Phishing Essays

  • Phishing

    1979 Words  | 4 Pages

    Phishing The Oxford pocket dictionary defines phishing as the activity of defrauding an online account holder of financial information by posing as a legitimate company. This is what phishing is known for now in today’s internet driven world but it was not always the case. Phishing actually predates computers. Some people did it over the phone for years and they called it social engineering. So why would someone think of phishing some one? There is a simple reason: to exploit people. These

  • Phishing Essay

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    ANTI PHISHING There are a few distinctive methods to battle phishing, including legislation and technology made particularly to ensure against phishing. There are several phishing tools and software’s to prevent users from the act of phishing. These tools and software’s are claimed as Anti-phishing software’s/Tools. A tool was produced on identifying and closing down Phishers utilizing a Pshark (shark).effectively a Pshark lies in sit tight for a Phisher to dangle his/her line in the water. At

  • Phishing, Cyber Stalking, Computer Intrusion, And Identity Baft

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    criminals are getting a way with millions of dollars due to fraud. With criminals adapting to the new technologies preventing fraud, the chances of having your private information stolen is quite high. In this paper, we will be taking a critical look at Phishing, Cyber Stalking, Computer Intrusion, and Identity theft. This paper will also give an explanation of each type of fraud, some examples of how to avoid fraud, and some real world examples of what criminals have done. In the computer world, fraud and

  • The Sport of Spear Phishing: A Popular Sporting Event to Some, A Life Altering Scam to Others

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    recently published a report titled “Measuring the Effectiveness of In-the-Wild Phishing Attacks”. Based on Trusteer’s calculations they concluded that the loss per every successfully compromised online banking account is approximately $2,000 which is equivalent to $9.4M per year per each one million customers. These numbers specifically address financial damages caused by the Computer-Based Crime methodology known as “Spear Phishing”. This cyber crime is a security threat that not only affects businesses

  • Phishing Analysis

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    The presentation is on the topic Phishing. This presentation will give you a better understanding of phishing, phishing techniques, how phishing works?, example of phishing, avoid becoming a victim, and what to do if you have been ‘caught’. Slide 3: Phishing Phishing is a form of fraud in which attacker attempt to trick the user into surrendering private information. It is sending an e-mail or displaying a Web announcement that falsely claims to be from a legitimate enterprise. An attacker’s

  • Advanced Persistent Threat Analysis

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    [14] IP Lookup . Accessed 13th October, 2013. Available [15] Onifade, O.F.W. and Adebayo, K. J.( 2011).Phishing and Identity Thefts on the Internet.Journal of Information Technology Impact Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 133-144, 2011 [16] Yusuf, S.E., Adebayo, K. J. and Adetula E. O. (2013). Mitigating Cyber Identity Fraud using Advanced Multv Anti-Phishing Technique. International Journal of Advaned Computer Science and its Applications (IJACSA) Vol. 4, No. 3.

  • Effects Of Cybercrime And Social Media

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    internet than before, therefore, attacking social medias with criminal activities is a modern way for criminals. There are different strategies or practices by different countries to combat with cybercrime. However, identity theft, cyberbullying and phishing are three type of cybercrimes which are impacting social networking websites in many different ways. There are many factors that performidentity theft in social medias. One of the most important is the lack of user knowledge about the social media

  • Internet and Computer Safety

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    personal information, it’s called phishing. It could be as simple as a click on an email from an unknown source. Phishing scams happen in a variety of ways on the internet, which causes a large amount of damage. Since cybercrime is getting larger and larger preventing yourself from being a victim of these phishing scams is also important. Phishing is a major crime that takes place frequently online and there needs to be a stop to this internet fraud. What is Phishing? A type of internet fraud that

  • Hacking G-Mail, Yahoo, Myspace, And Other User Accounts Using Social Engineering.

