten to a point at which

  • Asian Stereotypes in the Media

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    allocate such problem to another perspective, we must aim to become aware of them, by viewing these Asian Stereotypical films of what your average American watches on TV or at the movies. Although when Asian characters seem harmless (Jackie Chan in “Rush Hour” series) or humorous... ... middle of paper ... ...Your Ears. Dir. James Purdum and Peter Shin. Perf. Seth MacFarlane. 20th Century Fox Television, 2006. Television Program. "Jackie Chan Biography." Ed. Leanne French, Eudie Pak, and

  • Subway Rush Hour Equalizing Diction

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    excluded from his cause is the poem Subway Rush Hour. The poem describes this subway car carrying so many lives barreling towards it destination. The people on the subway for a short time are equal. The reader discovers that just as the little pockets of peace branch off throughout the city that so should the equality in each car. These niches of harmony rush forward to take over the future and pervade through the entire United States. The speaker “Subway Rush Hour” argues that forced unity will spread

  • Asians and Kill Bill

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    Asians and Kill Bill Sitting in the movie theater, I was baffled to see so many stereotypes touched on in one single film. These stereotypes were not just any kind of stereotype – they were those pertaining to Asians in particular. The obviousness and sheer transparency of the stereotypes made the movie look like a complete joke. The film? Kill Bill. The majority of today’s films starring Asian actors and actresses often contain numerous stereotypes. They cater to the biased views that most

  • Rush Hour 2: Racial Stereotypes In Hollywood Film

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    differences rather than to challenge racial stereotypes” (Park, Gabbadon, Chernin 221). A movie such as Rush Hour 2 perfectly exemplifies how comedies ultimately use ‘harmless’ jokes, which in return makes stereotyping a certain race acceptable. Comedies are naturally overlooked because of Hollywood’s clever use of underlying techniques. These underlying techniques used by comedies, particularly in Rush Hour 2, have ‘naturalized’ audiences to easily disregard racial jokes and stereotypes. Ji Hoon Park, Nadine

  • Asmat Spirit Canoe, Rush Hour, The Pardon In An Armchair

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    important to note that art is never limited to one single form an element. Art is a piece of creativity expressed by brilliant minds to portray some form of story, emotion, or way of life. Thus, I have chosen four pieces of art: Asmat Spirit Canoe, Rush Hour, The Pardon in Brittany, and Woman in an Armchair. I chose these art forms, because they looked unique, creative,