Ramsey theory Essays

  • Ramsey Theory Essay

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    will explore the relatively recent, burgeoning topic-within-a-topic of Ramsey Theory, giving an entry level mathematical introduction to the subject. Ramsey Theory is a branch of combinatorics, which is the eld of math involving the study of nite, discrete objects. In a general sense, Ramsey Theory is concerned with the preservation of certain properties of graphs under various circumstances. In more speci c terms, Ramsey Theory asks how many vertices a graph must have to contain a complete s-subgraph

  • Viriginia Woolf

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    been the paradigm of her failure to meet her own standards" (Bond 39). With the death of her mother Woolf used her novel, To the Lighthouse to "reconstruct and preserve" the memories that still remained. According to Woolf, "the character of Mrs. Ramsey in To the Lighthouse was modeled entirely upon that of her mother" (Bond 27). This helped Virginia in her closure when dealing with the loss and obsession with her mother. Although Virginia clung to the relationship with her mother, she favored her

  • Fifth Business by Robertson Davies

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    Business by Robertson Davies In Robertson Davies' novel Fifth Business, the author uses the events that occurred in Deptford as a Canadian Allusion to reveal character identity. Three characters in the novel from Deptford: Boy Staunton, Dunstan Ramsey and Paul Dempster, leave Deptford to embark on a new identity to rid of their horrid past. The three main characters of the novel, all of whom to some extent try to escape their small town background, change their identity to become people of

  • JonBenet Ramsey Murder Case

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    After looking over all of the evidence in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case it is clear to me that the Ramsey family murdered JonBenet. I think that Burke, her older brother, did the actually killing, but his mother in father aided in the coverup of the crime. This was the only theory that could make sense to me when considering all the suspects, especially John and Patsy Ramsey. It was obvious to me that they were involved but the only way that things truly added up were if Burke did the actual killing

  • Analysis of Similes in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse

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    thirty describe Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey. The similes Woolf uses to describe Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey fall into three major categories--forces or objects of nature, human, and animal--and reveal Wool's feelings about her parents. To reveal the climate created in the home by the emotional interplay between a gloomy, childish man and an impulsive, nurturing woman, Woolf compares Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey to forces or objects in nature. When Lily Briscoe and Mr. Banks discover Mr. Ramsey, a professor of philosophy

  • Children and the Psychological Price of Overachievement

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    Children and the Psychological Price of Overachievement The issue of whether parents are too hard on their kids has been debatable for years. The subject started to present itself more as a problem when the Jon Bennet Ramsey case happened. The performing arts are where the problem of “pressure parents” seems to be the most prevalent and problematic. When does being there for the children become too much? When does “what’s best for the children” become the worst possible thing for the children

  • Virtue In Paul Ramsey's Preface To The Patient As Person

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    to achieve this goal in a short amount of time. After reading ethicists Paul Ramsey and Joseph Fletcher’s words many questions were raised that would seem to have contradicting answers. Therefore, other ethicists and students are obligated to lean toward one side or the other.      In Paul Ramsey’s preface to The Patient as Person, we get a clear depiction of where he stands on ethics today. Ramsey says that it is important to keep the covenant between man and man and man

  • Male and Female Relations in Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse

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    detrimental to both genders. Mrs. Ramsey. Both suffer from the unequal division of gender power in Woolf's society. Lily is also very much a product of society, yet she has new ideas for the role of women and produces one answer to the problems of gender power. Besides providing these examples of patriarchy, To The Lighthouse examines the tenacity of human relationships in general, producing a novel with twists, turns, problems, and perhaps a solution. Mrs. Ramsey is the perfect, patriarchal woman

  • Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullman

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    The book that I have read chose to review is Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullman. James ramsey Ullman was born in New York City in 1907. His highest-honored book was Banner in the Sky, but four of his books, including this one, were made into major motion pictures. The main characters of this story are Rudi Matt, Franz Lerner, Frau Matt, John Winter, and Emil Saxo. Rudi is the son of the legendary mountain guide of the Alps, Josef Matt. He has mountain climbing in his blood and is destined to

  • Unsolved Case of Jon Benet Ramsey´s Murder

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    WHO KILLED JON BENET RAMSEY? The brutal murder of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas night in 1996 shocked America to its core. Just as the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and murder seven decades earlier had seared the nation’s consciousness, this murder – of a beautiful and talented child in a wealthy Boulder, Colorado home --renewed every parent’s worst nightmare. It has been nearly three years since this violent crime occurred and no one has been brought to justice. At 6:48 p.m., Dec. 23,