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    Social engineering, the ultimate way to hack password or get the things you want. How most people get into accounts like G-Mail, Yahoo, MySpace, Facebook, or other online accounts. Most people think that hacking a password you need to be computer savvy. This is not the case, those people are crackers. They use custom code or programs to break the passwords. The best way is to use social engineering, I will explain later in the paper why. Before I go any further into this paper, that this information

  • E-Safety Eassy

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    and making sure that technology doesn’t impact your life in a negative way severely. It also includes utilization of information securely. Another aspect of electronic safety is socializing with others safely. Some dangers of the Internet include phishing, spam, hacking, viruses, interaction with strangers, etc. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is the use of technology to intentionally spread rumors or inappropriate content to harass or harm someone in an aggressive manner. A Cyber bully can be someone

  • Essay On Online Identity Theft

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    is important to know what it is, how it occurs and how individuals and corporate businesses can protect themselves. Check that these words aren’t over used: Online identity theft, criminals... Maybe include better phishing information... Online identity theft is defined as any crime by which the offender ‘steals money or gains other benefits by pretending to be someone else’ (Australian Scam watch website, 2014). Online identity theft often involves the fleecing of

  • Cybercrime And Social Media Essay

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    than in years prior. Nonetheless, perpetrators attack social media with illegal activity to facilitate their crime. There are different strategies or practices by various countries to combat cybercrime. However, identity theft, cyberbullying and phishing are three major type of cybercrimes which are impacting social networking websites. Many factors play right into the advantage of identity theft through social media. One of the most important is the lack of user knowledge of the social media or

  • Target Data Breach

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    savvy to obtain illegal access to information2. This can involve anything from complaining and pleading with a phone support representative to give out information, to just realizing that many people use the same password for most of their accounts. Phishing is a social engineering tactic where an attractive, familiar, or official looking email is sent out to multiple recipients with the intent of tricking them into clicking a malicious link or downloading malware attachments3,4. While the latter approach

  • The Pros and Cons of the Internet

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    much of a benefit it may be does have the potential to put other people at risk for anything from physical to psychological harm. People can use the internet to perform illegal activities such as: Cyberstalking ID theft Fraud White-collar fraud Phishing Spam Pornography Piracy Creation of illegal objects or substances Even though the internet leaves innocent people a potential victim for these crimes I think that having the internet and the advantages it brings is most certainly worth the risk

  • Essay On Identity Theft

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    “According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Fraud Survey 2010-11, an estimated total of 1.2 million Australians aged 15 years and over were victim of at least one incident of identity fraud in the 12 months prior to the survey interview..” (, 2014) Identity fraud is a type of fraud that involves illegally pretending to be somebody else for a beneficial gain. This can result in emotional and/or financial devastation. This is a very common legal issue facing Australian stakeholders

  • Cyber Security Essay

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    Information Technology and Cyber Security Tracy Gilson Kaplan University Rough Draft Information Technology and Cyber Security A career field that I would suggest people to get in to would be Information Technology, especially since computers and the internet are such a big part in our lives every day. One thing that I think is important in this field is the knowledge and skill in cyber security, the reason I say this is because a virus could attack your computer, someone could disable

  • Effects Of Computer Hacking

    1504 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Escalation of Computer Hacking Crimes The advancement of computer technology makes the world easier place to live by facilitating the fields of science, medicine, and education. Although computers benefit us from many aspects, they also have negative implications. Many criminals use the computer to take or alter data, and to gain unlawful access of computers, by using computer worms, viruses, and Trojans. Which has posed new challenges for the government and the society. Due to the

  • Social Engineering

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    We live in one of the best times in world. An era where connection and communication is possible at anytime, anywhere, across the seven seas. It’s a beautiful time to be alive; having the world and all its people at the tips of your fingers is a phenomena that over a century ago would have been called magic. Technology is becoming our way of life and we must protect that digital life the same way we protect our real one. As of lately, internet frauds and social engineering has been sweeping the nation

  • Auction Fraud Case Study

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    Including the CUFF, which is Citizens United to Find Fugitives (CUFF). They all band together to track down fugitives in cases such as auction and ... ... middle of paper ... ... somewhere else. This may mean you have become the target of a phishing scam, which is only the start of auction frauds. The site you might get directed to could be less secure, full of malware, and programmed to get your credit card numbers or other personal information. Also, if you get an email from what looks to

  • Phishing Scams

    1982 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Malicious activities like identity theft, harassment and phishing activities are conducted by the cyber criminals by making use of the anonymous context of the cyber world to their advantage. Phishing scams are conducted in such a manner by the scammers that websites are created by them and emails are sent out in order to trick the account holders into revealing sensitive information like passwords and account numbers. These crimes are usually solved by the investigators in such a manner