Louis Zamperini Essays

  • Essay On Louis Zamperini

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    Louis Zamperini went from being a olympic runner then his life shattered when his plane crashed and he became a Prisoner of War and was beaten severely. Louis Zamperini was an olympic runner. He was on a raft for over 45 days, then became a Prisoner of War and was punched roughly 220 times in the face. Louis Zamperini was a Olympic runner, then was a resilient Prisoner of War. Louis Zamperini was a notorious kid who used his speed to get away from the cops . Louis Zamperini was born January 26th

  • Essay On Louis Zamperini

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    through adverse life is the only way to change for the better. Louis Zamperini began at his place of birth in Italy as a young thief and began smoking at the age of 5. He changed his way of life and became a track star in the US who competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Louis persevered through many challenges much worse than his unwealthy upbringing. Louis

  • Unbroken essay

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand is written about the perspective of a young Olympic runner named Louis Zamperini. He is from Torrance, California. Life for him was normal until the he was called into service for his country. It was then when one of his most unforgettable experiences developed. Louis who is not a lone survivor shared his horrendous experiences with Russell Phillips. Together they went through the hardship of surviving not only through a plane crash but also a POW camp. The plane crash

  • Informative Essay On Louis Zamperini

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    Louis Zamperini was an Olympian and a prisoner of war during World War II. He was born on January 26, 1917, in Orlean, New York. He was a smoker by age 5 and a drinker by age 8, and had spent most of his youth with a criminal family.(Andrews) Louis became a criminal, stealing almost anything he could find that wasn’t nailed down. Louis’ family was worried that he would soon end up either in prison or on the streets.(Zamperini) Louis Zamperini’s life of crime ended while he was in high school though

  • Louis Zamperini Research Paper

    693 Words  | 2 Pages

    all my life I had always finished the race.” — Louis Zamperini Louis Zamperini is the prime example that you can do anything if you keep your mind too it then you can achieve it. From being stranded in the ocean for 47 days without water, food and being circled by sharks. Or to be in a Japanese prison camp, or running the 5,000 meter run in the Olympics and shaking hands with Hitler. According to the article (“ Louis Zamperini” “things not know” ) Louis was born on January 26, 1917 in Olean, New York

  • Unbroken: The Resilience of Louis Zamperini

    614 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unbroken: a World War II story of survival, resilience, and redemption. By Laura Hillenbrand (pp. x, 387) Laura Hillenbrand was using Unbroken and the story of Louis Zamperini to inform us on just one of many inspiring stories from World War II. Laura interviewed Louis 75 times and since then Laura has been so fascinated by his amazing story. The troops are not back in their barracks, the guns not cold, before the first bestsellers hit the shelves. And as for the old wars, some catch the public's

  • A Brief Biography of Louis Zamperini

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    Louis Zamperini is an elderly man in his 90s. He has lived a life of adventure as a World War II Veteran and an Olympic athlete. He is recognized as a war hero by others, but he does not accept being a war hero. Why don’t we go back to see what he has done in his past to earn such a title. Louis Zamperini is a child of Italian ethnicity. His mother and father both immigrants from Italy had two children. Pete, the oldest child and Louis Zamperini. When they arrived to America none of them could speak

  • Louis Zamperini: A Prisoner Of War

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    As explained in Unbroken, a biography about Louis Zamperini,

  • Unbroken Essay Papers

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    There are many challenges in life and how they are overcome can separate that person from everyone else. Louis Zamperini in Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand was one of the best runners to ever live and his road to success was not an easy one. Running is not only a sport that requires physical toughness, but requires mental toughness and both of those were key elements that helped Louie Zamperini stay alive. As a child Louie was active and enjoyed to investigate the world around him. Being a middle

  • Louis Zamperini Research Paper

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    Biography of Louis Zamperini The plane was losing altitude, the ocean blue as can be, and Louis Zamperini (a.k.a. Louie) hugged his body waiting as the plane sank. In WWII many planes went missing, but Louie thought he would never be one of them. The water hit him like a train, then crept in closer. Louie was stuck in the gun mount. According to Louie he went unconscious, and when he awoke he was free. Gasping for air, he swam up from the depths of the water chamber. When he arose from the water

