Revolver Essays

  • Samuel Colt and the Colt Revolver

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    The Wild West is known for its cowboys and gunslingers. In the Wild West the pistol was an important piece of equipment. Samuel Colt played an important part in the Wild West because of the invention of the Colt Revolver. Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was one of eight children. As a young boy Samuel Colt’s principle interest was guns and machinery. His father, Christopher Colt, was a textile manufacturer and was married to Sarah Coldwell Colt (“Samuel Colt”)

  • Samuel Colt: The Most Influential person in America

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    overcome them and be the successful businessman that he was. Throughout his life Samuel Colt did many things to advance life in America, such as developing new guns and business techniques. Colt was the first of many to develop a fully functioning revolver know as the Colt single action army. Colt’s manufacturing techniques helped him become the leader in gun manufacturing. Today Colt’s company is still at work and has become the leader in gun advancements. Samuel colt was born July 19, 1814 in Hartford

  • The History of the Cult Gun Company

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    Colt Gun Company paper What would you do without the modern day revolver? Samuel Colt was one of the best gunmakers and had an even better gun company. Samuel Colt was such a skilled gunsmith by making the revolving cylinder and by getting a good manufacturing plant(Lee). Also he made many guns. Some other things he did was by selling the guns directly to the soldiers, and by selling some his weapons to the United States military. Samuel Colt revolutionized the gun company because he made the revolving

  • .45 Colt vs. .44 Magnum

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    Colt differ greatly but also share some major similarities. Starting out in 1872, the .45 Colt hit the market. A joint development between Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing company, and Union Metallic Cartridge Company created a black powder revolver round that captured the eyes of many. This round was soon introduced into the army. Progressing steadily, it soon became a complete bullet rather than a black powder round. Sadly, the wars the army was facing became more grueling and advanced which

  • Can Teenagers Make A Difference?

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    Some people think that you have to be an adult to make a difference in the world around you, but so many teenagers have altered the course of history forever. Most people would be surprised at some of the inventions or accomplishments that were made by teenagers. Some of the greatest minds in the world got their start in the teenage years. Some teenagers can make a change of effect that no adult could ever make purely because of their age. Alexander the Great was the ruler of Macedonia from 334

  • Guns: A Personal Essay: The History Of Guns

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    Guns have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was about six years old my dad came home one day and took me into the back yard. He told me he had something for me and that I needed to be vary careful with it. After I agreed to only using it while he was there to make sure I used it safely, he gave me my vary own BB gun. After a quick safety lesson it was time to start shooting, I had even drawn a target onto a cardboard box. After a few years of shooting and a few thousand

  • Geney Crutchley Case Study

    1985 Words  | 4 Pages

    Neither Erika or Benjamin had no prior history of arrest. Inside the Jeep, investigators were surprised to find that they were fully armed. In, 6 hour 9mm fully loaded, a 45-caliber combat weapon and in Erika’s waistband was a .357 five shot revolver. In the back of the vehicle were ski masks, gloves, and flex-cuffs. A search of Erika’s pursue uncovered the driver’s license of Joshua and Martha. When asked where Erika had found the licenses she claimed she found them at the beach and denied ever

  • Lethal Tools of Our Past-Weapons of The Frontier

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    It did not take long for such handguns as the 1873 Colt Peacemaker to emerge as the weapon of choice for gunfighter, cowboy, sheriff or civilian. Fighting men everywhere considered the peacemaker’s balance and durability superior to that of other revolvers of the day, and they expressed their appreciation by clamoring for a variety of versions – some decorative or modified for a fast draw, others were plain, but all were lethal (Trachtman et al 43). With a growing consideration of violence, many Americans

  • Can Teenagers Make a Difference?

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    Connecticut in the year 1814 on July 19. He got his inspiration to make the revolver when he was on a boat and the ship’s wheel intrigued him, mostly that it could alternately spin or be locked in a fixed position with the use of a clutch. Samuel Colt invented a revolver that could be fired multiple times before having to reload it. Then in the year 1846 during the Mexican War, the US government ordered 1,000 revolvers from Samuel Colt. With his growing business, he had to up his production, so

  • Richard Ramirez And The Serial Killer

    1989 Words  | 4 Pages

    During his teenage years, Ramirez committed a staggering amount of misdemeanors and felonies that consisted of possession, breaking and entering, theft, and auto theft. Once the teenager grew into his adult years, he still performed misdemeanors; however, the felonies became more deadly and sadistic. Around 28 victims unfortunately encountered him. Some of the people from the 28 experienced horrible events, but they were able to live through his discretion. However, thirteen to fourteen other

