Psychotherapy Essays

  • Psychotherapy

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    I believe that the art of psychotherapy is more important than the use of empirically validated treatments (EVT). I feel that the art of psychotherapy exists through the use of the common factors, which include the therapeutic relationship, client and therapist factors (e.g., personality), helping clients deal with problems, and hope or expectancy factors (Reisner, 2005). Although I do believe that empirically validated treatments may enhance the therapeutic process, the treatments themselves are

  • Psychotherapy

    1686 Words  | 4 Pages

    The aim of psychotherapy is to encourage self-awareness and self-evaluation in order to enable transformation and facilitate possibility. It is this self-evaluation process that is crucial to personal agency (McKay, 1987) and integral to psychodynamic therapy (PDT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This essay will critically evaluate cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic theories regarding self-awareness and self-evaluation and explore ways in which these theories and their understanding

  • Psychotherapy

    1231 Words  | 3 Pages

    City College International Faculty, University of Sheffield In psychotherapy, there are several categories that encompass the psychotherapy approaches (Corey, 2005). Each category is exceedingly broad, generally covers 2 or more approaches. Hence, to divide our focus, this paper will concentrate more on action therapies category (Corey, 2005) or known as Cognitive Behaviour. As mention before, each classification has an extensive major to cover; hence, to recognize cognitive behaviour as a whole

  • Adlerian Psychotherapy

    2527 Words  | 6 Pages

    Understand, interpret, direct. This statement is an oversimplification of sorts, but defines the essence of Adlerian psychotherapy. From this minimal overview of Adlerian theory, we can begin to elaborate and explore the intricacies of individual psychology. Adlerians are concerned with understanding the unique and private beliefs and strategies of the individual (private logic and mistaken notions) that we create in childhood, and which serve as a reference for attitudes, private views of self,

  • Spinoza's Philosophical Psychotherapy

    3128 Words  | 7 Pages

    Spinoza's Philosophical Psychotherapy missing works cited ABSTRACT: Spinoza's philosophy has a practical aim. The Ethics can be interpreted as a guide to a happy, intellectually flourishing life. Spinoza gives us principles about how to guard against the power of passions which prevent the mind from attaining understanding. In what follows, I consider Spinoza's techniques for guarding against the passions by turning to Jonathan Bennett's criticisms of Spinozistic psychotherapy. Bennett finds three

  • An Overview of Counseling and Psychotherapy

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Overview of Counseling and Psychotherapy I. Title Overview of Counseling and Psychotherapy II. Definition Psychotherapy is the treatment of individuals with emotional problems, behavioral problems, or mental illness primarily through verbal communication. At one time the term psychotherapy referred to a form of psychiatric treatment used with severely disturbed individuals. Counseling, on the other hand, refers to the treatment of people with milder psychological problems or to

  • Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy

    1603 Words  | 4 Pages

    Psychotherapy Versus Pharmacotherapy: Is One Better than the other? One of the most startling things to me at the beginning of the Neurobiology and behavior course was learning about the existence of "reductionism." That is, those who do not believe there is a human soul or necessarily even a mind. Instead, as I understood it, reductionism says we are all a product of our neurons and the firings that take place in the brain and nervous system. Those scientists, from what we discussed, might

  • Psychotherapy: Talk Therapy

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Psychotherapy, or other wise known as talk therapy, is a way to treat people with a metal disorder by helping explain the illness and for them to have a better understanding of what is going on. It teaches people to handle their problems themselves, giving them strategies to work through the issue at hand that day or moment. Psychotherapy ultimately gives the client the power to help themselves with out the therapist having to be there with them in their day to day lives. Sometimes psychotherapy

  • The Pros And Cons Of Psychotherapy

    845 Words  | 2 Pages

    marriage and family therapists focus on issues such as depression, anxiety, self-harm, anger, low self-worth, and family/relationship problems. Some of the things that marriage and family counselors do are diagnose and treat mental disorders, conduct psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and families, develop treatment plans, helping clients develop new interpersonal communication skills, and collect information about clients through self-report inventories, interviews, observations, discussions, and

  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy Essay

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are various treatments for Janet to help her deal with her current scenario. One treatment is psychotherapy. This therapy is effective because it allows a person to talk about their condition and adjust to stressful events. It also helps people replace negative thoughts with more positive ones. Lastly, it helps individuals increase their self-esteem, gain control of their life, and find better coping skills. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the most effect evidence-based

