Monsoon Essays

  • The Effect of the Monsoon on the Indian Society in Cochin, Kerala

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    The Effect of the Monsoon on the Indian Society in Cochin, Kerala The monsoon holds the power to promote or devastate India ’s economy. Indeed, India has the potential to be a lot more prosperous were it not for the fickleness of the monsoon. “Floods, drought, famine, and poverty continue to drag her down each times she seems ready to spread wings of prosperity and fly towards a brighter future full of richer harvests.” 1 Sometime from the end of May to about the second week of June the southwest

  • Monsoon Wedding Film Analysis

    561 Words  | 2 Pages

    Good morning and welcome to the Ink On Screen, the one television series that shall be informing you on the most popular foreign films that have stolen Australian's hearts! Buckle your seat belts for the selection tonight is “Monsoon Wedding”, a masterpiece of the century. Each and every person is woven into a rich-filled journey revealing an interplay between heart-bound rituals based on traditions and that of modern practices. Directed by Mira Nira who was conceived in India and the youngest of

  • Film Analysis: Monsoon Wedding

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.) Describe your experience watching Monsoon Wedding. What about the film stood out to you? What did you find interesting, important, surprising and/or confusing? At first I found the movie Monsoon Wedding, confusing. In the beginning of the movie, they were speaking a different language and there were captions to communicate to the audience. I felt as if I would not be able to relate to this movie or follow the story due to the cultural and language barrier. Eventually, they were speaking English

  • Modernization rising beside tradition in Monsoon Wedding

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    The perception of India is vastly changing with modernization emerging alongside India’s former traditions. Mira Nair does this quite well in her film Monsoon wedding (2001). The use of Hindi and the English language adapt to its western viewers as well as its Indian viewers. Mira Nair also illustrates a family background that is rare in a traditional Indian family. Some family members from the Verma family are from different parts of the world; including the groom who is an engineer from Houston

  • Ap World History Dbq Analysis

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    Throughout history, geographic factors have affected the way people interact with their surroundings. Deserts and monsoons have affected specific regions such as North Africa and South Asia. These geographic factors have shaped the way these regions developed throughout history. The Sahara desert affected the development of North Africa. The Sahara’s large temperature range and small supply of water can make the region difficult to thrive upon. However, it is not impossible. As stated in document

  • Climate and Society of China

    940 Words  | 2 Pages

    Climate and Society of China Monsoons, Flooding & Droughts Believe it or not, there is a direct correlation between weather, climate and society. Since the first civilizations of the world, these three themes have affected one another. Weather has influenced civilizations in terms of the clothing and shelter which are necessary to protect oneself from the elements. On the other extreme, climate and weather have also acted as positive factors in the case of areas such as Cancun, Mexico. Continuous

  • Impact of rainfall on agriculture

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Indian summer monsoon plays an integral role in the Indian economy. Even after seeing tremendous growth in the service and the industrial sectors, India remains predominantly an agricultural country. The Indian summer monsoon, therefore, plays a large role in terms of water availability and ensuring food security. The monsoon in India occurs in two phases: the Indian summer monsoon, occurring in the months of June-July-August-September (the JJAS cycle) and the winter monsoon, occurring in the

  • The Solo River

    771 Words  | 2 Pages

    longest river in the Indonesian archipelago, located at the island of Java. It runs through Mount Lawu’s slopes, passes through the province of Solo, and streams over the lowlands then discharges to the Java Sea. Java is well known to have a tropical monsoon climate; therefore flooding is a common environmental problem throughout Indonesia. Java has lengthy humid forecasts during October up until April, with the most humid months being January and February. Due to the recent eruptions of the Mount Merapi

  • Climate Change In China Essay

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    society and building a country of innovation friendly environment . introduction Complex climate and a fragile ecological environment to determine that the task of China to adapt to climate change is difficult. China is characterized by a continental monsoon climate , and most regions of China have a wide range of seasonal temperature variation compared to other continental areas at the same latitude . Many places in China are cold in winter and hot in summer, and high temperatures generally prevailing

  • Natural Disasters in Beijing, China

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    are caused by Beijing’s natural climate which is described as a monsoon climate. This climate creates frequently occurring droughts, sandstorms, and a very rainy summer. In this paper I will discuss Beijing’s natural climate and the natural disasters that occur within the city. Climate Beijing has very predictable seasons and a climate which is described as a continental monsoon climate. This climate is due to the East Asian Monsoon which is defined as a monsoonal flow that carries moist air from