  • John Lennon And His Activism In Jon Wiener's Come Together

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    The book Come Together written by Jon Wiener is a book covering the life of John Lennon, the impact of his music, and his activism. The book covers the era of his music, as well as how his music and voice was able to impact society, specifically in America. Although John Lennon was not born an American, he lived a significant amount of his life in the United States and adapted to our culture as well as adding to it significantly. Since America was founded by and is made up of immigrants, he is without

  • Rubber Soul Analysis

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    ‘Rubber Soul” is a great album because it can help people who are in some difficult situation or if they are feeling lonely. It can remind people of loved ones that they lost, give them strength and encourage them because they know that they have someone who is watching from the sky. Also, songs are filled with inspirational meanings that can uplift someone’s mood. Rubber Soul is the sixth studio album by English rock band the Beatles. The album consisted 14 songs, John and Paul wrote 11 songs,

  • Alienation in The Revolver, Housewife, and How it Feels to Be Colored Me

    1942 Words  | 4 Pages

    they referring to the person who is psychologically separated from themselves? There are several different uses of this term. However, two uses seem to be especially predominating: the sociological processes and the psychological states. In “The Revolver,” “Housewife,” and “How it feels to be colored me,” Bazan, Chughtai, and Hurston respectively, relate both the social and the psychological aspects of alienation with respect to fear, oppression, and identity. Exactly what is Alienation? Bloom’s

  • Why Does Absalom Kumalo Kill Arthur Jarvie

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    Fire does not care if it burns wood, pig fat or the flesh from one’s own body. Much like this fire, a revolver has no preference. Murder is murder no matter what the circumstances are. Although some people believe Absalom Kumalo kills Arthur Jarvie as an act of self-defense, it is, in fact, murder, and the decided sentence for Absalom to be hanged, is just. The revolver Absalom carries to Arthur Jarvis’ house is a piece of evidence that is a main point of Arthur’s lawyer’s testimony, in which, He

  • Firearms

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    man can handle and which fire bullets – very simple, easy-to-use and deadly. Revolvers – these can be described as pistols with revolving chamber which enables you to fire several shots without reloading. Revolvers were popular in the end of XIX - beginning of XX century because they are quite easy to use, reliable, and cheap, but were soon replaced by pistols because of their limited capacity and mobility. However, revolvers are still used by the policemen -- large-caliber bullets they use (“Magnum”

  • Enfield Vs Murafield Research Paper

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    Rifles and Muskets Springfield Model 1861: The Springfield Model 1861 was the most common weapon used during the Civil War. The Springfield’s barrel was 40 inches long, fired a .58 caliber Minié ball, and the total weight of the rifle was approximately 9 pounds. Because this was a single shot, muzzle-loading gun it was able use a percussion cap mechanism to fire at an effective range of 200 to 300 yards. Enfield Rifle Musket: The Enfield Rifle Musket was second most widely used weapon in the Civil

  • Elanor Rigby Music Analysis

    663 Words  | 2 Pages

    Despite the obvious merit of this album, much of the music found in it is rather similar to previous music written by the Beatles. Their later album Revolver, however, displays no such reliance on styles and sounds previously established in rock music, with Reising (Ed. 2002) calling the impact of the album “massive and transformative”. In the album Revolver, the Beatles make use wide, and largely novel, variety of instrumentations, time changes and technological parameters, as well as other musical tools

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment

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    Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” brings the reader a glimpse into the mind of a criminal, tormented by the guilt of murder. Dostoevsky’s focal point of the novel does not lie within the crime nor the punishment but everything in between. Dostoevsky also vividly depicts the life and conditions of poverty within the confines of St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky uses a unique and descriptive diction which takes the reader’s perspective and puts them

  • Weapons of the Civil War: Why Did The North Win?

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    more than 146,800 Colt revolvers were purchased. This made up more than 40 percent of all the handguns bought by the government at that time. In 1851, the .36 caliber revolver was produced by Colt. Colt then sold approximately 215,000 navy models, as they were called. The Star Revolver was a .44 caliber, six shot, double action weapon, which weighed approximately three pounds. 25,000 revolvers were then sold to the government for twelve dollars each. The Figure Eight Revolver was built especially for

  • Improvements on Civil War Weaponry

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    from wikipedia) The Lemat revolver, pictured above, was a popular pistol among southerners and confederates during the Civil War (Lemat revolver. (2014, January 27). Retrieved from wikipedia). ‘’This gun has a nine round magazine and has a barrel that holds a 20ga round birdshot’’ (Lemat revolver. (2014, January 27). Retrieved from wikipedia). Many of the famous generals used it, which made it more popular. ‘’They only made about 2,900 Lemat pistols’’ (Lemat revolver. (2014, January 27). Retrieved