North Side Gang Essays

  • Bugs Moran

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    all started. Moran joined many different gangs throughout his childhood and teen years. He committed more than 20 known robberies and was imprisoned three times before he was just 21 years of age. He was soon very important to a man’s gang that called themselves the Dion O'Banion's North Siders. Moran eventually became the head man of the North Siders when both of his predecessors were shot by Al Capone’s hit men. While he was still involved in this gang, he was the gun-man that tried to knock off

  • Al Capone: The Most Powerful Man In The 1920's

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    The Chicago Sun-Times talked of 'the bootleg battle of the Marne' and an editorial in the Herald and Examiner declared 'This is war' as gang killings and gun battles shook the city. Incongruously, Dion O’Banion owned a flower shop on North State Street, where he liked to serve customers and arrange attractive bouquets and window displays. He also supplied wreaths and flowers for expensive gangster funerals. He was greeted amiably there

  • George Bugs Moran

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    His “buggy” attitude showed by him driving his rival gangs absolutely nuts making most of them, especially Capone, regret that they ever left New York and stepped foot in Chicago (Keefe 6). One of Moran’s rival gangsters once stated, “If I’d known what I was getting into, I’d never have left the Five-Point outfit in New York” (Keefe 6). Although Moran has been rather a mystery until now, his legacy of being the powerful leader of the north side gang will last forever (Keefe 9). Bugs Moran was born August

  • George Moran's Case Of Bugs Mor Organized Crime

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    Pierre Youssef Doc. Murtagh Soc. Perspectives on Crim April 24 2014 Organized Crime George Moran, better known as Bugs Moran was born on August 21 1891. He became affiliated with several gangs shortly after moving to the north side of Chicago. He was nineteen years old at the time. Before he turned twenty-one, he had already been incarcerated three times. His parents were of French and catholic descent. His father was from Alsace-Lorraine, and his mother from Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada. Many believe

  • Al Capone

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    blend in more. Al Capone’s gang activities started out when he was young. He was in the Five Points Gang, who were known for their violence. The gang’s tradition was to scar their victims with a knife cut from the outside corners of their eyes to their ears. At the time, Johnny Torrio was a major mob boss and his uncle, Jim Colosimo (AKA "Big Jim"), hired Capone as a bouncer. Al Capone was a large man, did his job well, and soon he came to recognition in Torrio’s gang. During his stint as a bouncer

  • Al Capone's Home: A Short Story

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    why we couldn’t catch up was because there wasn’t enough time to do so. That’s because the rumble was about to start in 7 minutes and we still had to meet up with Al Capone and his gang. You may be wondering what we are rumbling about. We are rumbling because the South envies the North already in general and the North isn’t agreeing to share their smuggled alcohol with them. Which makes the South very angry because they don’t have anymore suppliers to send them the alcohol. Because the giggle water

  • Prohibition Era Conflict: Al Capone vs George Morgan

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    (p.7.3). The biggest problem for Bugs Morgan was that The South Side Gang was running prostitution and his Catholic upbringing did allow for that type of business. We learned from our text Baack (2012) That there are 4 levels of conflict Intrapersonal, or intrapsychic, conflict this is when ideas, thoughts values and emotions can conflict with one another. (p.7.3) This would be a part of Bugs Morgan’s’ issue with Al Capone and his gang running the prostitution. Baack (2012) Then there is the interpersonal

  • The Rise And Fall Of Al Capone

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    January 17, 1899, in Brooklyn, New York to Gabriele and Teresina Capone. He grew up in a rough neighborhood and was a member of two gangs; the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors. Alphonse did well at school until the 6th grade when he was expelled for retaliating against a teacher who hit him. He was fourteen at the time. He became part of the Five Points gang in Manhattan and worked in gangster Frankie Yale's bar, the Harvard Inn, as a bouncer and bartender. While working at the Inn one

  • St Valentine's Research Papers

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    Valentine's comes once a year, the day that was invented for people to spend the day with their other half. Every year people thrive to make it special and more memorable just to show how much love they have towards their partner, but there was this person that had a different sense of Saint Valentine's Day. Alphonse Gabriel Capone was a man of business, respect what he did on valentine's was from being disrespected from Moran. In the year 1929 Saint Valentine's was not known for spending money

  • Al Capone

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    future or make an improvement for himself by committing crime. “Al Capone's philosophy was to the effect that laws only applied to people who had enough money to abide by them. (The Mafia Encyclopedia 603)” Al Capone became a member of the Bim Booms Gang as a teenager. He learned to defend himself by way of a knife and revolver. By the time Capone reached the sixth grade he had already become a street brawler. Capone n... ... middle of paper ... ...ntful life. He was responsible for the death of

