Pelvis Essays

  • Mat Certification

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    positions are neutral and imprinted. In neutral pelvis the natural lordotic curve of the lumbar spine is present. Imprinted means a slight lumbar curve into flexion is present. During imprinted spine the normal curve lengthens toward flexion by engaging the oblique abdominals to help bring the rib cage closer to the pelvis. I would use neutral pelvic placement for the One Leg Circle, since the essence of the exercise is stability of the pelvis and torso in neutral while being challenged by unilateral

  • What Are Sacroiliac Joints?

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    Introduction The sacroiliac joints are formed by the two innominate bones, specifically the ilium, and the fused vertebrae that make up the sacrum. 1 They are “part synovial and part syndesmosis” 2(p.649) and one of only three joints in the human body in which movement is not directly controlled by muscles. 3(p.16) Despite this, thirty-five muscles do attach directly to the sacrum and the innominate bones, 4(p.228) thus they “directly or indirectly influence the biomechanics of [the] joints above

  • The Similarities Between Apes And Humans

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    them as a separate species. To begin, we can see that humans developed bipedal locomotion. Also during hominin evolution, brain size increased. To allow for both to evolve, a compromise had to be made. Bipedalism imposed a limit on how far the pelvis could expand, so in order for a baby to exit the birth canal, the baby had to be born neurologically immature. The implications of this are many. Initially, the baby will be entirely dependent on its mother for nurturing and attention. However

  • Bipedal Pelvis Evolution

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    living in the Pleistocene epoch. The human ancestor species transitioned to bipedal locomotion as fundamental adaptations occurred in the pelvis, facilitating an evolutionary shift. The ability to walk upright induced a vital reconfiguration of the birth canal, decreasing and narrowing the shape and orientation of the bony pelvis. These skeletal changes in the pelvis supported body weight and maintained balance while in the upright position, enhancing movement and permitting efficient running and walking

  • Forensic Case #356228

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    In the Forensic Case #356228, skeletal remains of both human and animal were discovered in a hunting area. The skeletal remains were of potential victims named as either Robert Rutherford or Stephen Morton. Robert Rutherford, potential victim #1, was an African American, 65 years or age, had a pacemaker, carried a Gerber 650 knife, had unknown religious affiliations, and was 5’ft 6”inches tall. Potential victim #2, was Stephen Morton, a Caucasian 40 years of age, had a heart condition, was a hunter

  • Total Hip Replacements

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    Total Hip Replacement (THR) is a surgical procedure that relieves pain from most kinds of hip arthritis, thus helping to improve the quality of life for the majority of the patients that undergo the operation. Arthritis simply means "inflammation of a joint." Arthritis can occur in any joint in the body. The main symptom of arthritis is pain which usually worsens with activity and weight bearing. This pain may be relieved most of the time through rest. There are over 100 types of arthritis but

  • Essay On Hip Stress Fracture

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    activity too quickly. Most hip stress fractures happen in the femoral neck. The femoral neck is the area of the upper leg bone (femur) that connects the ball of the femur to the rest of the femur. The ball of the femur fits into the socket of the pelvis to form the hip joint. Stress fractures may happen on the bottom side of the femoral neck (compression fractures) or on the top side of the femoral neck (tension fractures). In some cases, a hip stress fracture may get worse over time and may cause

  • Different Types of Tears During Shoulder Dislocation

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    With all of the tears, the first type of tear is one where the labrum is torn all of the way off of the bone. This type of tear usually correlates with an injury to the shoulder where the shoulder has subluxated or dislocated. Sometimes, this tear occurs and the individual does not realize that the shoulder has slid out of the socket. This can make it much worse and cause other types of injuries to the ligaments around the shoulder. The second type of labrum tear is tearing within the actual labrum

  • Bone Replacement

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    There are many causes for needing a bone replaced, a common one being arthritis. The hip and knee are both effective bones in the body when uncompromised by osteoarthritis because they are structurally designed to manage stress from loading in effective ways. In hip and knee replacement surgery, common surgeries, there are advantages and disadvantages relating to recovery time and lasting bone health. By examining the structure and functionality of the knee and hip with an emphasis on artificial

  • Anthropology In Forensic Anthropology

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    Forensic Anthropology: Using Bones to Solve Murders Elizabeth Martin May 8, 2014 Ms. Yahle 4th period Forensic Anthropology: Using Bones to Solve Murders When someone says forensic anthropology, many minds go directly to beautiful woman working alongside good-looking men while they work to solve a murder in a day’s time, thanks to the media craze with homicide. The recently popular television show Bones, put the field of anthropology in the spotlight. Though the show

