Nightclub Essays

  • Drugs and Nightclubs

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    Drugs and nightclubs Drugs are illegal in most countries and the extermination of drugs has always been one of our most important worldwide issues. Ending the existence of drugs is one of the toughest and most complicated goal we face. With all the effort we put into the issue, why is there little success? Lack of effort is not a major reason the attempts are failing. It is the lack of understanding that leads to the misdirection and failure of the attempts. As long as a strong desire to use drugs

  • The Station Nightclub Investigation

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    SUMMARY OF INCIDENT On the night of February 20th 2003, 80’s rock and roll band Great White was performing a concert at The Station, a night club located in West Warwick, Rhode Island. During the beginning moments of their show, their manager who was operating the pyrotechnics set off a round of fireworks. This round of pyrotechnics ignited the acoustic foam of the night club and started a blaze that engulfed the club in less than 6 minutes. The night club had a building permit capacity for 200 people

  • Report on Cocoanut Grove Nightclub Fire

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    apparatus arrived they found a small car fire at the corner of Stuart Street and Broadway. After the fire was extinguished the firefighters were about to return to quarters when their attention was called to smoke emanating from the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub a few doors away. Upon their arrival at the entrance of the Broadway lounge on Broadway they encountered numerous people leaving the premises admidst the cries of “fire”. The chief in charge immediately ordered that a third alarm be sounded from

  • Station Nightclub Fire Essay

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    he Station nightclub fire occurred on Thursday, February 20, 2003, in West Warwick, Rhode Island. This fire was the fourth deadliest nightclub fire in all of U.S. history. The fire was caused by pyrotechnics set off by the tour manager of the headlining band Great White, which ignited plastic foam that was used as sound insulation in the walls and ceilings surrounding the stage. A tremendous fast fire with intense black smoke engulfed the club in less than five and a half minutes. The fire was fast

  • Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Incident

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    The nightclub, is an aged small wood structure in Rhode Island. The club is reported to have a capacity of 182 people. On February 20th 2003, more then 400 fans packed into the small club to see a band. Although there are discrepancies between reports of how many people were in attendance, it is obvious that the number is well over twice the club's capacity. During the performance, as part of the act, pyrotechnics were deployed. The pyrotechnics were gerbs. Gerbs are cylindrical devices that

  • Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising

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    marked with a label of a recognizable perfume company. Now coming back into reality from the mesmerizing commercial, consider what affect this perfume has to most of the typical consumers of this product. A consumer may wear the perfume while at a nightclub in order to attract some attention from members of the opposite sex. However relying on only the fragrance to make them attractive to others may not achieve the desired effect. Even though smell can be a very powerful sense, it does not affect desirability

  • 1015 Folsom Night

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    There are many nightclubs in the city of San Francisco and throughout the Bay area. There is two different kind of nightclub. One is the high-class nightclub, which the cover charge is more expensive, tight security and the nightclub itself is more exclusive. The other one is the lower class club, which all people can enter and the security is not that tight. Nowadays, most nightclubs are the same. Nightclub used to be for people to meet their friends and having fun together but nowadays many people

  • Feasibility Study of Starting a New Business

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    Feasibility Study of Starting a New Business Introduction This investigation will carry out a study to see if it would be feasible to open a new nightclub, 'Sinners' in Maidenhead town centre. Maidenhead is a small town in the southeast of England, located in the county Berkshire. The nearest major city is London, which is located twenty-five miles east of the town. The reason I have chose to investigate this type of business venture is because I take an interest in this type of business

  • Flowers For Algernon - Comparing And Contrasting

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    eventually returned to his original state of mind. Throughout the story, Charlie encountered many different emotions that he had never experienced before because he didn’t have the common knowledge to understand them. The episode when he was at the nightclub with his co-workers gave him the opportunity to experience betrayal and anger. “I never knew before that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around just to make fun of me” (Keyes 30). The plot for both versions also carefully depicted Charlie’s

  • Club Owners Must Not Allow Underage Drinking

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    Prohibiting nightclubs from admitting people under age twenty-one will take some weight off of parents, club owners, drivers and innocent bystanders. With the economy sinking, many owners are making what they believe a wise financial decision by allowing eighteen to twenty year olds in their clubs. They are mixing eighteen to twenty in with the twenty-one and up crowd, as failing clubs owners only see more people more money. Every night thousands of young adults eighteen to twenty years old are let

