Post-concussion syndrome Essays

  • The Effects of Concussions on Human Beings

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    Effects of Concussions on Human Beings. Did you know, that someone suffers from a brain injury every 21 seconds (Haas)? Children get concussions all the time, and most of the time they go unnoticed. The majority of concussions happen when one is playing a sport such as football, hockey, or lacrosse. Many famous athletes have had their careers, even their lives cut short due to concussions. Brain damage and death can result from serial concussions (Schafer). When one suffers from a concussion, one’s

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Concussion In High School

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    Concussion By:Jason gentry As everyone in the locker room are getting ready for the football game James is nervous and excited but then James thought to himself this is not the time to be nervous. As he said that the butterflies in his stomach started crowding around is gut. Since this is their first high school game James was excited to be on the high school football field and when the coach walks in sand says game time James puts on his wide, protective pads and the butterflies go away. As

  • Can Concussions and Head Injuries Affect Memory?

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    been a debate on whether concussions and head injuries can affect the cognitive functions such as memory. Concussions are fairly common in many sports, in the United States 300,000 sports related concussions are reported each year (Convassin, Stearne and Elbin’s, 2008). Some of the key factors, which influence concussion and cognitive functioning, are age, sex, previous concussions and high intensity activity. There are a few different studies that argue about concussion and how it can affect cognitive

  • Concussion Theory

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    Mechanism There are many theories regarding the mechanism of concussion but the precise mechanism is still not clear-cut. It is known that concussion is a clinical syndrome of neurological impairment that results from traumatic biomechanical forces transmitted to the brain that can occur either directly to the brain or indirectly to the brain. (5) To further explain the term concussion, it is important to know that it is a change in brain function following a force to the head, which may be accompanied

  • Concussions Essay

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    The Effects of Concussions How do concussions affect athletes and people who have been in accidents immediately after the incident? Concussions can last days, week or even months, depending on how severe they really are. The effects of concussions can vary from headaches, memory loss, and other severe problems, and although concussions are the least traumatic brain injury, the physical effects can be serious. The most noticeable effect of a concussion are the symptoms that

  • The Effects of Concussions on Athletes

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    thing in common: the risk of a concussion. It's impossible to go a season without one athlete from a team receiving a concussion. The more that these concussions are studied, the more we learn about them, such as their detrimental effects on athletes. Because of the risk of health issues and death that come with concussions, doctors, coaches, athletic trainers, and lawmakers are stepping in to protect athletes of all levels from receiving concussions. Concussions occur time after time throughout

  • Essay On Head Trauma

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    collision, often by a car accident, or an intrusion of the skull and/or brain. The name ‘head trauma’ is often used as a blanket term for multiple types of brain injuries that can be detrimental to a human's development and current life, such as concussions, contusions, and multiple other force-related head injuries. Technology adapts in order to understand how the brain works under these circumstances, and we as humans create new and more advanced machines and medicine to combat the effects of head

  • History Of Brain Injury

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    The opening question that made the audience think was, “how many types of brain injuries are there?” At first, nobody knew the answer and it left the audience wondering. Soon after, information was proceeded out explaining the different types, which was a traumatic brain injury and an acquired brain injury. As the statistics of videos, pictures, and graphs were supported throughout the presentation, it was concluded that it was extremely intriguing to pay attention. Before the time brain injuries

  • Yuki Matsumoto Case Study

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    Yuki Matsumoto CERR and Problem Solving Writing Assignment Yuki Matsumoto is a 28-year-old Japanese male who has been complaining about diplopia for the past three days. Other than the occasional URI and childhood diseases like measles, mumps, and chickenpox, he feels fine. Looking at his family history his maternal grandmother had rheumatism which was an autoimmune disease, and his father had hypertension that was regulated by medicine. Pressure from his wife and the completion of his dissertation

  • Long Term Effects Of Concussions Essay

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    Rough draft #1 for The Impact of Concussions on Athletes Major organizations of contact sports continue to deny relations between concussions and long term damage done to their athletes. Do concussions have long term effects on athletes that play in contact sports? There is a claim now that the helmets worn in football will not prevent or deter a player from receiving a concussion. I plan to research what kind of long term injuries athletes can develop from concussions throughout the course of their

