MTV Networks Essays

  • MTV Network Challenges in Arab Countries

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    in music television channel, MTV networks took the challenge of introducing their services to the Arab countries. This was measured as one of the principal challenges they ever faced due to the assumed classic and conservative culture in Middle East countries. The greatest fear the network had was product acceptance failure considering cultural and religious traditions. As a strategy to overcome this challenge and get through in the Arab countries market, an MTV network choose to partner with local

  • Thinking Globally and Acting Locally

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    Thinking Globally and Acting Locally The maxim of thinking globally and acting locally has very successfully been enhanced within MTV Networks International. It has positioned itself as globally acceptable TV network and it has dominated in the entertainment market across the world. Youths in different countries enjoy the MTV shows and programs. However, this has had both negative effects and positive effects on the youths. Globalization has led to an increasing connection among different people

  • MTV Moderator

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    Weaknesses: The constant reruns of outdated shows are holding MTV back. Also, the lack of the musical entertainment offered by Music Television does not bode well for MTV. This is huge departure from it’s original core competencies. They once excelled in putting new bands on display, but in recent years has shown no support for grassroots music. They are often following behind the trends and successes of other shows on different networks, giving them a disadvantage to building an invested viewer base

  • The Unreality of MTV's The Real World

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    The Unreality of MTV's The Real World “This is the true story, of seven strangers, picked to live in a house, and have their lives taped, to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real”(MTV). This marks the beginning of MTV’s reality show, The Real World. The show takes 7 strangers, puts them in a trendy luxurious home, taping them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for about 4 months. The cameras capture petty arguments, late night hook ups, and pure laziness. How

  • Music Television: Modern Phenomenon or Passing Fad?

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    reasons for this effect. MTV promotes a romanticized teen lifestyle, reflecting the images of famous artists that differ with the realities of the “Generation X” lifestyle. While some view the station as “illustrated radio” or an entertainment network for viewers’ pleasure, others more accurately consider it as an advertising enterprise that endorses products and promotes attitudes (O’Neil 12). Whether or not MTV critics agree with these “messages” that, the network sends out, it has become a huge

  • The Effects of MTV on American Culture

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    MTV, formally known as Music Television, is one of the most viewed networks on television today. Roughly thirty-three years old, it has changed the American culture drastically in more than just one way. Specifically targeting teens and young adults, the MTV network provides all of the most up to date gossip on celebrities, highlights the latest fashion trends, promotes versified lifestyles, and defines the music industry of our generation. However, this so-called “idolized network” has not always

  • How Did MTV Influence Music During The 1980s

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    Music Television (MTV), a new twenty-four-hour music video channel, launched with the famous words: “Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll” (Youtube). The launch is remembered in history as the most important event to influence music during the 1980s. MTV’s excelling popularity following its debut initiated a musical and cultural evolution. The Golden Age of MTV from 1981 to 1992 was branded by the MTV effect, which affected the industry and defined the music of the 1980s (Beer). MTV revolutionized music

  • How MTV Maintains Its Dominance

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    How MTV Maintains Its Dominance Music Television, a basic cable service known by its acronym MTV, remains the dominant music video outlet utilizing effective marketing and competitive business practices throughout its nineteen year history. The creation of the "I Want My MTV" marketing campaign and use of the campaign throughout the 1980's helped the cable outlet secure a substantial subscriber base. MTV dealt with competition from cable mogul Ted Turner's Cable Music Channel by creating a fighting

  • MTV

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    music is received today. A new network station called MTV, arrived on air for the first time. The production opened with a relatively old song called, “Video Killed the Radio Star,” by the Buggles. The industry for music on television introduced new bands and artists, and revived the fame of veteran musicians such as the Buggles, after their appearance. The fad brought a surplus of money to MTV and gave a voice to the young controversial generation of the 80s. MTV: Music Television was an idea formed

  • Revolt TV

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    MUSIC NETWORK) For those of you who are not aware Revolt TV is a new music cable network from Sean Combs ( P.diddy) which was setup in 2013 Dedicated to the artists of our generation. It is a multi-digital platform that is accessible 24/7 , the website includes the latest videos and latest news in regards to music including documentaries. There are no sections, just one feed of content. The most interesting thing I found out about Revolt TV is that it was created to rival the likes of MTV & VH1