  • Personal Writing: My New Life In India

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personal Writing: My New Life in India Tap ... tap ... tap ... I looked up to see a blurry figure of my mother tapping a few fingers on my shoulder. "Sorry to wake you up, Rishi, but me and Daddy have something important to tell you." She was not smiling. I got up, now fully awake, wondering what was going on. With my father standing next to her, my mother crossed her arms and, in a tone that I knew could not be argued with, stated, "We have decided to move to India permanently." I was awestruck

  • Thailand

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    THAILAND Climate Northern Thailand has a typical monsoon climate, but since it lies well North of the equator. It does experience marked seasonal temperature variations. The ‘wet season’ monsoon rains start in late May or early June and continue until October. Temperatures in the lowlands are around 32 degrees in the mid-afternoon, falling to a minimum of around 23 degrees at night. It rains on most days but rarely continuously. In August and September, typhoons sometimes occur. With heavy rain

  • Geography of India

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    with a climate that is often desribed as tropical monsoon type. There are four seasons: “winter (January- February), hot weather summer ( march- may), rainy south-western monsoon ( June- September) and post- monsoon, also known as the north-east monsoon in the southern peninsula ( October- December). India's climate is affected by two seasonal winds- the north-east monsoon and south-west monsoon. The north-east monsoon commonly known as winter monsoon blows sea to land after crossing the Indian Ocean

  • Climate Change In Bangladesh Essay

    2303 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction In recent years, a number of severe weather events have prompted increased concern over the role of climate change in changing weather patterns. Many vulnerable regions around the world have been greatly impacted by increasingly severe weather. For residents affected by these events, the consequences can be life-changing. Indeed, severe weather events, such as flooding, can greatly affect regions where it occurs, creating social, economic, and potentially serious health impacts. Residents

  • Newari Social and Cultural Connections to the Weather and Climate

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    required to visit a number of monasteries, shrines and other prayer courtyards. This festival takes place during the monsoon season, which would generally be a hindrance to the people, but they are mandated to make these pilgrimages no matter what the weather is and how hard it might be raining. Gathan Mugah is another festival that takes place in August, and is based off of Nepal's monsoon season. Since the farmers are very busy working the fields and tending crops during the rainy season, they often

  • Jakarta Case Study

    1589 Words  | 4 Pages

    4. Risk-based Approach - Case of Jakarta The City of Jakarta is a lowland area with an average altitude of ±7 meters above sea level. It has a coast that stretches in the north from west to east faces the Java Sea. The Capital Territory has more than 110 islands and there are about 27 rivers/waterways/canals that are used as sources of drinking water, fisheries and urban businesses. The city is prone to many natural hazards, in this case, a risk-based land use planning is necessary. A risk-based

  • The History and Culture of Bangladesh

    1844 Words  | 4 Pages

    book)The nation’s rapid growth has led to serious overcrowding. About one third of this extremely poor country floods annually during the rainy monsoon season, causing for bad economic development. Bangladesh has three main seasons; tropical, mild winter that lasts from October to March, a hot humid summer that goes from March to June, and a humid, warm monsoon season that brings them back to October. The terrain of the country is mostly flat plains across the country and hilly on the southeast side

  • Monsoon Wedding

    1304 Words  | 3 Pages

    Monsoon Wedding Analysis: Commemorating the Old, Embracing the New Monsoon Wedding reveals an experience that is equally foreign and familiar to both American and Indian audiences. In what seems to be a combination of Hollywood and Bollywood, the movie starts with a chaotic, arranged marriage that ends in moments of dramatic revelation and joyful celebrations. In her movie, director Mira Nair also provides a glimpse of two different couples, Alice and Dubey and Aditi and Hemant, centering in on

  • Monsoon Wedding Essay

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    Monsoon Wedding reveals an experience that is equal amounts of foreign and familiar to both American and Indian audiences. In what seems to be a combination of Hollywood and Bollywood, the movie starts with a chaotic, arranged marriage that ends in moments of dramatic revelation and joyful celebrations. In Monsoon Wedding, director Mira Nair illustrates the tension between a traditional and globalized India but encourages her audience to embrace both customs by comparing the marriages of Alice and

  • Monsoon Floods In Pakistan

    1539 Words  | 4 Pages

    past summer, seasonal floods across Pakistan killed more than 67 people and displaced thousands. Similar events has been constantly plaguing millions of people in Pakistan for the past five years, where this country has experienced unusual severe monsoon rains in the summer. One of such event was the devastating floods in 2010, which displaced an outrageous 11 million people. This report will examine how much impact the 2010 floods had on Pakistan 's population and it will inspect the displacement