  • Male Superiority within Domestic Life

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    superiority because by getting sympathy from a woman the man is acting superior over the woman. Mr. Ramsey proves this fact when he works to receive Lily’s sympathy. This is shown when Lily thinks, “You shan’t touch your canvas, he seemed to say, bearing down on her, until you’ve given me what I want from you” (150); about Mr. Ramsey as he approaches her while she is painting. In this scene what Mr. Ramsey wants from Lily is sympathy and he acts as if he is in control over Lily and therefore can force

  • The Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

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    Stated by John Ramsey, “As I was walking through the basement, I opened the door to a room, and knew immediately that I’d found her because there was a white blanket- her eyes were closed, I feared the worse but yet- I’d found her” (Bardesley, and Bellamy). On December 26, 1996, one of the most famous, unsolved murders took place in Boulder, Colorado (Christopher). The murder caused many events including accusations, interrogations, false claims, and examining of evidence. The case also caused the

  • Media’s Influence on JonBenet Ramsey’s Murder

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    are committed by those we know and love, and most of the time they're right.” This is clearly the thought the Boulder Colorado police conceived in the case of little beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey. As many have observed from the onslaught of media coverage, the day after Christmas 1996, six year old Jon Benet Ramsey was found buried under a white blanket, bound, beaten, and strangled to death in the wine cellar of their Boulder home. With such a strikingly rare and glamorous story of a six year old

  • Jonbenet Ramsey Research Paper

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    Jonbenet Ramsey: The Unsolved Murder Case There has been many unsolved murder mysteries, and one of them is the case of Jonbenet Ramsey. The case hasn’t been solved for over twenty years. There have been many theories about the case, one of them is The Intruder Theory. The Intruder Theory states that someone broke into the house and murdered Jonbenet Ramsey on that infamous christmas night. There has been enough evidence to support that theory. In 2008 DNA was found to show that it was not anybody

  • Jonbenet Ramsey Research Paper

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    actually think I would kill my daughter because she wet the bed?” said Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet Ramsey’s mom. JonBenet Ramsey’s murder in 1996 still shocks the world today. On August 6, 1990 JonBenet was born, in Atlanta Georgia. The daughter of a fashion designer and a wealthy businessman. Her mom’s name was Patsy Ramsey and her dad’s name is John Bennett. She was the youngest of two children. She had a brother named Burke Ramsey who was born in 1987. In 1991 her and her family moved to Boulder, Colorado

  • Jonbenet Ramsey: A Study in Media, Wealth, and Crime

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    On the night of December 26, 1996, six year old Jonbenet Ramsey was murdered in her home. To this day, her murderer remains unknown. Over the past twenty years, there have been many theories and speculations on what happened that winter night. Soon after the story made its way into headlines everywhere, the public was outraged. People believed that Jonbenet’s parents were to blame for her death. Many people still believe that to this day. Regardless of who the killer was, this case showed how wealth

  • A Brief Biography Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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    JonBenet Ramsey a six year old little girl who was known for her involvement in beauty pageants was found dead in 1996 in her family's home. There was a ransom note left that demanded $118,000 in exchange of John and Patsy’s daughter. The note stated that if the Ramsay’s contacted the police their daughter would be killed. There were many other factors to JonBenet’s mysterious death for example the bowl of pineapple, the mistakes made by the police and many more. On December 26, 1996 JonBenet was

  • The Unsolved: The Jonbenet Ramsey Case

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    The Jonbenet Ramsey case has remained unsolved for twenty years now, and I realize, it might not ever be solved, but I do have a theory. My theory involves three different things, the build up, the murder and the cover-up. In the end, I do not think that there was an intruder that broke in the house, the evidence just doesn’t add up to that. I feel as if somebody in the family killed her, and the Ramseys covered it up. If you go even deeper, John Ramsey could have compensated John Mark Karr to take

  • Beauty Pageants: The Damaging Effects Of Beauty Pageants

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    Damaging Effects of Beauty Pageants One would believe that a life of glamorous hair and make-up, beautiful gowns, and sparkling tiaras would be every young girls dream, unfortunately, for numerous, this dream often turns into a nightmare. In today’s world, little girls are being subjected to the world of pageantry. Beauty pageants in America have seemed to multiply over the years. Now, these pageants are so popular with little girls. They will do anything and everything they can to do pageants. Although

  • Summary: The Murder Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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    the murder of JonBenet Ramsey murdered in her Boulder, Colorado and Ramsey’s case is still unsolved. JonBenet Ramsey’s autopsy entailed blunt force trauma, sexual assault, and unimaginable aggression (ABC 20/20, 2016). On December 26, 1996, Patsy Ramsey revealed her six-year-old daughter has disappeared from her bedroom. Patsy immediately believed her disappearance was strange considering her husband John Ramsey, their ten-year-old son, Burke, and herself was sleep. Patsy Ramsey frantically dials the