Logical data model Essays

  • Fundamentals of Database Design

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    Design Methodologies Fundamentals of Database Often as a company grows there may be a demand , because their data volumes increases and it is difficult to store their data physically in papers .They needed effective secure, and easy ways to do this. To counteract this companies came up with file systems which had their own constraints .So they went for the latest used solution now available the database. Temenos a technology manager cited about a relational database oracle as below "Oracle Database

  • Process Modeling in System Analysis and Design

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    Data modeling is used to represent the system visually. It describes how data should be used to meet certain requirements given by the user. (Ref) This helps to ensure that all the requirements of the system have been met. There are numerous types of models used for different reasons, including logical and physical models. Each type of modeling has a specific purpose and is essential to the overall project. Some modeling describes the logic of the system, while others show the flow of information

  • Data Dictionary Essay

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    (Chapter-8) 1.Define the term data dictionary. Define metadata. Data dictionary is a reference one of data which represents the same data itself.Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. 2. What are four reasons for compiling a complete data dictionary? The four reasons for compiling a complete data dictionary are as follows: a.Check the dataflow diagram for completeness and accuracy b. Providing a starting point for developing screens and reports c.Determing

  • Internet Business Models

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    Internet Business Models The Internet can help companies create and capture profit in new ways by adding extra value to existing products and services or by providing the foundation for new products and services. The Internet Business models are abstraction of what and how the enterprise delivers product or service, showing how the enterprise creates wealth by taking advantages of the Internet's rich communication capabilities. They provide the customer with a new product or service; they

  • Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems

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    a large set of structured data. Information Retrieval System is an activity that will obtain information resources that has been saved in database. The data need to be saved in database so that user can access the database anytime they want. This system often use in the library for searching books or in other department for use in searching data. Database management system often used in large company, however not only with large amount of data, a small amount of data can also be saved in database

  • a

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    SYSTEM Database handles with structured data by using well defined formal language for data manipulation. Information Retrieval deal with unstructured data without a well-defined logical schematic. Database have fixed schema driven in some data model such as relational model. Information Retrieval has no fixed schema and has various data models such as vector space model. Database uses structured query model. Information Retrieval uses free-form query models. Database contains rich metadata operations

  • Data Quality Definition

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    . Data Quality. It is very difficult to say what data quality means. The word quality itself has different meanings for different people. Even for an individual the word may has a different meaning regarding the circumstances. I will use an example to try to make it clearer. If we ask three people to tell us which car they believe is a quality purchase, we will get three or even more different opinions. Some people will say that acceleration matters, others will say security. Some would prefer an

  • Benefits of Big Data

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    transfer of data and information in a matter of seconds. With this innovation has come an increase in communication, enhancement of understanding other cultures, and a mass gathering of data. The amount of data now in existence due to the internet has created the need for big data. Big data has developed as a solution to the traditional computer infrastructure that has become obsolete due to its inability to handle the massive amounts of data now in existence. The benefits of big data are ever expanding

  • Big Data Essay

    638 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.1 Big Data Big data[1] is defined as massive amount of data , which is difficult to process, capture, manage and analyze by traditional software techniques in reasonable time . These data can be complex, vast, diverse, heterogeneous in nature. Sources[2] of these data can be online transactions, video, emails, audio, images, logs, posts, tweets, search queries, science data, health records, sensor data, social media interactions. In order to describe Big data, following are the properties[4][1]

  • Logical and a Physical Model

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    must be modeled. Models are created for visually represent the planned system so that business requirements can easily be associated with system items to ensure that all requirements have been completely and accurately gathered. In this paper, I will be discussing two types of modeling, and that is Physical modeling and Logical modeling. One reason why modeling is so important in systems analysis is so the system and all of the systems requirements are precisely characterized. Data modeling is a way

  • Importance Of Analysis Model

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    software development, software validation, and software evolution. The analysis model is a set of models and first technical representation of the system. Several methods have been proposed for analysis modeling. The two common and well known approaches are as follows:  Structural analysis is a building model which determines the data ( their attributes and relationships) and the processes that transforms the data.  Object-oriented analysis based upon the concepts of Classes and their inter-relationships

  • Nt1310 Chapter 4

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    design is the first step in moving from the problem domain toward the solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirements specification and the final solution for satisfying the requirements[]. In this chapter we will produce a model that represent the system which can be used later to build the system. In the next sections we are going to discuss the architectural design of Smart Course. The architecting process can be thought as a decision making process in which the appropriate

  • Information Retrieval Essay

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    information needs of its users. Information retrieval (IR) systems use a simpler data model than database systems. Information organized as a collection of documents. The effective retrieval of relevant information is directly affected both by the user task and by the logical view of the documents adopted by the retrieval system. Information Retrieval (IR) is the method that contract with retrieval of unstructured data mainly textual documents, in response to a query or topic statement, which may itself

  • OSI Model

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    OSI Model Introduction Successful communication of any type contains four key characteristics. These characteristics follow: 1. A sender: This is the person who is sending information. 2. A receiver: This is the person the sender is sending the information to. 3. A common language: If the sender and receiver are going to understand each other, they will need a common language and protocol, or specific method of communicating. 4. A common medium: The sender and receiver could

  • Database Administration Roles

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    information and they depend on DBA’s for this, DBA another important role is to Backup and Restore the data. Majority of the time scheduler like features used here to take Backup of database. Space management is also important at this step and archiving like process also performed by DBA. Restore process is not often used but this is one of important part of DBA role. Database Security Maintenance: - Data is very important and to keep it secure is more important, DBA has to make sure that database has


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    Rauseo                                         IT310 OSI Model In the early years of computer and network research and development many systems were designed by a number of companies. Although each system had its rights and were sold across the world, it became apparent as network usage grew, that it was difficult, to enable all of these systems to communicate with each other. In the early 1980s, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recognized the need for a network model that would help companies create

  • Demarco's Systems Analysis Method

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    process leads to a successful result or not will depend on its product which is the target document. As planned, if the Target Document is capable of performing its task, to serve as a model of the new system, that shows the success of the specification process. The Structured Specification has several components: 1. Data Flow Diagram (DFD): Depicts processes and the flow of... ... middle of paper ... ... the world. Organizations use more and more computers. Almost every employee knows how to

  • Analyzing The Id3 Algorithm For Reading Data Stored On Multiple Data Sources

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    ID3 algorithm for reading data stored in multiple data sources. It comes under the broader topic of data mining. Data mining is the reading and processing of useful data from different sources. Essentially, the process of hunting for required or useful data contained in a large database is characterized as data mining. In the case of logical outcomes, a decision tree is predominantly used for analysis. The advantages of using a decision tree are that it is easier to model, analyse, and manipulate

  • strenght of relational model

    2600 Words  | 6 Pages

    first database systems were based on the network and hierarchical models. A database can be defined as a collection of non-redundant data which can be shared by different application systems. A database implies separation of physical storage from use of the data by an application program to achieve program/data independence. Using a database system, the user or programmer or application specialist need not know the details of how the data are stored and such details are usually "transparent" to the user

  • web and database attacks

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    effectiveness of advanced technologies are establishing great opportunities for development of distributed system at a large scale. Although, this remarkable growth has also come with some security concerns which need to be carefully handled because some of data available in these platforms is really vulnerable as well as sensitive. For instance business now days have turned to ecommerce platforms to tap the increasing number of Internet user but the industry need to address several security concerns to ensure