  • How Does Louis Zamperini Survive

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    later become a hero and role model for millions. His name is Louis “Louie” Zamperini, and he is noted by many to be one of today’s most inspirational individuals. Eager to share this American legend’s story, Laura Hillenbrand spent countless hours researching and interviewing Zamperini, along with those who knew him well. As a result she published the best-selling novel Unbroken. In the book she descriptively describes the challenges Zamperini endures from his delinquent childhood to the challenges and

  • Louis Zamperini: Aircraft Accidents In WWII

    1177 Words  | 3 Pages

    over the Pacific Ocean. The men that lived through the crash and survived on a raft just to be captured by the Japanese were put in POW camps for the remainder of the war. One of these men is Louis Zamperini, an Olympic athlete and track star from Torrance, California. His plane went down due to a malfunction

  • Critical Analysis: Unbroken Louis Zamperini

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    What makes a person who they are? Maybe it’s their self concept, self-esteem and self efficacy. Throughout the movie Unbroken Louis Zamperini discovers beliefs he has, his self esteem and questions if he is good enough. In Communication 218 we have been leaning what makes a person who they are and how it effects the way they communicate in there everyday lives. Zamperini will realize his self concept, self esteem and self efficacy throughout the course of the movie. In chapter three of Interplay

  • Louis Zamperini A Role Model For The World

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    One man is not capable of changing a nation, but he is able to change the people in it; to show them humility, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Louis Zamperini was an unlikely hero for America, and an even unlikelier role model for the world. “Louis Zamperini was a World War II prisoner of war, an Olympic athlete and an inspirational figure and writer” (Biography). He was born into an immigrant Italian family and faced discrimination, and lacked support throughout his early life, but he became an advocate

  • Louis Zamperini: A True American Hero

    4084 Words  | 9 Pages

    these were the same person? Louis Zamperini was all of the things described above and much more. Louis Zamperini was not only one of the best athletes of his generation, but he was also a true American hero. Louis Silvie Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917 to Anthony and Louise Zamperini. The Zamperinis were Italian immigrants which was definitely not the best thing to be in early 1900's America. Louis Zamperini was the couple's second child. As a young boy Zamperini was a troublemaker, to put

  • Louis Zamperini Unbroken Optimism Quotes

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    1939 – September 2, 1945 world war 2 erupted and up came a man his name was Louis Zamperini. During Louie's life as a young adult, he decided to join the army to defend his country. Then during one of his missions on the way to the bomb site two, two of the four engines on their b-24 malfunctioned sending them plummeting into the ocean. In the book Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand uses the life experiences of Louie Zamperini to show the traits of optimistic and resourceful. After all the experiences

  • Louis Zamperini: A Positive Role Model

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    hoping, and striving for success unique to each individual. Louis Zamperini is one man who remained resilient throughout all the hardships he had to face, but it wasn’t always easy for him. It is through his triumphs over his tough times that he became an admirable role model for anyone experiencing difficulties. He displayed the honorable traits that all humans are inherently capable of if they dig deep enough within themselves. Louie Zamperini survived the harsh conditions of the Pacific Ocean

  • Unbroken Essay Papers

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie Unbroken is a war drama film based on a true story. The setting of the film takes place during World War II. A boy goes through trouble, athletic success to a survivor for his country. A young boy by the name of Louise “Louie” Zamperini begins his life as a troubled kid. Not obeying the rules of his mother, drinking alcohol, smoking behind buildings and getting into fights with the little boys that picked on him. He was pushed by his older brother who ran track to start his life in track

  • Summary Of The Story 'Unbroken'

    848 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Unbroken” is a story about the life of Louie Zamperini; however, it is also a story of survival, resilience, and redemption. The story starts off with a young Louie which the reader or watcher can tell is a trouble maker. He was an outcast because he was an Italian immigrant. This lead Louie to do bad things such as smoking and drinking at the very young age of ten. He would also steal and run from the cops. He would get away with these activities because he was naturally a fast runner. Once he

  • Louis Armstrong

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    Louis Armstrong Heroes are needed in the world to give people something to look up to, someone to be like. Louis Armstrong over came such adversities as poverty, a lack of good education, and racism to become one of the greatest jazz player not just of the 1920s but of the 20th century. Armstrong was one of the creators of Jazz and was one of the most popular entertainers from the 1920s. Starting out at a young age he never knew that one day he would be such a popular jazz