North Sea Essays

  • Disaster on the North Sea from Piper Alpha Company

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    share of disasters through the years, but on July 6, 1988, disaster struck the North Sea in a fashion that had never been witnessed at any other time during the history of the industry. The legacy of the Occidental Piper Alpha, which sat 474 feet above the sea floor and was operated by Occidental Petroleum, had come to a tragic end taking 167 souls with it. The oil and gas platform was the most productive in the North Sea at the time it was destroyed by fire. It was the disaster of the Piper Alpha

  • The North Sea

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    The North Sea Since the first warning of the increasing pollution in the North Sea by scientists and environmentalists in 1967, three and half decades have past. Has the Pollution in the North Seabeen improved since then, or even worse? Obviously the conditions are getting worse as the North Sea is known as the cesspit of Europe. As the North Sea is invaluable in both its beauty and wealth, not only to people living around but also to the whole Europe, an important enquiry on the pollution

  • The Greenland Shark

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    The Greenland Shark Sharks live in almost every part of the oceans, from coastal environments to deep-sea habitats. They also live in the warm waters of the tropics to the cold frigid waters of the polar region. The Greenland shark, also known as “somniousus Microcephalus,” lives in the dark, cold waters of the North Atlantic (I 65). The Greenland shark belongs to the order Squaliforms, more usually known as dogfish sharks. There are 70 species in this order, which includes the spied sharks,

  • Netherlands

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    in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland after a historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium. Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes have been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F and the mean July

  • Floods Essay

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    to it passing through the North of Scotland. A very interesting phenomena of a highering of the tides occurred. When this depression passed, the water was sucked up. This is very common thing as it can be recorded and predicted, whenever the pressure drops by 1hPa the sea rises by 1cm. This water was then pushed across the ocean by strong winds by a phenomena called “wind drift”. This phenomena was increased when it was forced downwards through the North Sea. The North Sea acted as a funnel pushing

  • The Piper Alpha Disaster

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    Critical Analysis: Piper Alpha Introduction: The Piper Alpha, was an offshore oil production platform that was located in the British sector of the North Sea. It was operated by the Occidental Petroleum Caledonia Ltd. Piper Alpha at the time accounted for approximately ten percent for all gas and oil that was produced from the North Sea (Konard, 2011). Initially Piper Alpha started as an oil platform but later on it was converted to gas production. On the 6th of July 1988, a catastrophic explosion

  • Shell Case Essay

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    Brent Spar, the oil platform located in the North Sea. After conducting studies on the options that the company had to dispose of the platform they arrive to the conclusion that the best option was to sink it in the sea. The company was also taking into consideration the alternative of dismantled on land, however, Shell was not ready to assume this risks due to the dimensions and the weight of the structure. As a result Shell decided that sinking it at sea was the most convenient alternative in terms

  • Viking Islay

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    Preamble This is a work about a maritime accident that occurred in the North Sea the early fall of 2007. In a chain of reactions, the accident harvested three lives; when it could have been prevented all from beginning and the normal operation could have gone through without me writing an assignment about it six and a half year later. The abbreviation ERRV The Viking Islay was, and still are (2014-01-24), a UK registered ship in the ERRV class. ERRV is an abbreviation of Emergency Rescue and Recovery

  • Beowulf As An Epic Hero

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    mortal and falls to the dragon (Klaeber xxiv). In Beowulf, marvelous elements are everywhere. They include a fire breathing dragon and sea monsters (Burlin 119). There are additional examples of the use of fantastic elements in Beowulf. Beowulf single-handedly carrier thirty suits of armor from the battlefield in Frisnia and swims with them through the North Sea and the Skagerrak to Geatland, a distance of five hundred miles (120). In Beowulf’s early life, he swam for five to seven days with his

  • The Medieval Period

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    better stay on their horses, to defeat the Umayyad’s at Tours in 732 to halt the Islamic advance into Europe. During its height, Charlemagne’s empire stretched from the Pyrenees Mountains in the East to the Avars in the West, and from the North Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. The Carolingians were the first empire to use lower case letters and also helped preserve Rome’s Latin heritage. In the middle of the ninth century the Carolingian Empire collapsed due to internal fragmentation and the external invasions