  • The Making of MTV

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    Changing has seemed to be the way MTV has survived over the years. MTV has grown very much since it was created. It is no longer only the “Music Television” channel. When ratings started going down, MTV had to branch out. MTV has done multiple studies on what their viewers want. The information found has been taken and used to form the MTV we have today. It is full of other projects that have made MTV very successful. One thing that seems to be keeping MTV alive is its large number of successful

  • MTV: Ladies And Gentlemen, Rock And Roll

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    phrased used announcing the first music video airing on MTV ( ) kicking off in 1981. Since the beginning, music has stood as one of many essential factors of international connectedness within MTV’s global brand. MTV makes use of this concept, and utilizes it by uniting youth and youth cultures abroad through shared global experience. The importance of music directly within its brand identity ( ); Over the years the MTV logo has been used to embody monumental iconic moments

  • Creating Suckers for Consumption: MTV and Pop Culture

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    be hard for one to dispute the fact that MTV has influenced every pop culture trend since its birth in 1981. One could even say that MTV is pop culture. No other media network holds in the palm of its hand the power to control popular cultural evolution the way MTV does. What other media network has influenced and helped shape public opinion, filmmaking, newsgathering techniques, presidential politics, and world politics like MTV has? In addition to that, MTV can take credit for reconstructing the

  • The Façade of Teenage Dreams

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    Throughout the years, the portrayal of greed within teenagers seems to have become more and more intertwined in reality shows as the generations pass. On shows such as My Super Sweet Sixteen and The Hills which are viewed on the Music Television network (MTV), teens act ignorantly but yet they are celebrated, even idolized, for such behavior. People may argue that these shows are solely aired for “entertainment” purposes or showing the “rich side of the spectrum”, but the messages behind them are

  • MTV Influences on Teenagers

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    MTV Influences on Teenagers No longer just a cable network for music, music television channel MTV has become an important factor in shaping values for American teenagers because of shows such as Tom Green, Real World and Road Rules. Many of the music videos are also past of this trend. Unlike other TV programs, Tom Green does not have the director. The show is created by a middle-aged Tom Green and a cameraman. For most of the time that I watch, Tom Green goes from street to street, store to

  • How Did Music Influence Music During The 1980s

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    Several music genres included Rock and Roll, Hip Hop, New Wave, and Hair Metal, of which have influenced our music today. Arguably the most important event to influence music during the 1980s was the creation of the cable network MTV (Music Television). MTV was the first network to exclusively showcase music videos, making its debut on August 1st, 1981. The first music video to be played on the channel was, appropriately, the Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star," as music would forever change and

  • Representation Of Women In Music Videos Essay

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    images were projected on to a screen, while the duo played their song simultaneously (Indiefilm, 2011). Since then, music videos have flourished and become a huge carrier and disseminator of culture – especially with the advent of television shows like MTV and websites like YouTube. Like all forms of media, music videos have the ability to influence society in a number of different

  • Nudity and the 21st Sextury

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    are referring to nudity you are referring to not only power, but also vulnerability. It is especially known for its power in the music industry ever since the beginning of MTV. While MTV is now known for its reality TV shows, in its prime it brought attention to something truly unique which is the music video. In that time MTV set the stage for the evolution of music channels by allowing other genres to branch off. In this paper I aim to explain the aspect of nudity and sexuality in relation to music

  • Evolution of MTV's The Real World

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    live in a house… work together and have their lives taped… to find out what happens… when people stop being polite… and start getting real” (Robinson par. 8). The reality television program, The Real World, by MTV, had its first airing in 1992 and is one of the longest-running shows in MTV history. Initially, the program was designed as an outlet for young individuals to express common issues of adulthood ranging from prejudice, religion, AIDS, sex, and substance abuse, but eventually it evolved

  • The Reality of Reality Television

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    The idea of a "reality tv" show was first presented by MTV in the early 90's. The concept of the show was to place seven strangers in a common house for six months, all the while recording their social interactions. The intention was to observe the social dynamic and development of the housemates as they (according to the show's opening slogan) "stop acting polite and start getting real." The Real World debut was a major success for the network, especially in attracting a large teenage audience. Set