  • Al Capone

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    more like he welcomed it, and aimed to be seen by the public as a respectable businessman and a pillar of the community. Surprisingly, Capone wasn’t from a distinctly poor community, his father earned a living as a barber. Capone was introduced to the gang life by a friend and from there it all went downhill and into the life of a gangster. Al Capone wasn’t from a well to do family but he wasn’t, by any means, poor. His father was one of the thousands of Italian immigrants that came to the US, he was

  • Al Capone Essay

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    fourth child out of nine; he went to school until he was fourteen years old, but he eventually dropped out to help earn money for his family. Right after he dropped out, he joined a street gang called the South Brooklyn Rippers. When he grew older, he joined a new gang called the Five Points Junior. These gangs never carried out any major crimes. The only thing they did was steal. The Five Points Junior introduced Al Capone to a New York mobster named Frankie Yale. By watching Hale using violence

  • St Valentine's Day Massacre Research Paper

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    On a chilly February morning in 1929, Chicago’s North Side bore witness to a gruesome event that would forever stain its history—the infamous St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. Inside the S.M.C. At the Cartage Company garage at 2122 North Clark Street, seven men connected to George "Bugs" Moran's bootlegging operation were awaiting a meeting to purchase a Canadian whiskey shipment that had been taken advantage of at a favorable price. However, four guys—two dressed in police uniforms—arrived in a patrol

  • How Prohibition Changed Chicago

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    Three of the men who were involved in Capone's gang were arrested while the other two died before they could be tried. The massacre was an end to significant gang violence with Capone. Capone was then known as the most notorious gangster in the country. Since Capone was never tried for the massacre, him and his bodyguard, Frankie Rio, were walking around

  • National Gang Report

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    Local Gangs of Akron According to the 2015 National Gang Report (NGR) from the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) almost half of law enforcement juristictions across the United States reported a rise in street gang membership and street gang activitiy. My communitty is no exception. Akron is a city of 200,000 residents located in Northeast Ohio. There are about forty identified gangs in the Akron area, varying in size from a handful of members to as many as a hundreds. They range from small

  • Mara Salvatrucha: A Deadly Organized Crime Gang

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    Street gangs have been a part of the American culture for centuries. As a young child growing up in the 80’s on the North Side of Fort Worth, Texas I saw my fair share of gang activity and the violence associated with it. Little was I aware of a notorious and deadly gang that was transforming known as Mara Salvatrucha, also referred to as MS-13. What began as a street gang, MS-13 now has activity in much of the United States and according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is, “one of

  • Gang Rivalries and Social Struggles: A Study of 'The Outsiders'

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    In “The Outsiders”, Cherry told Ponyboy, “Things are ruff all over.” Ponyboy is a part of the East side gang, The Greasers. Cherry belongs to the West side gang, The Socs. In the story, the two gangs clash and are not friends at all. The Socs have the money and never get in trouble with the law, even though they are not innocent. The Greasers are “hoodlums”. They have a bad reputation in their town and are more likely to get caught up in the law. Yes, I do agree with Cherry’s quote, everyone will

  • Gentrification In Chicago

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    developed due to gentrification in city areas including the Northern and Central sides, these changes occur due to influx of wealth. This leaves the Southern and Western sides to deteriorate as the houses and the areas aren’t well looked after due to affluent people leaving it that way causing a ‘slum-like lifestyle’ and low rent for those with low income. Therefore, a higher pattern of homicides in the Southern and Western sides of Chicago occur because those in lower classes tend to resort to violence

  • Some Like It Hot Analysis

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    movie that attempts to depict what life in 1929 gangster-ridden Chicago is like. In this classic, starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, two struggling musicians in Chicago witness “Spats” Colombo’s gang murder fellow gangster “Toothpick” Charlie and the members of his gang. Director Billy Wilder did actually use Chicago’s own history in this scene, pulling his inspiration for this scene from the 1929 Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. Using this real historical event, the movie does a

  • Drug Abuse In Enrique's Journey

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    People have trouble finding jobs let alone finding an adequate job to support their families. Lourdes left home to travel north to the United States to find a better job in order to support her family back in Honduras. Jobs are hard to find and when you can find them they have low wages, poor working conditions, and the jobs usually don’t last long. Lourdes worked several jobs