Popsicle Essays

  • The Building and Design of a Bridge

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    that as the base of our idea/design. We added our own flare by dispersing vertical supports throughout our structure. We had decided to make the side and of our bridge with balsa wood and make the bottom of it out of Popsicle. We wanted to fortify the bottom, so we turned the Popsicle stick on its side, because it was stronger that way. With our design in hand we were able to calculate the total weight of our structure, which came out to b... ... middle of paper ... ... over one-hundred pounds

  • The Importance Of Fairness In The Classroom

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    Promoting fairness in the classroom not only gives the teacher respect but also gives the students a sense of safeness and trust within the classroom. Creating an environment that revolves around fairness, trust and respect will be beneficial to all of the children in the class. The terms respect and trust are pretty straightforward. There doesn’t need to be a debate on what those two mean, but the same cannot be said for fairness. When one usually hears the word “fair” it is often looked at as synonymous

  • Analysis Of Eating Popsicle

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    of this work is the popsicle, but arguably, the popsicle has no meaning until the human being has experienced it in some way. The true subject of this piece is in fact the experience or act of eating the popsicle. If one is to assume that the popsicle in this piece is being bitten by a human being (in a figurative sense), then that human experience has to be part of the story. People eat popsicles because they are sweet and colorful and because they are cold. They eat popsicles outdoors when it is

  • Lollipop Vs Popsicle Essay

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    Of course these two aforementioned delights are none other than the adored lollipops and popsicles consumed by so many around the world every year. These two quick-to-eat treats have been around for quite some time now. To be exact, Frank Epperson invented the popsicle when he was only 11 years young way back in 1905. George Smith invented the (modern-styled at least) lollipop in 1908. Lollipops and popsicles although invented around the same time, were made with very different motivations and reasons

  • Bridge Weaknesses

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    that some popsicle sticks weren’t even connected in the first place. With a lack of improperly connecting my popsicle sticks, this had led to an unequal distribution throughout my entire bride. From the force of the weight, thirty one pounds of water, the side of my bridge that had been properly connected was were it was taking all the force. This led to my bridge snapping in half in the area where the popsicle sticks weren’t connected to one

  • Marketing Strategy Of Uber

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    In addition to the primary research, the paper also employs secondary research that includes the analysis of the case studies in the context of the analysis of the strategies that are followed by the companies in a new market. It has to be stated here that the case studies are important parts of the qualitative research technique and the analysis of it depend on the personal knowledge and efficiency of the researcher. McDonald’s entry in India McDonald’s (MD) has been one of the biggest brands in

  • Crystal Candy Research Paper

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    string. * A pencil or popsicle stick - As it is summer we will all be having plenty of popsicle sticks lying around. * 2 cups of sugar * one cup of water * a glass cup or jar - like a mason jar * food coloring is optional but

  • Boat Physics

    1421 Words  | 3 Pages

    it took a more roundaboat way to get there (pun intended.) The Gap needed something that would increase its trajectory to more of a straight path without adding too much weight. The solution was found in the styrofoam stand the motor sat on and a popsicle stick cut in half. Sticking the popsicled stick through the styrofoam so it protruded out of the bottom creating a rutter. It worked so well because of the placement at the back of the boat. Allowing it to guide the rear in where it wanted to boat

  • Personal Narrative: Emergency Vehicles

    856 Words  | 2 Pages

    The whole family loaded into our dark blue minivan with sliding doors that were decorated in scratches and dents inflicted at the hands of reckless children. The interior was a faded grey with scratchy seats and multiple dark stains covering the upholstery.  My dad was the driver and my mom occupied the passenger's seat, then my two brothers were seated in the middle row with me being the unlucky child who sat without a draft of air in the third row. Everyone in the car quickly fell asleep during

  • How to make a Clay village

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    knows, maybe one day you may get so talented at it, you'll have your own business, and maybe, craft show! Here's what you need: Bake able Clay (about 5 different colors) Tiny Beads (For the eyes) Toothpick Oven Wood plank Optional: Legos Popsicle Sticks Soften your clay by warming it in your hands, rolling it out with a roller and folding it over and over for 8 to 10 times then roll a ball in the middle of your hands. That will be the head. Make sure it is really soft, or it won't bake

