Polymer Essays

  • polymers

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    Cornstarch is an example of a polymer. Polymers are long strains of molecules that keep repeating and have different properties of the original single molecule group. A single section of a polymer is called a monomer. It resembles the simplest form of the repeating portion of the entire polymer. These polymers may get stretched when you make a mixture such as cornstarch and water. This mixture behaves a certain way. There are many theories on why this may occur. One theory is because the strands

  • Essay On Polymers

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    INTRODUCTION What is polymer? The term name of polymer came from ancient greek, poly and mers meaning many parts. Polymer consist a very large molecule comprising hundreds or thousands of atoms formed by successive linking of one or two, occasionally more, types of small molecule in chain or network structures. In Fig 1, this specific molecular structure (chainlike structure) of polymeric materials is responsible for their intriguing mechanical properties. Polymer architecture can vary.

  • Importance Of Polymers

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    leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, fruits, root, and others. 1.1 Polymer compound Polymer means any of various chemical compounds made of smaller identical molecules called monomers linked together. Some polymers, like cellulose, occur naturally. Polymers have extremely high molecular weights, and made-up of many of the tissues of organisms, and have various uses in industries. The process by which molecules are linked together to form polymers is called polymerization (The American Heritage Science Dictionary

  • Understanding Polymers

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    Polymers are always been around everywhere we go and have been increasing as time goes on. From its inception until today, polymers have enhanced our quality of life. The common questions asked here are usually what they are, where can I find them, where did they come from, how they are made, and what are some future possibilities? The first thing you might want to know about polymers is what they are. Polymers can be very complicated and you can do into great depth to what they are. “Polymers are

  • Notes On Polymer Structure

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    Polymer Structure Although the fundamental property of bulk polymers is the degree of polymerization, the physical structure of the chain is also an important factor that determines the macroscopic properties. The terms configuration and conformation are used to describe the geometric structure of a polymer and are often confused. Configuration refers to the order that is determined by chemical bonds. The configuration of a polymer cannot be altered unless chemical bonds are broken and reformed.

  • The Imporance of Polymers Today

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    A polymer is a large molecule consisting of many smaller subunits known as monomers. There are different types of polymers and many uses for all of them. Even though people may not realize it polymers play an essential role in our everyday life. For polymers range from plastics, PVC, and Styrofoam to key structures in the human body like DNA and proteins which are key components to the human body that makes it possible for each of us to live and be unique. So with out polymers in our body we would

  • Polymer Degradation Essay

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    There are many types of polymer degradation mechanisms: thermal, mechanical, photochemical, radiation chemical, biological and chemical degradation (Schnabel, 1981). According to ASTM definition, “degradable plastics are the plastics that are designed to undergo a significant change in its chemical structure under specific environmental conditions, resulting in a loss of some properties that may vary as measured by standard methods appropriate to the plastic and the application in a period of time

  • What Are The Importance Of Polymers

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    DEFINITION : “ Poly means many and mer means parts, so polymer means many parts. Polymers are made from many small molecules held together through covalent bonding ” The small molecules which form polymers are called monomers. In other words monomers are the building block of polymers. Hundreds and thousands of monomers combine together to form a large molecule of polymer. A polymer can be a three dimensional network ( repeating units linked together left and right, front and back, up

  • Natural Polymers in Our Body

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    What is a polymer? Polymers are substances containing a hefty amount of structural units joined by the same type of linkage. The minute you hear the word polymers you assume it is manufactured with massive chemical plants. Actually, polymers have been in nature from the start. All living things plants, animals, and people are made of polymers. However, what you do not know is they are different types of polymers the Synthetic ones which use harmful toxins to be synthesized, and are those which are

  • Effects Of Thermoset Polymers

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    Thermoset polymers contain no set arrangement of chains and as such they can be classified as amorphous i.e. they contain no distinct crystalline structure [3]. Thermoset materials are formed from a chemical reaction of a resin and a hardener or catalyst and this reaction is irreversible and produces a hard and infusible material [4]. Cured thermosets will not become liquid again if heated but above a certain temperature their mechanical properties can change substantially. The temperature at which