  • Piper Alpha Disaster

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    regulations in order to improve safety in different fields. Background In 1972, four companies have joined after obtaining the necessary license to exploring under the North Sea for oil and gas. The joint venture companies discovered oil in early 1973. The discovered oil was in an area called Piper Field which is about 120 miles on the north east side of Aberdeen. There were three oil platforms in the area, which were Piper Alpha, Tartan, and Claymore platforms. These platforms were sending oil to the

  • France

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    Europe and is sometimes called "The Hexagon", Because of it’s shape. It is the largest country in Western Europe and covers about 211,200 square miles. Four different waters surround the French coastline, this includes; the North Sea, the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital of France is Paris, on the banks of the Seine River. Sometimes called the "The City of Lights", Paris has been admired and loved by millions for centuries. It is an industrial center as

  • Rhine Flooding Case Study

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    Rhine Flooding Case Study Introduction: - The River Rhine is one of Europe's largest and most used waterways. The source of this great river can be found in the Swiss Alps, where it stretches 1,320km until it flows out into the Dutch North Sea. The Rhine has a long history of intense flooding and recent devastating floods in the 1990's have caused considerable damage and are well remembered by the local population. [IMAGE] Causes: - The causes of these forceful floods can be

  • Christopher Columbus Influenced Spain and Europe

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    accepted as Americans, though none were truly considered Americans until later in the time of America. “The sea trade had multiplied by leaps and bounds” (Hale, John R.513). The route of trade was soon taken by Spain and some of the ships were entering to the new world. There was a demand for food in Europe at the time of Columbus and the main sea route for trade was between the North Sea and the Mediterranean. As the trade increased, Europe began to receive products including, pepper, this gave

  • Oil Price and Demand

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    contract - an agreement for future delivery at a specified time; place and price-for the US light crude. The contract is widely used as a benchmark for determining crude oil and refined product prices in the US and abroad. Brent crude oil is a North Sea crude widely used to determine Crude oil prices in Europe and other parts of the World. Together the light crude futures contract and Brent crude are used as the basis for virtually every physical crude oil transaction. The rule of thumb is that

  • Life In The Trenches Of The Western Front

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    the Germans on the North-West of France. In September 1914, after the battle of Marne, German soldiers where forced to retreat to the river Aisne (West of France). German commander, General Erich von Falkenhayn, ordered his men to dig trenches that it could hold onto the parts of Belgium and France that they still had and it also could provide the Germans with a defence from French and British soldiers. A couple of months later the trenches had spread from the North Sea to Switzerland, (channel

  • Norway Vs. Puerto Rico

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    coastline (CIA Factbook 1999). Located on the North Sea, it is just as close to the north pole as Greenland, Russia and the northern most islands of Canada. Norway is made up of glacier icecaps, rugged mountain terrain and many high rocky plateaus. Small fertile valleys are scattered far and few between the mostly arctic tundra. Needless to say, farming is especially rare in this part of the world. However, due to its location on the North and Norwegian seas, fishing is copious and one of Norway’s largest

  • Country Persuasive Essay

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    while the Gulf Stream in the city will provide the warmest winters of all cities in the Nordic countries including Bergen. This city experiences abundant rainfall in all seasons because of the city is surrounded by mountains that cause the moist of North Atlantic air that undergo orographic lift that produces the abundant of rainfall in the city. Transportation Bergen Airport Flesland is the major airport in the city. It is located in Flesland, 18 kilometers away from the center of the city. This

  • Economy of the Netherlands

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    in the public sector, education and health care. Traversed by the rivers Rhine, Maas and Scheldt as they meander towards the North Sea, the Netherlands is a hub of transport and distribution: a natural gateway to Europe and centre for multinational enterprise. Its advantages include an advanced infrastructure both for transport and telecommunications. Many Asian and North American imports to Europe are transhipped at Rotterdam or Amsterdam, the country’s two transport centres. The seaport of Rotterdam

  • Battle of Jutland

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    But this battle was also one that ended with many questions and controversies that have been written about and discussed throughout the years following, even to present day. Jutland commenced on May 31, 1916, after the commander of the German High Seas Fleet, Reinhard Scheer, made plans to maneuver towards the British coast, unaware that the British were able to read their coded messages and were fully prepared for Scheer’s plan. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe was in full command of the British Grand