  • Globe Theatre Research Paper

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    We first bought materials, including foam board, dowel rods, moss, popsicle sticks, and paint. We also assembled glue sticks, glue guns, and paint brushes. The first day we met at Evan’s house. We made a sketch by researching the actual dimensions and creating a scale model. After that, we went to Evan’s mother’s office

  • Catapults In The Military

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout the years, there have been many different forms of weapons used by the military. One type of weaponry that has failed to be used in modern-day military is a catapult. Catapults are very useful, if there is not a desired accuracy only a general direction in mind. One catapult that has recently been built and destroyed is called, “The Whatever,” created in Mr. Kunz’s sixth period Physics class by Brandon Jones and Jenna Lund. The name of the catapult fits the varying accuracy of the catapult

  • Empathy In Wit By Vivian Bearing

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    The Interpretation of Empathy Empathy is not the ability to ask what is wanted, it is the chance of understanding what may be needed. In Margaret Edson’s “Wit,” Vivian Bearing is faced with the life-threatening illness of ovarian cancer. Throughout her battle, she encounters Jason Posner and Susie Monahan, characters tasked with caring for her during her illness. Undeniably as Vivian’s health deteriorates, Jason and Susie are affected. Through various scenes and interactions, these characters reveal

  • Essay On Crumple Zone

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    error to better understand them and how they work. My group and I came into this lab with very little to no experience with crumple zones. Before building anything, we had to come up with a design for the crumple zone. Our first design involved popsicle

  • Extended Metaphor Essay

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    The poem used as an example of an extended metaphor, helped the students to visualize what an extended metaphor looked like as well as its components. Then, each group drew a Popsicle stick out of a container. Each Popsicle stick contained a simple metaphor that the students were required to make into an extended metaphor, as a group. If the students did not like their choice, they were provided with the choice to create their

  • Personal Narrative Essay On Possum

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    approximately 9:00 p.m. on a weekday when the event occurred. Earlier that week, I noticed that one of the kittens, Louis, was limping. After I examined his foot, I concluded that he must have broken it. I showed my mother and we made a splint with popsicle sticks so that he could at least hobble to the food board and water bowl. On the morning of the incident, I checked

  • Literacy Strategies

    661 Words  | 2 Pages

    their feelings states. Academic Vocabulary/Terminology Literacy Strategies Angry, sad, tired, jealous, happy, proud Concept sort, whole classroom thumbs up/thumbs down, think-pair-share, good feeling journal, sticky notes on white board, popsicle sticks names, matching sentence. Do Now I would introduce a book “When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt”, by Molly Bang. I would start saying that the word feelings

  • the effect of ph of water on plant growth

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    The pH scale is used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions and the acidic and alkaline content in a liquid. The abbreviation pH stands for percent hydronium ion. The pH scale starts from 0 being the most acidic, to 14 being the most alkaline, and 7 being neutral. Water is the only liquid that is neutral, but most other liquids are near neutral, ranging just slightly above or below 7 on the scale. There are several soil factors that affect plant growth including; “soil bacteria, nutrient leaching

  • The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Persuasive Essay

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    In the fable “The boy in the striped pajamas; by John Boyne. Bruno is both brave and a coward. Bruno is brave in a way when he brought food to Shmuel. He also talked and played with Shmuel when he knew he wasn’t suppose too. Bruno knew the situation Shmuel was in and he felt bad for him. Shmuel was pale in the face and very hungry. “Shmuel looked as if he wasn’t really listening; instead his eyes were focused on the slices of chicken and stuffing that Bruno was throwing casually into his mouth.

  • What Makes One Unique

    1379 Words  | 3 Pages

    What Makes One Unique Every person living on this earth is unique in various ways. To many, I serve as a role model for their kids. One statement that my mother really hashed to me was that a person never knows someone until they walk a mile in their shoes. This statement is really what makes me the person that I am today. Throughout this reflective essay, I will be reflecting on the following: what I remember about my family, what things I remember about my childhood, what jobs I have had