  • A Brief Look into Polymer Processing

    2553 Words  | 6 Pages

    clothing to infrastructure. Polymers differ greatly from other materials, such as ceramics or metals, based upon the types of bonding. Metals bond metallically, creating a sea of electrons, and ceramics generally bond ionically, strongly tying electrons to lattice points. Polymers bond covalently in carbon chains, which (in general) make their properties more variable due to the possibilities of arrangement in bond length, angle, and molecular configuration. Polymers, on average, tend to be more

  • Understanding Polymer Modified Binders in Asphalt

    1767 Words  | 4 Pages

    Polymer modified binders: First, understanding the basics of polymers. Polymers are very large molecules formed by combining many smaller molecules together chemically. The starting molecules of polymers is called monomer which on combination forms random co-polymers. Co-polymers like SBR are widely used as a modifier in asphalt mix. They are very widely used for preventive pavement maintenance technique in cold weather like in chip seals, slurry seal, cold recycled mix and micro-cracking. There

  • Exploring Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers

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    Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers Introduction to Liquid Crystalline Polymers & Brief History Liquid crystals (mesophase) are basically those compounds that have an intermediate state, thought of as forth state of matter. It has properties of both standard liquid and solid crystal. It can flow like a liquid, but its molecules are arranged in ordered manner. These are made from organic compounds and mostly used in displays like LCDs. (Chapoy, 1985) Liquid crystalline polymers are basically a new and

  • Polymers In The 20th Century: Plastics Of The Twentieth Century

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    With up to 150 million tons of plastic being consumed each year since the 1950s, it is clear that this polymer plays a critical role in everyday life (Icpeenvis.nic.in, 2011). A polymer is a substance made from identical monomers (molecules) joined together to form one large molecule (Smith et al., 2006). Plastic is often made from petrochemicals, with thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers being the two forms (Helmenstine, 2016). These are found ubiquitously, from packaging to health care. However

  • Stiffness Essay

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    The effect that this additive has on the polymer in terms of stiffness is that the fillers are very useful because it makes the polymers very strong and stiff. This makes it hard to break. Service life The effect of fillers on polymers is that they are very beneficial because they don’t get ruined for a long time. Glass fillers are the most commonly used fillers in polymers. This is because they last longer and their service

  • Importance Of Interpenetration

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    interpenetration of both polymer and mucin chains to a sufficient depth to create a semi-permanent adhesive bond. The adhesion force increases with the degree of penetration of the polymer chains. This penetration rate depends on the diffusion coefficient, flexibility and nature of the mucoadhesive chains, mobility and contact time. The depth of interpenetration required to produce an efficient bioadhesive bond lies in the range 0.2-0.5 μm. This interpenetration depth of polymer and mucin chains can

  • Natural and Sythetic Fibers in Clothing

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    yarns. Fibers consist of different types of polymers, and all fibers are made of polymers. ("Polymer (chemistry)"). A polymer is a large, or macromolecules formed in a repeated pattern called a monomer. Different polymers have varying properties and this is why some materials are sought after to be used in fabrics and some aren’t ("Polymers in Textile Fibers"). A very important element in most polymers is carbon, as it forms a wide variety of bonds. Polymers are produced biologically in nature, and

  • High Technology Swimwear

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    swimwear appear. Therefore with the popularity of the swimming sports and the need for speed, the processing manufacture will be focus on the material used and the innovation of design. For example, develop the structure of the polymer to synthesis better characteristic polymers instead of nylon and spandex. Or find other materials to directly replace the nylon and spandex. Besides in terms of the study of bionics, design the surface of swimwear from other marine life. Furthermore design and manufacture

  • Kevlar Aramid Fiber

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    synthetic (man-made) material known as a Polymer. A polymer is a chain that is made up of many similar molecular groups, better known as ‘monomers’ that are bonded together. ‘Monomers’ are made up of fourteen Carbon atoms, two Nitrogen atoms, two Oxygen atoms and ten Hydrogen atoms. A single Kevlar polymer chain could possibly have anywhere from one to five million monomers bonded together. A group of polymer chains can be organised together in a fiber. How the polymer chains are put together is important

  • Nanocomposites Case Study

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    The substantial improvement of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites can be attributed to high rigidity and aspect ratio of nanoclay combined with good affinity through interfacial interaction between polymer matrix and dispersed nanoclay. It is well reported that polymer nanocomposites have excellent barrier properties against O2, CO2 and water vapor. This depends on the type of clay, i.e., compatibility between clay and polymer matrix, structure of nanocomposites and aspect ratio of clay