Regiment Essays

  • The 69th Regiment Armory- A Multifaceted Building in New York City

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    the bystanders I asked knew the name of the building, nor cared to. To my amazement, after trying various peculiar combinations of words such as “army”, “building”, and “Lexington Avenue”, I discovered the name of the intriguing building: The 69th Regiment Armory. The Armory proved to be a more intriguing building than I had ever imagined. The Armory is an active training facility. However, The Armory doesn’t simply house the 165th infantry, rather adds culture to New York City. One may ask, how can

  • 20th Engineer Battalion

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    Department issued General Order 108 which formed the 20th Engineer Regiment in order to support WWI.” The regiment soon grew to be the largest regiment in the history of the United States Army, consisting of twenty-nine battalions filled with over fourty-six thousand Soldiers. During WWI the regiment covered from the front lines of opposite the German Army to the mountains of the Spanish mountains conducting forestry operations.

  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: The Backbone of America

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    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: The Backbone of America The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in its entirety is a branch of the military that is part of the Army’s regimental system. The Engineer Regiment is comprised of numerous types of engineers to include constructions, combat and emergency services and geospatial specialties. A testament of the fortitude has been proven from the corps inception back in 1775. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was first established on 16 June 1775 by the Continental

  • Analysis of Glory

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    Analysis of Glory Glory is a movie about the fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment in the civil war. This was the first all black regiment the Union ever allowed to fight. Throughout the movie one quote kept proving itself true, “We went down standing up.” The members of the fifty-fourth proved that they wanted to go down standing up just by joining the army. However there were many situations that proved this further, as the film continued. During the regiment’s training period a message arrived

  • Heroism And Romanticism In Henry Crane's Red Badge

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    In the beginning of Red Badge*, the year is 1863 and the stage is set for the upcoming Battle of Chancellorsville. Henry Fleming awaits orders as rumors stir of an early May march*. The novella begins after Henry has joined the 304th New York regiment and has encamped in Virginia. Upon hearing news the news he might face battle, Henry becomes filled with angst. The narrator then reveals to the reader, Henry had “dreamed of battle all his life” (Crane 2). Henry imagined himself a hero; to achieve

  • The Horstmann 423 Civil War Sword

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    Cavalry men, and Musicians(Stoddard). Thomas Smith was a Civil War soldier in the 128th regiment of Pennsylvania, wounded and involved in the battle of Antietam and owned and fought with a sword as many others did in the Civil War. Thomas was a private in company C of the 128th regiment. This Regiment was organized in August of 1862 and Thomas was mustered in August 14th of 1862. On the August 16th the regiment left for Washington D.C.They were stationed there until September 6th then they then moved

  • Bad Leadership Skills in Black Hearts by Jim Frederick

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    you as the audience to think how you would of done it better. So right or wrong there was a lesson to be learned and the book did a good job including the reader. This book puts you in the shoes of a small group of soldiers from the 502nd Infantry Regiment and gives you an up close and personal take on the experience of the soldiers, from the bottom of the the ranks all the way up to the commander. 502nd Bravo Company 1st platoon deployed in the fall of 2005 into one of the most dangerous battle zones

  • Red Badge Of Courage

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    to give him rational advice, Henry sat disappointed, expecting a speech on heroism and pride. When Henry and his regiment (the 304th New York) finally integrate into camp life, he begins to question himself. His regiment had been static for a long time and Hauptman 2 Henry becomes bored and unhappy. For time he begins to question his bravery and he feels rather insecure. In the regiments first battle, Henry fights well. His admiration for himself reaches a disgusting level: He felt that he was a fine

  • Gunga Din: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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    Although cliché, the title I chose best summarizes the theme of Gunga Din into a simple phrase. Though Gunga Din was insulted and abused by the queens regiment, his life saving deed best reflected the character of Din. The narrator's portrayal of Din changes at a point in the story where the actions of their water boy tell the reader what kind of person Din truly was. The waterless climate created an intense desperation for water, which gave Din the opportunity to do something completely unselfish

  • The Battle of Hamburger Hill “AKA” Hill 937

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    This paper will examine how a unwavering adversary and difficult terrain combined to negate the effects of American technology. The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle of the Vietnam War which was fought by the United States and South Vietnam against North Vietnamese Forces from May 10–20, 1969. The battle took place on Ap Bia Mountain in the rugged, jungle-shrouded mountains along the Laotian border of South Vietnam. Ap Bia Mountain anchors the northwest corner of South Viet Nam's A Shau Valley