  • Sample Nigthclub Business Plan

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    Sample Nightclub Business Plan ( BackgroundSummary The generation of today has a lot of focus on leisure and off-time. They are looking for ways to escape their everyday lives and let loose. Whether that is dancing to new age music, having a few cocktails, or dining out with reasonably priced food. A nightclub can provide all these accommodations, and is the perfect venue to open up is done with some thoughtful planning. There are some important elements to consider. Location is

  • Business Plan for a Nightclub

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    Business Plan for a Nightclub LEVEL 3 plans to be a chain of upscale nightclubs centering around the middle Georgia areas. It is demographically targeted to middle aged adult’s ages ranging from 25 and up. LEVEL 3 aims at providing quality entertainment, food and refreshments along with a welcoming environment that will give our customers a unique and entertaining experience. Company Overview This company evolved through a partnership on January 19th 2005. LEVEL 3 is located in Perry, Georgia

  • Describe the Scene upon Entering a Music Venue

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    The snow flutter towards the ground, the doorstep of the ‘Ministry of Sound’ nightclub. Despite its Christmas card and angelic appearance, with it brought a bitter and frigid chill that penetrates the insides of the crowd that waits. The red faced group shiver as they wrap themselves in their thick winter coats. Full of excitement, the fans stand on their tiptoes, anticipating their entry to the music venue. A large man, presumably the bouncer, wearing a black formal suit and an ID strapped on his

  • student drug use in scottish university

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    out’ on campus at least three or more nights per week. The attendance of ‘nights out’ on campus fell to only two visits per semester for two of our sample, whilst the other kept to much the same pattern. All four of our sample attended the ‘Fubar’ nightclub in Stirling town centre every Thursday. Respondent X was the only subject whom started university with any friends from back home. All traveled home regularly to see friends in first two years of university, with the exception of respondent Z who

  • A Critique of the Movie, The Birdcage (La Cage aux Folles)

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    A Critique of the Movie, The Birdcage (La Cage aux Folles) A gay couple, living in a gay apartment, with a gay houseboy, above a gay nightclub, in a gay city . . . and they have to straighten it all out for one evening.  In 1996 La Cage aux Folles (a 1978 French play) was remade by MGM into The Birdcage, a daringly flamboyant comedy that is in-tune with the times and redefines the idea of family values.  It combines the talents of Robin Williams (Armand), Nathan Lane (Albert), and Hank Azaria

  • Orlando Nightclub Shooting

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    In June of 2016, the deadliest mass shooting in the United States happens at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. In the aftermath of Sunday morning when covering the shooting, News 13 a local news channel from Orlando used pathos in their news to create fear about terrorism to the audience. On the other hand, The New York Times used eyewitness videos and expert interviews to appeal logic. During the covering of the shooting, News 13 was on its sadly well-honed tragedy TV cruise control, correspondents

  • James M. Cain's Novel Mildred Pierce: Comparing the Book and Movie Version

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    are very different from each other. “James M. Cain sent several letters of complaint to producer Jerry Wald, objecting to the changes Wald wanted to make, especially the dramatic idea of making Veda a washout musically and putting her in a tawdry nightclub” (Bennett Notes). The three main differences in the film were, the murder of Monte, Veda not having a successful career, and the time period only covering 1941 to 1945. The main difference between the film and the novel was the murder that Hollywood

  • The Poetry of Langston Hughes

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    ranching.  With aid from his father, Hughes attended Columbia University, but soon became disgusted with university life and immersed himself in his first love - the poetry and jazz and blues in Harlem.  Hughes supported himself in odd jobs such as nightclub doorman and steward while he traveled to places as remote as West Africa, Italy, and Paris.  During this time Hughes wrote poems that earned him a scholarship to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.  His first book of verse was published in 1926. 

  • Al Capone

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    Rumored to have started pimping prostitutes before reaching puberty, he was raised on the tough streets of Brooklyn and earned extra money as a bouncer in various brothels. By the age of twenty, Capone had moved to Chicago and was managing a popular nightclub named The Four Deuces. By 1924, Capone had his hand in various rackets, including prostitution rings, bootlegging, and gambling houses and was believed to be earning over $100,000 per week. Capone had mastered the art of politics, and as a wealthy

  • The Power Of Sexuality In Maupassant's Bel Ami

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    prostitution into great literature with Bel-Ami. In La Belle Epoque, these women were seen as status symbols since it was only the wealthy that could afford their company. In Bel-Ami, Georges Duroy and Charles Forestier go to the Folies-Bergere, a Paris nightclub. Forestier, a prominent editor at La Vie francaise, is given special treatment—a free box in the dancehall. Thus, the combination of sex and status worked both ways: being seen with a prostitute signified wealth, and being of high status gave you