Oceanic whitetip shark Essays

  • Summary of Film Jaws

    902 Words  | 2 Pages

    Summary of Film Jaws This essay that I am doing is about a film called Jaws, which was directed by Steven Spielberg. This film is about a killer shark that terrorised people on the Beach of Amity Island on the most popular day of the year, which causes mayhem in the city and between tourists on their summer holiday on the beach.The film is set on the 4th of July because that is Independence Day in America and that's when families go out to the beach and have some fun. Spielberg employs

  • Tiger sharks

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tiger Sharks The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, is a large (up to 18ft) predator found in tropical and subtropical waters world wide. Tiger sharks are one of the three main shark species known to attack humans, and are responsible for most shark attacks in Hawaii. Less than one shark attack occurs per year on average in Hawaii (compared to an annual average of 40 thousand drowning) and mosts attacks are non-fatal. This attack rate is surprisingly low considering that thousand of people

  • Suspense in the Film Jaws

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    Suspense in the Film Jaws The film is called “Jaws”, which is about a very large shark, that’s attacking people in the town of Amity. The film is set in 1975 and is building up to the 4th of July, Independence Day in America. With Amity being a seaside town with a large beach and it coming up to Independence Day, it is going to be more heavily populated for the holidays, which is good news for a hungry shark. I think Spielberg uses music very well to build suspense in this film, the theme

  • Coral Reef Habitat

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    At the Aquarium of the Pacific, many different oceanic habitats are presented. These exhibits give the public an idea of the different environments our own oceans hold, providing a hands-on learning experience in the comfort of their own city. The two habitats that interested me are the coral reef and deep ocean. Both the coral reef and deep ocean are very different from each other, having varied ways of survival for the plethora of plants and animals that call those places home. In the coral reef

  • Informative Essay On Sharks

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    mind when you think of sharks? Sharks make people think of death and fear. As you will be able to see after i discuss types of sharks, their habitat,the food they eat, and their intelligence. They don't seem as bad as you think so. First sharks live a habitat under the water in the sea. Sharks live in many different oceans. They live in the the pacific ocean, Atlantic, Indian,and the Arctic. Mostly all sharks live in salty water, but some sharks live in the river. Sharks live in coral reefs under

  • 10 Most Dangerous Predators in the World

    1370 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dangerous predators have appeared on the face of this planet since the first organism developed. Predation is of utmost importance for the ecological system to maintain its balance. Predators use their unique skills for hunting. If we compile a list of the most deadly predators humans would certainly top the list. They have overpowered and hunted the most vicious and largest animals. Humans have even brought many species on the brink of their extinction. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous predators

  • Shark Attacks In Australia

    4150 Words  | 9 Pages

    Shark Attacks The serious attacks are mainly by four species. The Bull shark. the Tiger, the Great White and the Oceanic Whitetip shark. The Grey Nurse (Sand Tiger) and the Bronze Whaler have for many years been blamed for many attacks but it seems nearly all were mistaken identity. The Grey Nurse is now protected in most States in Australia. The Great White is the largest and has a high percentage of fatal attacks. The Bull shark is responsible for a lot of attacks on swimmers and people in