  • Red Badge of Courage

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    returning back to his regiment to inform them that they might go into battle any day now. The main character of the story Henry Fleming who was recently recruited in the 304th regiment begins to worry about how brave he really is since he has never really been in battle before. The main reason he joined the army was for the honor and glory that came after the battle but he never really analyzed what it took to gain all the glory and honor that he wanted to obtain. The regiment marches for several days

  • Conduct Unbecoming by Barry England

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    different views of the regiment. When they first enter ‘the mess’ Drake looks about ‘as a man finally at peace’ Whereas Millington looks with gloom. Drake starts ‘Exactly as I imagined it would be’ whereas Millington launches straight into sarcasm with ‘how very uplifting for you.’ He makes a point that the place ‘haunted his childhood’, showing us that not only does he hate it but he has also been there before. We now know that he already has some connection with the regiment. When Drake says ‘it

  • The History of the 84th Infantry Division

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    and Indiana. During WWI, the Lincoln Division provided replacements for other units, but saw no combat as a division. They were inactivated January 1919, and reactivated in October 1942.1 The 84th Infantry Division was made up of: three infantry regiments, four field artillery battalions, one engineering combat battalion, one medical battalion, one signal battalion, one light maintenance company, one quartermaster company, and a recon troop. The division was comprised of about 16,000 men in 1943

  • The Battle of Greenbrier River

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    The Battle of Greenbrier River or the Battle of Camp Bartow took place on October 2-3, 1861.The skirmish took place near the base of Cheat Mountain in present day Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The operation would take June through December to carry out. General Reynolds thought if he could get rid of Camp Bartow he could easily get to the Virginia counties on the other side of the mountains to the east. Brigade General Joseph Reynolds was the Union commander while Brigade General Henry R. Jackson

  • Edward B Dalton Research Paper

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    Edward Barry Dalton is the only member of the regiment to have been the subject of a previously published work. A short biography including a selection of the surgeon’s wartime official correspondence entitled Memorial of Edward B. Dalton M.D. was complied and published as a tribute by his brother John Call Dalton shortly after his death in 1872. (John Call Dalton, Memorial of Edward B. Dalton) A few weeks after Fair Oaks, Dalton like many other soldiers in the Army of the Potomac would contract

  • Batthe of Chipyon-Ni Korea

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    Amid the snow-covered hills in the tiny village of Chipyong-Ni, Korea, a battle ridden 23rd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division made a decisive stand from February 13-15, 1951 that would lead to the first operational win against a much stronger and larger force. In what some considered being the Gettysburg of the Korean War, the Battle of Chipyong-Ni was a bitterly contested engagement between the X Corp, 23rd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, under the command of COL. Paul

  • Understanding the Battle of Hamburger Hill

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    The battle of Dong Ap Bia Mountain is commonly referred to and know by many as Hamburger Hill or Hill 937 derived from the height of elevation in which its highest peak reaches. Hamburger Hill earned its nickname due to the intense, bloody battle that took place on this key terrain feature over the course of ten days in May of 1969. Dong Ap Bia Mountain is located in South Vietnam, only a couple miles east of the Laotian boarder and the and Trung Pham River, with Dong So Ridge to its North and Rao

  • Difference Between Kings Point And Plato's

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    The regiment is quite different to democracy due to the removal of midshipmen rights and the formation of social classes. The regimental society of Kings Point is divided into classes numbered one through four. The structure of this society is a class rank based

  • Toxic Leadership in Special Forces Units

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    Some arrive as toxic leaders and some develop toxic leadership characteristics after joining the Regiment. The Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) does a good job of properly evaluating those leaders who exhibit toxic qualities and either correcting those characteristics or purging those individuals from the course. Those toxic leaders that manage to complete the SFQC and join the SF Regiment, by and large, are identified quickly and through proper evaluation and counseling

  • Alex Horton's Ides Of March By Alex Horton

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    myself alone. I decided to spend the day where another group of young men struggled and died: Antietam. The park system contains two monuments to the 20th Infantry NY regulars, which were the predecessors of our unit, the 5th Battalion 20th Infantry Regiment. The engagement is remembered with a striped battle streamer on the regional colors. Us, though, we remember Chevy with late night phone calls and laugher though tears.” In that statement he also explained that the same Infantry had to go through