  • Analysis Of Psychotherapy In Crime And Punishment

    2168 Words  | 5 Pages

    Psychotherapy in Crime and Punishment Qudsia Monique Ahmad Psychology: Special Topics Dr. Mary Jacobsen 27 April 2014 Summary The following essay explains the viewpoint of both psychoanalytic and cognitive therapy. It goes in depth about their beliefs and forms of therapy. The essay discusses how to deal with patients who deal with narcissistic personality disorder. The end of the essay relates these theories to Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It focuses on the main character’s narcissism

  • The Importance Of Psychotherapy Therapy

    710 Words  | 2 Pages

    Psychotherapy integration is best explained as an attempt to look beyond and across the dimensions of a single therapy approach to examine what one can learn from other perspectives and how one’s client’s can benefit from various ways of administering therapy (Corey, 2013). Research has shown that a variety of treatments are equally effective when administered by therapist who believe in them and client’s that accept them (Corey, 2013). Therefore, one of the best aspects of utilizing an integrative

  • Metaphor And Imagery In Psychotherapy

    4026 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction: Metaphor and imagery have a long time history in psychotherapy, metaphor building up the relationship between the client and the psychotherapist (building trust, empathy and understanding). Metaphor is very powerful and can raising self- awareness and helps clients to see more and less the full picture of the client inner world. Metaphor and imagery as use in the therapeutic relationship to building up the link between the inner world and external world it abstract but very powerful

  • Critical Analysis: Synchronicity And Psychotherapy

    828 Words  | 2 Pages

    The beginning of the article Synchronicity and Psychotherapy states how crucial it is for communication as well as the unconscious process to take place between the client and the psychotherapist due to the fact that it is a very important aspect in psychotherapy. Unconscious communication is a result of synchronicity which is a connection between mental objects that are internal as well as an event that external. This article then mentions the poet Walt Whitman as well as his belief that the existence

  • Finding Truth in Constructivist Psychotherapy

    2048 Words  | 5 Pages

    Finding Truth in Constructivist Psychotherapy Science is a construction of the human mind. The theories, approaches, and methods that are used in any scientific field have gradually developed over time to become an objective standard of evaluation. As science continues to evolve, new approaches to obtaining knowledge about the world around us must be considered, and at the same time these new approaches must be evaluated within the present context of what is considered to be science. In doing

  • Differences Between Counseling and Psychotherapy

    1887 Words  | 4 Pages

    Differences Between Counseling and Psychotherapy Counseling Theories August 3, 1995 Running head: Coun. v. Psychotherapy Counseling v. psychotherapy is there a difference between the two? This paper will attempt to prove that there are several differences between counseling and psychotherapy. While counseling and psychotherapy have several different elements in each, the following information will also attempt to show the reader that there are some areas where the two overlap. At times this was a

  • Therapeutic Therapy: The Unified Psychotherapy

    1288 Words  | 3 Pages

    interventions or treatment. A fifth type of psychotherapy integration is the unified psychotherapy. The unified psychotherapy approach is based in a psychosocial and systemic approach. Therapists who use this approach do not need an advance degree in neuroscience but they must know how the brain functions. The model itself draw from all of the major psychotherapeutic paradigms and is grounded in the relational matrix. Two methods encompasses in the unified psychotherapy approach are expected-transactive

  • Psychotherapy Versus Family Therapy

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    identified and resolved through a systematic intervention. However, this theory does not apply to individual counseling. Instead, significant importance is placed on client–counsellor interaction. Psychotherapy is a specialized helping relationship and is defined by John C. Norcross in this way: Psychotherapy is the informed and international application of clinical methods and interpersonal

  • Psychotherapy: Behavioral Activation Therapy

    846 Words  | 2 Pages

    Psychotherapy is the, “Treatment of emotional, behavioral, personality, and psychiatric disorders based primarily on verbal or nonverbal communication and interventions with the patient, in contrast to treatments using chemical and physical measures." ( Within psychotherapy there are multiple types of therapy that are under the term psychotherapy, one of those being Behavioral Activation Therapy. Behavioral activation comes from the work of Peter Lewinsohn. "Starting in 1964, Dr

  • Art Psychotherapy: Group Dynamics

    2362 Words  | 5 Pages

    of Group Psychotherapy (pp.35-59). New York, London: The Guilford Press. Wadeson, Harriet. (1987). Mid-phase and ending art therapy treatment. In The Dynamics of Art Psychotherapy (pp.185-197). USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Waller, Diane. (1993). Ending the group: What to do with the images and objects. In Group Interactive Art Therapy (pp.150-152). New York, NY: Routledge. Yalom, Irving. (2005). The Advanced Group: Termination. In The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (5th ed.)