  • Essay On Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

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    Exploring brain diseases in contact sports” Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a syndrome of emotional lability, Parkinsonism, ataxia, and cognitive impairment suffered by athletes who undergo repetitive concussive and subconcussive blows to the head (Cantu 2007). Owing to its initial discovery in boxers, CTE has been various known as "punch drunk," "dementia pugilistica," and "psychopathic deterioration of pugilist." This paper will take a step into the science behind this disease. Starting

  • Closed Head Injury Essay

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    injuries either will cause bleeding within the skull or damage on the scalp and surface of the head. These injuries may be in the form of lacerations, bumps, or bruises. There are four main type of head injury, there are closed injury, open injury, concussion, scalp wound. For closed head injury, it is a trauma in which the brain is injured as a result of a blow to the head, or a sudden, violent motion that causes the brain to knock against the skull. A closed head injury is different from an open

  • Concussion Case Study

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    Concussions Study Impacts on the brain can lead to serious health issues if not treated properly. Concussion study should be encouraged throughout hospitals and schools and other institutes due to the major injuries occurred in sports and other numerous activities. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head causing it to move rapidly back and forth. When a person is hit, the brain shifts or twists inside the skull causing a chemical change in the brain damaging the brain

  • Head Injury Essay

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    Head Injury, Adult There are many types of head injuries. Head injuries can be as minor as a bump or they can be more severe. More severe head injuries include: • A jarring injury to the brain (concussion). • A bruise of the brain (contusion). This mean there is bleeding in the brain that can cause swelling. • A cracked skull (skull fracture). • Bleeding in the brain that collects, clots, and forms a bump (hematoma). After a head injury, you may need to be observed for a while in

  • Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions In School

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    The effects of concussions can be deep-rooted within the brain and hard to get rid of. A concussion is caused by a hard blow to the head that causes the brain to swell. “Couch said it is important to remember that the brain might be fragile, but it also bounces back from injury incredibly well. He said that to really look at the permanence of injuries we would need to have studies that look out 20, 30, or even 40 years after an injury” (“Effects of concussions”). Receiving a concussion negatively affects

  • Traumatic Brain Injury In Sports

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    described as any blow to the head that disrupts the normal function of the brain. The most common type of mild traumatic brain injury is a concussion and is one of the leading injuries among athletes. A concussion is defined as several common presenting symptoms that incorporate clinical, pathological and biomechanical aspects.1 Signs and symptoms of a concussion include physical symptoms such as nausea, headache, vomiting, balance problems, dizziness, visual problems and hypersensitivity to light

  • Concussions Physical Rest

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    Concussions and Cognitive and Physical Rest Concussions remain a dangerous concern in the United States, and the government is instigating to inform others of concussions and the threat concussions hold (Key 444). Each year, many student athletes receive a concussion. Annually, around 300,000 sports-related concussions materialize in America (Lueke 485). When a sports-related concussion occurs in a young student athlete, both cognitive and physical rest should be required until all symptoms have

  • Essay On Concussions In Hockey

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    activities that is not talked about in the media. That dark side is concussions, concussions are a constant threat across the world of sports. Football and hockey are two sports with a level of play that causes an increase in concussions. Medical experts and leagues are doing the best they can to understand this growing issue but it is one of those things that is harder than a rock to understand and deal with. In order to understand concussions role on the game of hockey and how to prevent and treat these

  • Youth Sports: The Effects Of Concussions In Sports

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    effects of concussions have been felt by all levels of athletics in recent years. Although athletes have been aware of concussions since the 1930s, only recently have there been discoveries on the severity they can have on athletes. It is now known that several concussions can cause serious mental issues such as dementia and they can even cause death. From youth leagues all the way up to the pro game, sports are trying to adapt the game in order to reduce the frequency of concussions. A concussion is a

  • Concussions

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    Today, many professional, college and high school athletes throughout our country suffer from a common injury. It is an injury with serious side effects that can permanently change their lives. This injury is a concussion. Concussions are a constant threat in the game of sports. Coaches and athletes were under the assumption that a head injury that didn’t require a trip to the hospital could be ignored. We have been raised in a culture that celebrates hard knocks as a rite of passage, we don’t