  • James Marion Sims Mythology

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    James Marion Sims was an American physician from the nineteenth century who seeked a cure for a disease women contained. He eventually developed the cure for vesicovaginal fistula. The question in which if he's a hero or villain still stands to this day, considering the fact that his patients were enslaved African American women. Rumors have it that he performed horrific acts on the patients. Even though he practiced human experimentation (which were very painful at the time), his intentions were

  • Essay On Hip Anatomy

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    body weight when running and jumping, in addition to the normal wear and tear of daily activities such as walking and stair climbing. The hip joint is comprised of the head (“ball”) of the femur (“thigh bone”) and the acetabulum (“socket”) of the pelvis. Surrounding the hip joint are many tough ligaments that provide support and protection to prevent the dislocation of the joint but allow a wide range of movements. The strong muscles of the hip region also help to hold the hip joint together, to

  • Essay On Uterine Prolapse

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    There are a lot of women suffering from different types of prolapses with uterine being one of the most common and they do not seek medical attention due to being embarrassed or just scared. It is somewhat considered taboo and isn’t spoken of as often as say, having a hysterectomy or other female conditions. Most women are unaware of the symptoms and therefore don’t seek medical attention before it becomes a more serious issue that will most likely require surgery to fix. The definition of uterine

  • Hip Replacement Research Paper

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    Total hip replacements due to osteoarthritis is common among the middle aged and elderly population ( Ref). In a study conducted in Brazil, researchers looked at several factors that impacted returning to activities of daily life to determine which rehabilitation protocol was more effective. This study focused on the care received post operatively for fifteen days after total hip replacements related to osteoarthritis had been performed. In this study participants were evaluated to measure the outcomes

  • Beauty Redefined: The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

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    The definition of beauty has been distorted through out time. When most people think of beauty, the first thing that pops into their mind is the physical appearance of someone or something. Beauty is not based only of what is on the surface. There is no standard of perfection when it comes to beauty. There is no right or wrong when it comes to beauty, only what one believes is the truth. Beauty is the way one feels about themselves as well. There are many companies that have changed their way of

  • Hip Replacement Surgery Research Paper

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    Hip replacement surgery replaces diseased or damaged parts of a hip joint with man made parts. Although this procedure has a high success rate, every surgery has risks and complications and this is no different. Here are some of the likely problems that may result from this procedure Dislocation of the hip This is one of the most common complications from this surgery. It usually takes around 3 months for the soft tissue that form the joint to completely heal. Before the muscle strength returns

  • Hip and Knee Movements and Muscles

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hip and Knee Movements Hip and Knee Movements 1. Take the position of a runner in the starting block for a short running race. Place one foot forward and one foot back while placing your hands on the starting line. a. In what position is the hip joint for the forward leg? Flexion and extension can be measured by analyzing the angles between two body parts. Flexion can be described as a movement that decreases the angle between two parts of a body. On the other hand, extension describes to

  • Masters of Lower Body Exercises

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    Lunges and squats are often referred to as the masters of lower body exercises. In addition to your legs, theses functional, compound exercises also work your buttocks. However, poor form, a muscle imbalance, the consistent overload on your knees, and the repetitive motion, can make these exercises wreak havoc on your knees. (See References 1) Not to fear, you can still strengthen and shape your glutes with do-able, effective exercise that are easy on your knees. Squeeze Your Tush Butt squeezes

  • Process of Archeology

    1951 Words  | 4 Pages

    1) The Steps to Gathering Field Work In societies eye we see archaeologists excavating old ruin temples that have been hidden for thousands of years, but what if the project was examining artifacts on land? Then excavating would be pointless, which is why there are two main ways to collect this data archaeological survey and excavation. Each archaeologist has a different approach and can have many factors influencing which type of field work to select. Before starting field work you must have a detailed

  • Understanding and Diagnosing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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    Based on her complaints as well as physical examinations, I can conclude that the diagnosis for this patient is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). According to the International Urogynecological Association, there are multiple common diagnosis for PFD. It includes pelvic organ prolapse and urinary tract infection (Haylen, 2010). Three factors that contribute to this are childbirth, aging, and obesity. Eleanor’s increase in childbirth made her more prone to this disease. As a woman who gave birth twice